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英语教学反思记录范文用语 第1篇

《Unit 6 Holidays》教学反思

本单元围绕节日和“谈论节日里所做的事”来展开教学的,这是一个学生很感兴趣的话题。而本课时的有关的节日单词有的学生已见过,因此在本课的复习环节学生有的能读出单词,另外,本课的重点句型What do people usually do at/on??? When’s ?? It’s in ?和理解和朗读课文。英语因该从听,说,读和写四个方面来组织教学,因此每一堂课我都努力从这四个方面来展开教学工作。在对本课的教学时我尽量做到这四点。









Unit 6 Holidays





[教学方法]: 情景教学法 、演示法

[教学目标]: 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇Children’s Day, people。

2、能正确地听、说、读词汇Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn

Festival, May Day, National Day, Dragon Boat Festival.

3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型When’s ?? It’s in ? What do people usually do at/on ??They ?



[重点、难点]: 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇Children’s Day, people。

2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型When’s ?? It’s in ? What do people usually do at/on ??They ?



Step 1: Free talk

1. Enjoy some English songs:

2. T: From the songs, we can know it is Christmas Day. Christmas Day is a holiday. Today we’11 learn Unit 6 Holidays.

3. 课件出示课题,齐读。Today we’11 learn the holidays in China. Do you know some Chinese holidays? (National Day / Children’s Day/ Teachers’ Day)

Step 2: Presentation

A. Children’s Day

1. 当学生说到儿童节的时候,课件马上出示儿童节的图片,朗读和拼写词组:Children’s Day

2. T: Do you know more about Children’s Day?(指名让学生说说)

Let’s surf the internet.(浏览儿童节的有关来历的节日资料。)

3.(课件出示儿童节的欢庆场面)T: When’s Children’s Day? (It’s on the first of June.)

What do you usually do on Children’s Day? (I usually sing and dance.)

We usually have parties at school, too.

4. 出示以上两个词组,跟读,个别读。

5. When’s Children’s Day? (It’s on the first of June.) 出示句型卡片。

What do children usually do on Children’s Day?( 引导学生回答:They usually sing and dance and have parties at school.)出示句型卡片。

6. Can you ask your partners? Work in pairs. Act it out.

B. Mid-Autumn Festival

1. T: Look at the picture! What’s this? (Moon cakes) What are they doing? (They’re eating moon cakes and watch the moon.) Look at the moon. How bright it is! So what holiday is it?( Mid-Autumn Festival)

课件出示词组,跟读,开火车读。中秋节介绍:It’s a

traditional festival. It’s for family. In China, people usually spend their time with their family.

T: When’s Mid-Autumn Festival? (It’s in September or October.)

I usually eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. What do you usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?(I usually ?)

What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival? (引导学生回答:They usually eat moon cakes and watch the moon.)

Now, let’s make a dialogue like this: When’s ?? It’s in ? What do people usually do at ?? They ?(课件出示这段对话。) Work in pairs, act it out.

C. Dragon Boat Festival

1. 课件出示图片:What’s this? (rice dumpling-eat rice dumplings) Read after me. Read one by one. 出示另一张图片:What are they doing?(They are having dragon boat races.) 出示词组卡片,跟读,个别读。What are they doing? (They are watching the race.) So what holiday is it? (Dragon Boat Festival)出示词组卡片,跟读,小组读。Boys and girls, do you know Qu Yuan? At Drag Boat Festival, people usually throw rice dumplings into the river for Qu Yuan. Do you know more about Dragon Boat Festival?(生交流搜集到的资料。)

2. T: When’s Dragon Boat Festival? (in May or June.)

Can you make a dialogue like this?(指黑板上的句型。)Work in pairs. Act it in pairs.

3. 开火车问答。

D. Spring Festival

1. Listen, what can you hear? 课件播放鞭炮声。 What holiday is it?(It’s Spring Festival.)出示单词卡片,跟读,齐读,个别读。

2. T: Do you know something about Spring Festival?(指名介绍)

3. T: When’s Spring Festival? (It’s in January or February.) What do people usually do at Spring Festival? (They usually eat lots of delicious food and visit their relatives and friends.)出示两个词组,跟读,齐读。

4. Can you make a dialogue together?

Step 3: Consolidation

英语教学反思记录范文用语 第2篇

Some Thoughts Concerning Education

Know English education, he was moved by the gentleman's education,“ education on” really is a very suitable for us to read -- understanding of Rock's“ gentleman education” method; to study -- Study of Rock's educational thought, learning of his education; to distinguish - a dialectical view of the education of Rock thought and method, continuous improvement. I think that those people the beginning of a father mother or parenting, must read this book these his thoughts is recorded in his writings on education on“ education”.“ Education in” book of 217sections, divided into three main parts: a body care ( section 1~30) two. The moral education ( section 31~146) three. Intellectual ( section 147~216)217th section is the conclusion.( a ) physical health careIn“ educational talking”, Rock first talked about

health education, because“ we have our own business, want to be happy, must have a healthy body; and to achieve success and win recognition, rise head and shoulders above others, but must first have to endure hard to strengthen the body”. In general, in our present point of view, should be put in the first place because of virtue, virtue is how to evaluate a

person's success factors, for example: we are not so care about Zhang Haidi's body or his mind is not complete and deny their ability. But, why would Rock do that attention to physical health? In fact, it is with the time closely related. The bourgeoisie in the rising phase, they are business, to navigation, exploration, colonial conquest, the fund with ew open up, so the body is not healthy to good and fast completion of these tasks. So, Rock solemnly presented“ the happiness of life has a short but full description: healthy mind in a healthy body .”. For him to have done special research as well as some hear seen specific comparative evidence to put forward specific suggestions for health education,

including:1avoid be spoiled;2 feet to exercise and cold bath;3swimming and outdoor

activities;4in5; diet and meal;6 sleep and bed78; defecation; medication;9 body care rules. He suggested that“ a gentleman should be sincere and prosperous farmers do to treat their children”, advocate“ whether summer or winter, children should not wear too warm”, the child is best not to wear a hat, should be every day cold feet, the sole to be thin, do not dress too tight, diet should be light and simple, do not drink wine or strong drink, fruit should be in anteprandial eat, rest time early to bed and early to rise, should sleep on a hard

bed, defecation time, after the medication is not sick. Also added was Rock clearly pointed out that“ I will discuss here is mainly boys education method, the education of girls is not fully applicable.”. The proposal put forward by Rock and our society advocate a healthy way of life there are many similarities, but some are not applicable, such as: Rock thought the meal time“ as best as possible are not fixed,” modern social thought this would make the digestive fluid secretion disorder, easily lead to gastrointestinal disease. Of course Rock these recommended in addition to exercise the child's body, to make the healthy growth of children will also help exercise.( two) moral educationTalking about how to make the

children keep healthy and energetic, Rock believed that “the second is the main problem to let the spirit remained normal, making it on all occasions can reflect a rational animal nobility of excellence”. Rock puts forward “ of all virtues and the great value principle and foundation is:, a person can restrain his desire, can disregard their own hobbies and pure follow a rational thought is the best guide, although desires tend to another

direction”. I think this is the rationality is an important principle in the spirit of the

child, the most delicate time, let them to comply with discipline, obedience to reason, to

let them know what should be and what is not supposed to, what is to be done and what should not do, and why so why not do. As Thomas Henry Lakshley points out that“ perhaps the biggest education value, it can make you do what you have to do, if that's what you should do, whether you like it or not.”. Let the children learn the reason, learning using reason to

control their behavior, need to do:First, meet the child's natural need, but what, how much to meet, should from parents to children to choose and arrange. Can not because the child crying Begging, give him what he wants. So it is easy to enhance children's possessive. China is now the only child parents should pay attention to this point, never again will the child form“ small emperor”“ little princess”, otherwise they blame is to obey in every way they too love their parents and other caregivers to their people. I personally think: in no

to meet at the same time, we should tell children why should such an arrangement, let them know we are well-intentioned rational, not give oneself over to blind emotions. For example, my little cousin in other friends and relatives can be most simply by crying she wants ice cream, chocolate, candy, also can refuse her didn't like the food, such as carrots, rice, fish. But in my home, my mother told her that she refused food for her growth and health. Then, her every day to eat a little. Along with the growth of the age, children will also slowly realize what is beneficial to them. But if the parents as early as possible to

explain to them the stakes, they should be a little earlier to understand these

, to teach children to learn to share. “ Let them know from experience, the most generous person who got the most, but also can get the respect of others and

reputation, so they will soon learn to do”. Now China 's one-child more and more at home, their lack of companionship, only in kindergarten or school can come into contact with similar-age partners. So I think, parents and teachers to teach them how to share, share those belonging to their own things, such as: exchange toy play, share, share the fun,

together with the resolution of pain. Parents and teachers should encourage children to tell their partners together things, timely praise him or partners' positive behaviors and

thoughts, also want to point out their mistakes to give certain kind or severe

on moral education also made many specific suggestions:1“ education should doctrine is a major event training what kind of habit; therefore in this matter, as well as in all other things, if you do not want it to continue growing, cannot make a habit of it” to let children develop some good habits! 2 handle the relationship between parents and children,“ if you want a child in awe of you, you will be in his infancy. Mark; but when he is getting more and more close to the adult, you should take more and more familiar approach to treat him ( her ); thus, when he was young, one of your obedience servants -- it is then suitable for your identity, and later became one of your intimate friends, because in my opinion, people treat their children is extremely impolitic, them when the children were young hour let it free, and the adults regardless of you and me, but when the children grow up an adult, but the fulminate, keep distance with”3reward and punishment to develop

simultaneously, make children feel sincerely respected happy and be humiliated shame. “ Only a moral constraint, because of wrong, should be punished and shame”, while only a fault should be a punishment, it is stubborn, or rebel -- intentional. Determination of

resistance. 4 sermons to take into account the child's age, temperament and interest. 5let children learn moral in the most simple, the most easy, the most effective way is to“

establish you want them to do or should they avoid things model, the model refers to them,

at the same time, beautiful or ugly, published reviews.”.( three) intellectual“ Education” on the third part is about intellectual, Rock put forward some reasonable advice:1 induce children to learn, to learn as a reward or game;2let children read some simple, interesting and suitable for their ability to books;3foreign language learning should create a can only speak the language ; the outstanding skill lies in and keep the students' the teacher's teaching methods, I would like to add to Armstrong's words:“ if a child is a discipline with poor performance, we should from his strong intelligent project proceed with to remedy the missing items, but not always for him no intelligent project desperately to him. His weak intelligence to improve his has lagged behind the skill, but perceptibly, will only increase student learning helplessness, finally make his interest in learning completely disappeared”.

英语教学反思记录范文用语 第3篇

Reflection on Teacher-centered and student-centered

strategy in English Classroom

For centuries, education and curriculum designers emphasized English curriculum on teacher-centered learning. In recent years, although student-centered teaching method has been developed and been approached in real learning environment, the decision such as selection of language contents, ways of learning, assessment and evaluation of learning outcomes are still being made by teachers or educators. Traditional teacher-centered teaching and learning was the main way how students learned and teachers taught when I was a student. Normally, in the initial stage of English study, learners learned new rules and some vocabularies firstly, and then during the period of the practices imitation, learners practiced their pronunciation, exercised about the grammar, recited vocabularies. And after some English structures have already been acquired, sentence patterns and grammatical features were acquired gradually.

Teaching features of traditional teacher-centered method Teacher-centered English learning environment in Chinese classroom for me at each English lesson can be a picture of those teachers specifying class objectives, highlighting entry and learning behaviors, selecting and sequencing learning activities, and then evaluating the outcomes and behavior of students at the ending process. The activities which teachers choosing were general answering question, reading together with classmates, listening to tapes, dialogues study, playing and using flash cards. The teacher may barely used discussion and some student activities from students' sides. There also might be little interaction between students and the teacher and few group works in the classroom. The methods to assess and evaluate the language learning outcomes was the form of examination. The only role of a student was merely a listener.

Advantages of teacher-centered method:

This traditional English teaching -learning method in Chinese classroom as a

foreign language focuses on input of knowledge and structures of language itself and grammatical system. To beginners of English learning or inexperienced learners, it is often necessary to begin by teachers instructing enough fundamental knowledge and making most of the decisions as the foundations of learning. Also learners from the teacher -centered English classroom may cover more topics during the same

period and for teachers, they could achieve their objectives efficiently and control the class effectively.

Shortages of teacher-centered method

Learners who exposed in a long listening environment as listeners rather than participants will feel bored, fatigued, tired, undisciplined and sleepy. Teacher -centered English learning situations in Chinese classroom also are less tolerant toward the expressed students’ viewpoints, and it is more restrictive, critical in

valuing the behavior and motives of the students. This will constrict the creativity of students and they will less bring forth new ideas. Besides, one of the aims for learners to learn another language is for social interaction (Long, 1981). Students need to gain language communicational skills, need to carry out real world tasks and what they do with the language. While teacher -centered English teaching -learning style may block and less focus on the development of students' ability to listening and speaking in English.

Student-centered learning has advantages for both students and teachers. Students develop learning and other skills and gain meaningful knowledge that will help them throughout life. The relationship between rights and responsibilities is learned.

Students discover that learning is interesting and fun and they learned more because they were involved. Teachers have less traditional work to do, especially in the upper level classes. Students are more attentive and willing to participate in the class.

Complaints about irrelevance and unfairness decrease. Teaching is interesting and fun. Disadvantages:

One disadvantage is that there are students who do not relate well to

student-centered learning in spite of a teacher's best efforts. This is most prevalent at the lower levels but can occur in upper level classes. Another disadvantage is that the students have to work in teams. They complain about being on teams. Also students find it difficult to work in teams because they have not been taught team skills. Since student-centred learning places much more reliance on the active role of the student than does traditional teaching (where the student has a relatively passive role), student commitment and motivation must of necessity be very high. Thus, it may be less

appropriate for use with young or inexperienced learners than with older, more mature learners. Indeed, some people are never able to adapt to a student-centred style of learning.

As well as being the producers of learning materials, teachers have another new role in a student-centered learning system. They are no longer the primary conveyors of information, but adopt a more supportive counselling and tutorial role. This function may be difficult for some teachers to fulfill effectively (or even to accept) and, in many cases, it may be necessary to organize in-service courses and other staff development activities in order to help teachers to carry out their new role effectively. Teacher-centered method can give students lots of knowledge and information in a limited time. Student-centered method makes learning less stressful and more enjoyable. However, personally speaking, maybe the teacher-centered method is better for Chinese students. This method is more suitable in China, which has a large population and has a large number of students at school. Firstly, it is quite common that each class has more than 50 students, which makes the class hard to control. Such a large number makes the student-centered method almost impossible. Because the teacher doesn’t have enough time to organize any teaching activity, such as pair work, group work, and role-play. So class time is the first barrier of using student-method. Secondly, in China students’ seats are mostly set in a relative small space so that it is inconvenient for them to change their seats when a teaching activity is proceeding. Finally, the teacher-centered method can give students more knowledge and

information in a limited time. That’s to say, this method can make our class as informative as possible. On the other hand, college students are eager for knowledge and ability so they prefer to learn a lot from their teachers and professors. I can’t deny that student-centered strategy is a trend in teaching-learning environment but teacher-centered one is more applicable and feasible in China of course we shall spare our great efforts to make adjustment to it.

英语教学反思记录范文用语 第4篇


7. cheat. 1) v. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win an advantage;

2) n. a person who cheats; dishonest persons They cheated the old woman of her house and money.

The salesman cheated me into buying a fake. He never cheated in exams.

I see you drop that card, you cheat! I never thought that Sam is a cheat.

8. share 1) vt.&vi. (inwith amount etween) to have, use or take part in something with others or among a group.

2) n. (inof) the part belongs to, owed to or done by a particular person.

The money was shared out between them. Sam and I share a room.

We shared in his joy.

They always share their happiness and sorrow. I have done my share of the work.

9. crazy adj. 1) mad ; foolish 2) [+about] wildly excited; very interested

You're crazy to go out in this stormy weather. John's crazy about that girl.

She is just crazy about dancing.

10. dare v.& .. 1) + to do; 2) + v

to be brave enough or rude enough (to do sth. dangerous, difficult or unpleasant). How dare you accuse me of lying! How dare you ask me such a question? My younger sister dare not go out alone. He did not dare to leave his car there.

11. trust 1) n. [U] (in) form believe in the

honesty, goodness or worth etc, of someone or something

2) v. to believe in the honesty and worth of someone or something; have confidence in I have no trust in him.

I don’t place any trust in the government’s promises.

Why do you trust a guy like him?

I trust your wife will soon get well.

12. suffer v. (for) to experience pain, difficulty or loss

I cannot suffer such rudeness.

