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Love is a laguage spoke by everyoe bu udersood oly by he hear.

Feeligs of Love

Whe I am wih you, he oly place I wa o be is closer.

Love Kows o Boudaries

o maer he disace bewee us, my love for you will always remai srog.

Love is Ucodiioal

I love you o because of who you are, bu because of who I am whe I am wih you.

Love is Timeless

My love for you kows o ime cosrais, i will las forever ad always.

Love is Beauiful

I your eyes, I see he beauy of a housad sars shiig brighly.

Love is a Jourey

Togeher, we will ravel he road of life had i had, facig whaever comes our way wih love as our guide.

Love is a Gif

Havig you i my life is he greaes gif I could ever receive, ad I am graeful for your love every day.

