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东京奥运会的范文英语 第1篇

With the posture of _counter attack to win the championship_, we will cultivate and sharpen our struggle strength. At the Rio Olympic Games five years ago, Chen Lijun had high hopes. However, in the 62 kg final _ competition, Chen Lijun finally regretted to leave the stadium of the Rio Olympic Games because his legs cramped before the competition. In these five years, I don't know how much weight I lifted and how many pieces of adhesive tape I pasted on my body. Now, Chen Lijun has staged the return of the king with the strength accumulated for five years, and won the title in the 67kg weightlifting competition of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Party members and cadres should strive in the front line of flood fighting and disaster prevention. Where the situation is most critical, Party members and cadres rush to where. The moment of crisis is an unbreakable dam! Party members and cadres should strive at the forefront of epidemic prevention, leave risks to themselves and safety to others, do a good job in the _iron wall_ of epidemic prevention, and the most lovely people in the front line should demonstrate China's strength with their own actions.

Temper the spirit of _nailing nails_ with the posture of _Golden Chicken independence_. In the 61kg group a weightlifting competition, Chinese athlete Li Fabin broke the Olympic clean and jerk and the Olympic record of total score in one fell swoop. He also adopted the _Golden Rooster independent_ standing posture, which is popular with China's social networks. You know, athletes use their body to drive the weight of the barbell. After exerting force, the rising path control, body braking, diving and support actions of the barbell need to be coordinated in a very short time. It is also so important to win the competition skills“ Party members and cadres should always carry forward the spirit of daring to _nail a nail_, do a good job in _key small things_, devote themselves to every work, solve the people's worries, relieve the people's difficulties and warm the people's hearts with the spirit of serving the people without waiting for time and seizing the day. They should be calm and do small things into major events related to the people's livelihood, We should turn every upset into a comfortable thing for the masses.

With the posture of _climbing the peak bravely_, forge strong ideals and beliefs. Shi Zhiyong holds three world records for men's weightlifting in the 73kg clean and jerk, _ and total score. He is the champion of men's weightlifting 69 kg in Rio Olympic Games. After the weightlifting adjustment of the International Weightlifting Federation in 2018, he was upgraded to 73 kg. Subsequently, Shi Zhiyong frequently refreshed the _, clean and jerk and total results of this level, and Shi Zhiyong again refreshed the world records of clean and jerk and total results“ Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual _calcium_ of Communists. Without ideals and beliefs and unswerving ideals and beliefs, they will be mentally _calcium deficient_ and suffer from _rickets._ Party members and cadres should cast their soul with faith and use faith as their bones. They should be able to see in their daily work, stand at critical moments, and be open-minded at critical moments. They should be _ants on the hot pot_ several times to temper their party spirit and interpret their faith. They should think about problems and do things in a practical way, and take the initiative to undertake some urgent and dangerous tasks, so as not to be confused in the face of all kinds of wind and waves Always maintain the political nature.

东京奥运会的范文英语 第2篇

The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Tokyo Olympic Games, which should have been held in 2020, came late because of the epidemic and didn't meet us until the night before yesterday. At the opening ceremony, when the Chinese delegation appeared, the bright red five-star red flag and the athletes with more than 400 people made people excited and proud.

China's _first gold_ was won by Yang Qian. In our understanding, whether he was admitted to the university or won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, it can basically be arbitrarily said that he had a more successful life. And Yang Qian did both. It is not easy to stand out all over the world and win the Olympic champion. At the same time, he can take into account his studies. He has made achievements in both aspects, which shows that he has mastered a learning method suitable for himself. This is what we should learn from it.

When the second gold medal was won, the whole family sat in front of the TV and cheered. This game was against our stereotype. Hou Zhihui lifted twice her weight, surpassed all the players and won the championship.

So far, China has won hardware, one silver and three bronze, ranking first in the medal list. For us, this may only be a series of proud figures, but for athletes, it is the result of years of pain and sweat, which is hard won. They gallop on the field and inspire us with struggle: exercise hard and surpass ourselves.

There are more than 10000 athletes participating in the Olympic Games. There is no doubt that a large number of athletes will not win medals. Even so, they are rare in various countries. They have also made a lot of efforts and deserve our study and respect.

I wish the Olympic athletes a great success in the Tokyo Olympic Games!

东京奥运会的范文英语 第3篇

Geometry and music are the most common forms of expression in the process of watching the opening ceremony. Let me know that music is in the city of Tokyo, and I also know the geometry through the commentator's explanation, which has a great relationship with the history of their country! At the current Olympic Games, a total of 416 athletes participated in our delegation. Lei Sheng, a 32-year-old male foil athlete of the Chinese fencing team, is the flag bearer of the delegation! When I watched the Chinese delegation enter, I felt very happy and proud! Also, delegations from all over the world looked very excited and happy when they entered the venue! Even our audience is infected! Although the opening ceremony took a long time, I insisted on watching it until the flame was lit!

After watching the opening ceremony, my mother also asked me to check a lot of little knowledge about the Olympic Games, so I also gained a lot! Students, what do you know? Shall we discuss it together after school starts?

东京奥运会的范文英语 第4篇

Whether for the Chinese Olympic sports delegation or hundreds of millions of domestic Olympic spectators, this is not only a bad Olympic Games, but also a wonderful Olympic Games, because in this Olympic Games, from Chinese athletes to Chinese spectators, they show a temperament and a model that they did not have before. This means a new beginning, also means that a new Olympic concept is taking shape, and means that we begin to learn to better interpret the Olympic spirit.

If only from the Olympic medal list, we did fall from the first place in many years to the second place, and some gold medals we should have won were accidentally left behind. But this itself is a part of competitive sports. If the Olympic medal list remains unchanged for decades, it will be too boring. What is particularly crucial is that for domestic audiences, their attention to the Olympic medal list has become more objective, mature and rational, and they will no longer be complacent or depressed for the sake of temporary gains and losses, which is enough to show their self-confidence as citizens of a large country.

If we launch a questionnaire survey to let netizens choose the most impressive things of the Olympic Games, we believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team led by Lang Ping, the _iron hammer_ of that year, cut through thorns and thorns, and finally boarded the Olympic podium again after 12 years, we will win a lot of votes. But we also have reason to believe that many people will choose the expression package of Fu Yuanhui, the _famine girl_, and the proposal show staged by diving couple Qin Kai and He Zi. This shows that we no longer focus all our attention on competition, focus on winning and losing, and focus on medals, but learn to appreciate and enjoy the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games is still the original Olympic Games, but what it brings us, in addition to being heavy and exciting, began to have more and more relaxed and happy colors.

It has to be said that this is not only the normal performance that citizens of a large sports country should have, but also the performance of cultural self-confidence that a country and nation should have. With regard to the Olympic gold medal, subtle changes have taken place in the attitude of the domestic public. From the _more is better_ in the previous Olympic Games to the open discussion of the dialectical relationship between more and less. First, regardless of the outcome of this discussion, it is a rare progress to have an open discussion.

As the competent department of sports, Gou Zhongwen, director of the State General Administration of sports, recently expressed his opposition to the gold medal only theory and the gold medal indifference theory. This is undoubtedly a more objective and neutral attitude. Since it is competitive sports, we will not exclude victory, but work hard and move forward bravely in order to win. To this end, the Chinese women's volleyball team, which was not optimistic from the beginning of the group match, but went through ups and downs and finally won the championship, is proof of this. But even if we are not the first in the gold medal list and lose the original second, it does not mean that we have failed, because behind the gold medal, there is the rapid development of _national sports_ in recent years and the vigorous figure of people active in various sports venues under the _national fitness_ activities, which is more proud.

We enjoy happiness and we are inspired; We feel the tears, we celebrate the victory, such an Olympic Games, is an incomparably diverse and rich Olympic Games, is an Olympic Games in line with the spirit of the times and the needs of the people.

东京奥运会的范文英语 第5篇

Never forget the original mission and cast a _pillar of faith_. Hou Zhihui, a left behind child from Dashan who was born in 1997, was replaced by her teammates due to injury in the last Olympic Games. After five years of long suffering and waiting, she succeeded in one fell swoop and became famous in the first World War in the Olympic Games. Wu Jingyu, a 34 year old two time Olympic champion, lost her _three consecutive championships_ in the Rio Olympic Games. She is the first female athlete to participate in four consecutive Olympic Games in the history of Taekwondo in the world. Most of the athletes in the same period with Wu Jingyu have already retired, but she still returns to the field: _this is not a sacrifice, it is a dream._ Ideals and beliefs are the _calcium_ of the spirit of Communists. As we young cadres walk on the road to realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should adhere to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, strengthen our faith in Marxism and socialism and communism. This is the political soul of Communists and the spiritual pillar for Communists to withstand any test.

Not afraid of setbacks and wind and rain, guard the _concentric column_“ Zhang Jiaqi and Chen Yuxi, the _Post-00 combination_, helped the Chinese diving team win the sixth gold medal in the women's double 10m platform event since they entered the Olympic Games in 2000; Jiang ranxin, who won the bronze medal in the women's 10m air pistol final, _melted copper into gold_, and Pang Wei won the gold medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team competition together. Young cadres stress unity, understand unity and will unite. The spirit of unity is the red blood of Communists from generation to generation. It does not require team members to sacrifice themselves. On the contrary, on the basis of personality, sincere unity and unity of purpose are the best interpretation of unity. Just as a sailboat sailing at sea needs the cooperation of the captain and crew, just as an exquisite painting needs different colors, and just like a beautiful song needs the support of different accompaniments and musical instruments, unity is the life of the party. Nothing can be done without unity. We are united in earthquake relief, fighting epidemic diseases, flood control and flood fighting. It is precisely because of unity, To overcome one difficulty after another and write one touching story after another.

Keep moving forward and rivet the _learning column_. The reporter asked Chen Meng what arrangements he had after the Olympic Games. Chen Meng just replied: _continue training._ What do we think of when we talk about Chinese? Modesty“ Those who know their shortcomings are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent. __ humble bamboo has bowed its head, and proud plum has no upward flowers. __ it is never too old to learn _... Being modest and eager to learn has always been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In the period when young cadres go deep into the grass-roots level and strive for a new journey, the traditional virtues and fine style of modesty, prudence, arrogance and impatience are not outdated, On the contrary, it has more and more important significance of the times. Young cadres should do more hard work and improve themselves based on practice. Only by constantly learning can they enhance their ability to study and solve new contradictions and problems, learn from the old comrades around them and the masses, bend down and get rid of their arms, take the initiative to exercise in difficult places and practice at the grass-roots level, enrich their experience, improve their skills and play an exemplary and pioneering role, Step by step, realize your life ideal.


Be the _vanguard_ who follows the party and pick the _gold_ of bixuedanxin. An inch of heart in your arms is never easy for a thousand years. From China's restoration of its legal seat on the IOC to Xu Haifeng's breakthrough of zero Olympic gold medals, to today's pivotal position of China in the International Olympic Games, the achievement of these great historical achievements is inseparable from the determination of Olympic athletes. Looking back on the past century, our party has set sail in the stormy waves, grown up in the struggle, and strengthened in overcoming difficulties. It is still in its prime after going through vicissitudes, and remains young after suffering hardships. Its tenacious strength comes from countless Communists' loyalty to the party, unswervingly listening to the party and following the party. Based on the new stage and looking at the new journey, Party members and cadres should maintain a _full_ state of loyalty to the party. They should always worry about the party, love the party and serve the party. At any time, they should be _as stable as a mountain_ without paying attention to conditions, discounts and wavering. Turn loyalty to the party into positive actions for urgent and dangerous work such as epidemic prevention and control, flood control and disaster relief and rural revitalization, handle the relationship between personal interests and national and national interests, make contributions to their own posts, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the nation.

Be a _trendsetter_ who carries the heavy responsibility through the wind and waves, and pick the _gold_ for hard work. Difficulties and hardships make you successful. China's Olympic spirit is the spirit of striving to be strong, surpassing the ordinary and challenging ourselves. Whether it's Zhang Yufei who _can lose, but won't easily admit defeat, we must fight_, or Shi Zhiyong who still insists on training, not for winning the gold medal, but for breaking the record... Whether it's victory or failure, joy or regret, they always shine with the pride and faith of never giving up and striving. China is in a period of promising historical opportunities. This is a critical period for China to move from a big country to a powerful country. As the backbone of the party and the national cause, Party members and cadres should carry forward the Olympic spirit of hard work, have broad shoulders and hard backbone, consciously shoulder the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the times and the people, and be determined to _not break the Loulan and never return it_, With the fighting spirit of _thousands of grinding and thousands of hitting, we will strive for strength, reform and innovation, forge ahead, and bravely climb the_ peak _of officer entrepreneurship with stronger political responsibility, higher work standards and more practical work style.

Be a _pioneer_ of integrity and integrity and set an example, and pick the _gold_ of integrity and public service. The world road is like greed and danger. Several people have missed their lives here. In the Olympic Games, fouls mean touching the red line, and fouls often come from _lack of people_. General secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that party members and cadres should make good use of the _steering wheel_ and fasten the _safe belt_. _Honest and clean_ is also one of the five standards that the general secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in the new era. On the _track_ of pursuing dreams, only those who abide by the rules are truly _dream chasers_. The majority of Party members and cadres should keep firmly in mind the general secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment, always insist on strict demands and high standards, tighten up _ideological ties_, tighten _disciplinary chords_, uphold virtues, abide by public morality, and strengthen personal morality, so that they can see the benefits, be unmoved, not give money to their hands, and be tempted not to move. Always use power fairly, prudently and according to law, and strive to become a good cadre who can reassure the party and satisfy the people.

