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1. Hello, how are you?。

2. My name is ________.。

3. What is your favorite color?。

4. Do you like to play sports?。

5. Can you count to ten?。

6. I am six years old.。

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?。

8. This is my pet dog/cat.。

9. How do you spell your name?。

10. I like to read books and play games."。


Unit 1.

1. above the chimney 在烟囱上

2. on the roof 在屋顶上

3. behind the tree. 在树后

4. above the tree 树的上方

5. in front of the car 轿车的前面

6. There are four birds on the tree. 有 四只鸟 在树上

7. like to draw. 喜欢 (做)

8. every day, 每天

9. work hard at drawing. 努力学习画画

10. no money to buy 没有钱买……

11. draws…with thin sticks 用树枝 画

12. one night 一天晚上

13. comes in his dream 进入 他的梦中

14. turn… real 将…… 变成真的

15. draw for 为 画

16. a pair of shoes 一双鞋


1. We have a baby. 2.He is a boy. 3.She slept a lot. 4.Tom often goes swimming. 5.She often cries. 6.They sat on their mother's legs. 7..She... 8.It eats a lot. 9.We often run. 10.She made her mom busy. 11.They... 12.These are new pants. 13.These are brown socks. 14.He can fly in his dream. 15.These are pink sweaters. 16.Please pass me a sweater. 17.His pencil is long. 18.Her coat is new. 19.She likes her dress. 20.These are new socks. 21.these are brown shirts 22.tim likes red clothes. 23.jim has a fantastic dream 24.they have new shirts. 25.he has a pink bag


三上:Whai's your name? My name's Chen Jie. This is John. Mice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine,thank you. Let's paint. Great. Look!I have a rabbit. Cool. May I have a look? Sure.Here you are.I like hamburgers. Have some French fries.Thank you. Can I have some chicken?Sure.,Here you are.How old are you?I'm 9.How many balloons?4.

