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水上运动会范文英语 第1篇

Water hockey freestyle backstroke breaststroke butterfly individual medley freestyle relay medley relay water platform diving synchronized swimming track and field high jump pole vault long triple jump discus hammer javelin throw competition men's and men's double and double double double doubles baseball, basketball, football, handball, hockey, softball, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, bicycle, road self Driving, track cycling, sprint time race, mountain bike chasing, equestrian, equestrian, dressage, event, fenxingo Epee, saber, gymnastics, floor exercise, pommel horse ring, vaulting horse, horizontal bar, uneven bar, balance beam artistic gymnastics, trampoline, modern pentathlon, fencing, swimming, horse riding and cross country running.



水上运动会范文英语 第2篇


Surfing is the term is used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave (the _surf_). However, surfing is not restricted to saltwater, but can sometimes take place on rivers, using a standing wave.

The main use of the word _surfing_ is for riding waves using a board on which the surfer stands. Other forms include bodyboarding, in which the individual riding the wave only partly raises his upper body from the board surface, and from bodysurfing, where no board at all is used

水上运动会范文英语 第3篇

The school's festival is coming, and the sports meet is coming. A fierce tug of war competition is going on in the fourth grade. The players rub their hands in the wide arena, as if itching to drag the other party to their front.

They immediately look at the students around, all with red blood, as if they want to participate. Most of our teammates are like bean sprouts, but half of the opponents are heavy Some of them crouched on horsesteps, clenched their teeth, and tightened the rope. Some people wrapped the rope around their shoulders, turned sideways, and arched their legs.

It seemed that there were several large pots of stewed pork chops tied to the other side of the rope. There was another _heavyweight_ who simply pulled the rope and sat on the ground with one buttock, looking leisurely, as if he even had ten trucks We can't move. The huge physical gap between the two sides is very obvious.

The two _strong men_ can barely pull a fat man, let alone a pencil neck. Sure enough, the _heavyweight_ sitting on the ground stood up, turned around, walked forward, and all of us were completely destroyed in the second round: we changed our strategy - defense was the best policy at the beginning, We will only use less energy to ensure that we will not be pulled across the border line, leaving enough strength to resist their _explosion_. At the same time, we also, as we expected, broke out with obese men who looked down on the enemy, coupled with poor physical strength, and then faced with us for a period of time, and then we were discouraged.

We fell into a great decline, and the third round of the decisive victory finally reached a _great decline_ If you don't do this, it's our turn to work together. The scale of one, two, three victories has pulled us to the moment when we are the winner. The applause of the whole audience was thunderous, and it was a sea of joy.



水上运动会范文英语 第4篇



皮艇为封闭式船只,选手坐在艇内划水,用脚操纵一个机械舵来控制船体。所用的划桨两头均有桨片。皮艇可乘一名、两名或四名选手。奥运会设有男子皮艇赛和女子皮艇赛。 皮划艇(静水)比赛是在尽可能短的时间内通过一段标志清楚而无障碍的航道。



出发以后各舟艇自始至终应按照自己的航道划行,舟艇的任何一部分越出自己的航道,或者未在自己的航道上通过终点线,都属于犯规,航道主裁判可以当场给予警告或取消该艇的比赛资格。 皮划艇(静水)200米、500米和1000米的比赛采用专门的分组淘汰赛制。5000米比赛则采取一次性集体出发的比赛。

水上运动会范文英语 第5篇

football,basketball,volleyball,baseball,tennis, badminton,ping-pong,pedestal ball,bowling,golf. Farmland path,bicycle,race car,motorcycle. Swimming,paddle boat,jump into water, dive , exercise at the sea. Martial arts,boxing , judo,nelson , Tae Kwon Do , Chi Kung, Mountain climbing, rock climb , cookhouse , adventure , skiing, Gymnastics , shoot , ride the horse , fencing , lift weights. Skate, ski.足球,篮球,排球,棒球,网球,羽毛球,乒乓球,台球,保龄球,高尔夫球. 田径,自行车,赛车,摩托车. 游泳,划船,跳水,潜水,海上运动. 武术,拳击,柔道,摔跤,跆拳道,气功,太极. 登山,攀岩,野营,探险,滑雪,. 体操,射击,骑马,击剑,举重. 滑冰,滑雪 .

