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Eglish is oe of he mos commoly spoke laguages i he world, ad beig able o cha i Eglish ca be very useful. Here are some commo seeces ha you ca use i everyday coversaios.


1. Hi, how are you?

2. Hello, ice o mee you.

3. Good morig/aferoo/eveig.

Geig o kow someoe

1. Wha's your ame?

2. Where are you from?

3. Wha do you do for a livig?

Expressig opiios

1. I hik...

2. I my opiio...

3. I believe ha...

Agreeig ad disagreeig

1. I agree wih you.

2. I see your poi, bu I hik...

3. I'm afraid I ca' agree wih ha.

Askig for clarificaio

1. Could you repea ha, please?

2. I'm sorry, I did' cach ha. Ca you explai i agai?

3. Ca you give me a example?

Edig a coversaio

1. I was ice alkig o you.

2. I have o go ow, bu le's alk agai soo.

3. Goodbye, ake care.

These are jus a few examples of commo seeces ha you ca use i Eglish coversaios. Remember, pracice makes perfec, so do' be afraid o sar chaig i Eglish!

