1. 春天的到来,让大地换上了新装。
2. 夏日的阳光,总是热烈而耀眼。
3. 金秋的果实,是勤劳和付出的回报。
4. 冬季的白雪,宛如天空撒下的糖霜。
5. 秋天是一首悠扬的歌,唤起了淡淡的思念。
6. 冬天的寒冷,考验着人们的毅力和坚韧。
7. 春天是大自然的生日,充满了生机和活力。
8. 夏天是热情的舞者,释放着无尽的热力。
9. 秋天是收获的季节,付出的汗水化作硕果。
10. 冬天是沉静的诗人,书写着银装素裹的诗篇。
Spring: Chunyiangran, spring bloom, Jade, spring came to earth girl, grass quietly out of the head, Zhang looked at this strange and familiar world Swallows came from the north, to participate in this banquet of flowers in full bloom.
夏:夏日炎炎、骄阳似火、汗流浃背 知了不停的叫者:热热热……
Summer: The scorching summer, the sea, called the sweat of us non-stop: hot hot ... ...
秋:天高气爽、秋风扫落叶 硕果累累的秋天更让人欣喜。
Autumn: Qi Shuang-day high, the wind sweeping leaves in the fall of the great achievements even more delighted. You see, it's persimmon Huang Chengcheng like a small lantern covered with branches, like many people in the harvest of good news to report ... ...
冬:寒风凛冽、天寒地冻、足不出户 北风呼呼的刮着,刮在脸上像刀割般的疼痛。
Winter: cold and windy, cold and clammy from the north of the homes get days, scratching his face in pain like knife cuts like. People wrapped in thick winter clothes, also of the non-stop shaking ... ...
春天,万物复苏,阳光和煦,一派生机盎然的景象 夏天,艳阳高照,蝉鸣蝶舞,植物正茂盛,郁郁葱葱,挡住了毒热的阳光