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关于玫瑰的英文句子,英语小短诗 玫瑰

关于玫瑰的英文句子,英语小短诗 玫瑰



英语小短诗 玫瑰

1. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.。

2. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.。

3. She was like a rose, beautiful and delicate, but with thorns that could prick you if you weren't careful.。

4. The rose is a symbol of love and beauty, and it has been cherished for centuries.。

5. The fragrance of a rose is like no other, sweet and intoxicating, it can transport you to another world.。

6. He gave her a bouquet of roses, each one representing a different emotion - love, admiration, gratitude, and friendship.。

7. The petals of a rose are soft and velvety to the touch, a gentle reminder of the beauty that can be found in nature.。

8. The rose is a timeless classic, beloved by poets, artists, and romantics alike.。

9. The thorns on a rose may be sharp, but they serve as a reminder that beauty can also be dangerous.。

10. The beauty of a rose is not just in its appearance, but also in the way it makes us feel."。


I was in pursuit of a wonderful fragrance, but ended up with my hands full of rose-thorned scars.

I followed the trace of a beautiful fragrance, but I found my hands scarred by rose thorns.

英语小短诗 玫瑰

The Rose She's made it through the summer rain,her scent being embeded in my mind.She's faded away in the freezing days,her splendid red lingering on.I'll remember the dew shing brightly;I'll cherish a dream to appreciate her smile once again;She could alleviate my stress,pulling me through the desparate circumstances with no words.She informs me of the truth that I not succumb to the fears inside cause I have faith and an inner peace.She' now in my pot,representing a revived life.她穿越夏季的滂沱大雨,花香弥漫。






