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1. Grammar is not set in stone. Use the first person “I” or “we” for anecdotes and stories, and the impersonal “it” for news items and objective writing.

2. Brevity is the soul of wit. If you’re writing an email or memo, try to keep it short and sweet. Use the STAR method to frame your memo or email in a logical format: Situation, Task, Action, Result.

3. The pen is mightier than the sword. Use powerful verbs to create a sense of immediacy in your writing. Avoid passive verbs and weak verbs that dilute your message.

4. Context is everything. Use “and” to add coherence to your writing and to link ideas together. For example, “I went to the store and bought groceries.”

5. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. If you’re writing an essay or report, use analogies, similes, and metaphors to make your writing more engaging and relatable.

6. A good listener is always a good talker. Use “uhhuh” or “mm-hmm” to show that you’re listening to someone else’s story or point of view. Paraphrase what they’ve said to show that you understand their message.

7. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things outside yourself. Use SMART goals to frame your objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

8. Rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration are powerful tools in writing. Use them judiciously to create a catchy opening line or conclusion that hooks your reader in.

9. Less is more. If you’re writing a letter or email, use the “rule of three” to frame your message: Start with three sentences that summarize your main points, use three paragraphs to develop those points, and end with three sentences that restate your main points and/or provide closure.

10. The first step is as good as half the job done. Breaking a large task into smaller, manageable steps will help you complete it more efficiently and with less stress.



1. 开头句型

As we all kow,…/ I is well kow ha…/ Recely,…

例如:As we all kow, he Iere has revoluioized our lives.

2. 表达观点句型

Persoally, I believe ha…/ I my opiio,…/ I hik…

例如:Persoally, I believe ha educaio is he key o success.

3. 列举句型

Firsly,…Secodly,…Fially,…/ Oe example is…/ Aoher example is…

例如:Firsly, we eed o save more eergy. Secodly, we should reduce wase. Fially, we mus ake acio o proec he evirome.

4. 因果句型

Because…/ As a resul of…/ The reaso why…is ha…

例如:Because of he global pademic, more ad more people are workig from home.

5. 对比句型

O he oe had,…O he oher had,…/ While…/ Ulike…

例如:O he oe had, some people argue ha robos will replace huma workers. O he oher had, ohers believe ha robos will compleme huma labor.

6. 结论句型

I coclusio,…/ Therefore,…/ To sum up,…

例如:I coclusio, educaio is crucial for success i he 21s ceury.


