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英文短句子唯美,Beauiful Eglish Shor Seeces

英文短句子唯美,Beauiful Eglish Shor Seeces

Beauiful Eglish Shor Seeces

There is beauy i simpliciy.

Sars ca' shie wihou darkess.

She was a raibow, bu he was color blid.

Love ad Ligh

Love is he bridge bewee you ad everyhig.

You are my su, my moo, ad all my sars.

Le your ligh shie.

Dreams ad Hope

Dream big ad dare o fail.

Hope is he hearbea of he soul.

Believe you ca ad you're halfway here.

Sregh i Adversiy

She believed she could, so she did.

Sars ca' shie wihou darkess.

Wha does' kill you makes you sroger.

These beauiful Eglish shor seeces capure he essece of love, ligh, dreams, hope, ad sregh i adversiy. They remid us o fid beauy i simpliciy, le our ligh shie, dream big, have hope, ad believe i our ow sregh. Le hese words ispire ad uplif you i your jourey hrough life."。

