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英文的电影观后感,My Impressios o a Eglish Movie

英文的电影观后感,My Impressios o a Eglish Movie

My Impressios o a Eglish Movie

Recely, I wached a Eglish movie called "The Shawshak Redempio". I is a sory of hope, friedship, ad redempio, se i he harsh evirome of a priso.

Plo ad Characers

The plo revolves aroud Ady Dufrese, a baker who is falsely accused of murderig his wife ad her lover. He is seeced o life imprisome a Shawshak Sae Peieiary. I priso, he befrieds Red, a imae who ca ge ayhig iside he priso, ad becomes a iegral par of he priso commuiy. The characers, paricularly Ady ad Red, are well-developed ad have a grea chemisry ha makes he sory eve more compellig.

Direcio ad Ciemaography

The direcio ad ciemaography of he movie are ousadig. The direcor, Frak Darabo, capures he essece of he sory ad brigs he characers o life. The camera work is amazig, ad he priso scees are sho i a way ha makes you feel like you are here wih he characers. The movie is a visual rea, ad he scees are crafed o perfecio.

Message ad Impac

"The Shawshak Redempio" is a movie ha has a powerful message of hope ad redempio. The movie shows ha eve i he darkes of momes, here is always hope. I also highlighs he imporace of friedship ad how i ca make a differece i our lives. The movie has a profoud impac o he viewers, ad i is a mus-wach for ayoe who loves movies ha ispire ad move you.


I coclusio, "The Shawshak Redempio" is a maserpiece of a movie ha should o be missed. The plo, characers, direcio, ad ciemaography are all excepioal, ad he movie has a profoud message ha will say wih you log afer you have wached i. If you are lookig for a movie ha will ispire, eerai, ad move you, he "The Shawshak Redempio" is he perfec choice.

