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1. The teacher asked the students to submit their homework by Friday.(老师要求学生在星期五之前提交他们的作业。)。

2. She is good at playing the piano, but she has never performed in public.(她擅长弹钢琴,但从未在公共场合演奏过。)。

3. The government has implemented measures to reduce air pollution.(政府已经实施了减少空气污染的措施。)。

4. Our school organized a charity event to raise money for the local orphanage.(我们学校组织了一次慈善活动,为当地孤儿院筹集资金。)。

5. The company is planning to expand its business overseas.(公司计划拓展海外业务。)。

6. The novel is set in 19th century England and tells the story of a young woman's struggle for independence.(这部小说设定在19世纪的英国,讲述了一个年轻女子为独立而奋斗的故事。)。

7. The athlete broke the world record in the 100-meter dash.(这位运动员在100米短跑比赛中打破了世界纪录。)。

8. The conference was attended by scholars and experts from various countries.(会议吸引了来自各个国家的学者和专家参加。)。

9. The company's profits have been declining for the past three years.(公司的利润在过去三年里一直在下降。)。

10. The museum houses a collection of rare artifacts dating back to ancient times.(博物馆收藏着一批追溯到古代的珍贵文物。)"。


1.Teachers always encourage us to adopt different methods, and require us not to give up when wen do not exceed.

2.He spent a whole day on working out the ten words from the ogogriph.

3.The search for a human-like animals has been taken a step up by the explorers

4.Even though this area is sourrond by hills, the trees on the hills are being destroyed.

5.According to a recent research, a half of time students have been spending on is to do their assignments.


1.When he heard that -- the surprising news, he was so surprised that he couldn't utter a word

(2) in the old professor research in Europe

3.(they go to sea in ancient history for the missing plane

(4) he is a slow change idea

5 that covers an area of 80,000 square meters of school is our new campus

6: my hometown is a country with a long history of village

7 brought me back to the old photographs for thirty years ago)

8.I planned to arrive there on time, but it didn't work out


1.Teachers always encourage us to adopt different methods, and require us not to give up when wen do not exceed.

2.He spent a whole day on working out the ten words from the ogogriph.

3.The search for a human-like animals has been taken a step up by the explorers

4.Even though this area is sourrond by hills, the trees on the hills are being destroyed.

5.According to a recent research, a half of time students have been spending on is to do their assignments.

