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1. If only the rain knew how to sing the pain away.

2. Time heals all wounds, but leaves scars.

3. Your absence gnaws at my heart, a constant reminder of what I miss about you.

4. I pretend I don't miss you, but deep down my heart remembers everything.

5. Tears hide behind the veil of my heart, secrets that never see the light of day.

6. Memories are like scars, they fade with time, but remain forever etched in stone.

7. I wish I could bottle up my feelings and save them for a rainy day.

8. Love is blind, but without you, my world becomes so transparent.

9. Sometimes the heartache never really heals, it just gets comfortable enough to live with.

10. I fake a smile because deep down, the thought of you brings me to tears.



1. If I could ake back he higs I said, I would do i i a hearbea.

2. Do’ le yeserday’s pai rui your omorrow.

3. Everyoe has a hearbreak sory. I’s a par of life.

4. I’s o abou wha you’ve doe, i’s abou wha you ca do.

5. Time heals everyhig. Eve he deepes wouds ake ime o med.

6. The bes way o predic he fuure is o creae i yourself.

7. Success is o fial, failure is o faal: I is he courage o coiue ha cous.

8. You ca’ love someoe else uil you love yourself firs.

9. The bes higs i life are he oes ha brig ears o your eyes bu a smile o your face.

10. I’s okay o be sad someimes. I meas you care abou wha you’re feelig.

11. Pai is emporary, bu characer is forever.


2. Laugher is he bes medicie for relievig sress ad improvig mood.


3. ohig i life is worh losig sleep over. Tomorrow is a ew day.


4. Be srog eough o sad aloe ad brave eough o le go.


5. Life is 10% wha happes o us ad 90% how we reac o i.


6. Tomorrow is aoher day, ad here’s sill a lo of life lef o live hrough.

