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考研英语写作经验总结范文 第1篇




Basic to any understanding of the benefits we can get from_______ is that__________/ First and foremost;

On one hand_________, On the other hand_________;

Besides/ What’s more/ In addition;

First of all/to begin with/above all;

In the second place/in the second instance;

Last but not least/in summary;



Further lending credence to my position is that____________ (简单阐述/例子字不够就多讲点废话)

/I can think of no better illustration than the example of(典型例子)

/ A case in point is that(不是很典型)________,…..some expert pionts out that...

/take ... in instance...

/according to the investigation conducted this year indicates that.../(推荐,为神马,因为句子长,废话多… …)

some statistics expose that...

一句话总结例子:As a result,强调句/倒装句/表利弊的句型/反面论证如果没有会怎样。


Agree or disagree: Admittedly,_____,to some extent, may directly or indirectly ____ /has its undeniable detriments.

For instance, _______

However, the valuable merits of_______ considerably overshadow the drawbacks/ on no account________./


二选一:Admittedly, BB also has certain merits which deserve some words here. For example, ____(字数不够就多讲点)

However,BB 的缺点或AA也可以做到. Compared with AA, (which 可以总结所有优点或针对BB的一方面, )it pales.


Therefore, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any single one of them(字不够了用), I reinforce my stand point that.


Only via(by/through /with/when/after) ___can we__________;

only via(by/through /with/when/after) ___can we________;

and only via(by/through /with/when/after)___can we_______

It is A that...;it is A that...;and it is A that...(不好写或显得累赘就不要了)




On account of/owing to/due to+ N

For the reason that/as/since+句子

It is due to____that

eg:It is due to his persistence and perseverance that he eventually reached his acme.(强调句)

derive/arise/stem from来源于

eg:His success derives from his persistence and perseverance.

ascribe A to B 归结于

eg: His success can be ascribed/attributed to his persistence and perseverance


A serves as a catalyst for B(our further success)

If/on condition that/provided that/as long as________


Despite the fact that/regardless of



Only via(by/through /with/when/after) __do/did/can we__

eg: Only after going to the beach of Hawaii will I know aboutAmerican typical type of spending leisure time.

Hardly/Seldom/Scarcely can__

eg: Hardly can we imagine a world/our life without/devoid of

So +adj+主谓倒装+that__

Not only 主谓倒装 but also...

eg: Not only should education prepare children to compete

Not only do people care their economic needs,they but also want to meet their spiritual needs.

On no account 主谓倒装(决不....)


It is/was....that/who(m)....

限定性副词probably/directly or indirectly/to some(a large) extent



1)It is tourism that gives me the opportunity to know the culture of this dynamic, robust and alive country.

2)It is computers that make our life diverse,convenient,dynamic/ vibrant, without which our life would probably pale.

3)A/which needs to be/In this way, A can be readily accepted, respected,appreciated and advocated.

4)Only via university education can we have systematic knowledge concerning arts and science.

Only via university education can we know the essence of symbiosis and collaboration.

And Only via university education can we meet the demands of society and make our future success inevitable.



A、认为(尽量避免的表达,以下例句同,不再重复说明:I think/I believe/As far as I am concerned)

1.别人认为:assume, argue, contend, maitain, hold the perspective that…

2.我认为: I am inclined to the view that…(开头引入自己观点)

convinced that…

I aware that… (比较弱)

I cling to a belief that…

B、不同人有不同看法(Different people have different opinions)

People’s perspective diverge on this controversial issue.

There is no consensus among people concerning this controversial issue.

C、举例(for example/for instance/let me give you an example)

fitting/ telling/ apt/ striking example is that…

case in point is that…(口语常用)

lending credence to my position is the example of …(***倒装)

can be aptly/ well exemplified and illustrated by the case of+n.

the fact that + 句子

the following case

can think of no better illustration than the example of…, who….(***最高级)

it comes to music talent, eminent individuals ranging from Mozart to Beethvoen come immediately to me. (***此处也是细节)

illustrate this, we need no look further than the case of……(举例)

Visualize/ Picture/ Suppose……


I am invariably fascinated/ captivated/ enchanted with/ by…

Hardly can I resist the temptation of sth.

be obsessed with/by …


Statistic figures show/ manifest that…

Many surveys/ investigations 显示 that 越来越多的 universities have 重视 the credit system, which peobably would 带来不好的呃影像.(中文从一下中选词)

显示: manifest/ illustrate

重视: place a great/ considerable emphasis on

attach great importance to (不用换词)

on no account can sb. ignore/ turn a blind eye to sth. (***倒装)

越来越多的: a increasing number

带来不好影: exercise an unpredictable/ unforseable consequence(不好的结果都用这个) upon


It is not difficult to imagine that if……

It is modern technology that makes our life simple, healthy and dynamic/ vibrant/ fantastic/ active/ alive, without which our life would probably pale.

Hardly can I imagine the world without the fascination of…… which……


on the contrary/




考研英语写作经验总结范文 第2篇




考研英语写作经验总结范文 第3篇



考研英语写作经验总结范文 第4篇


在写作过程中,如果你要阐述观点,一直用some people say,others say这样的句子很没有说服力,你自己写的时候也很没有底气。在一些出国类的考试的写作中,这些都是要坚决禁止的。因为这样一来你的文章说服力就差了,一旦文章没有说服力,你这篇文章也就徒有其表了。怎么增强你的文章说服力呢,考生要学会使用被动语态,把你所描述的.内容当作一个客观事实来陈述。汉语中用被动句较少,多使用没有人称的主语或者“大家”“人们”,在英语中多使用被动句。例如,Computers have been widely used in various fields.这样一个被动句是对事实的陈述,是一个议论文的标准格式。如果你把它改成一个主动句 We find some use of computers in various fields,感觉就很站不住脚。被动句是我们的作文中应该出现的,通篇都是主动句,偶尔出现一两个被动句会让你的文章增色不少。这就要求大家在复习作文的时候,每天改写几个被动句,练习一下,不要到考场上现想。台上一分钟,台下十年功。 考研 教育\网



考研英语写作经验总结范文 第5篇






考研英语写作经验总结范文 第6篇

题目:Part B

Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and

(3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.



第一段:As is shown in the picture, two men react in distinctly different manners when they see a bottle get tipped over and half of the water spill. Wearing a glooming look, one man covers his forehead and curses his luck, complaining, “ it’s all gone”. While the other smiles and hurries to set it back up. We are informed that various folks take different attitudes toward the same occurrence.

(第一段主要内容是描述图画和总结图画,首先固定语句如图所示,表达方法有As is shown in the picture/ As is symbolically demonstrated in the cartoon/ As is symbolically illustrated above…有很多表达,我均收集在了模板里面;然后就是描述图画,其实这一部分内容是在文章的最前面,如果描述得比较好那么会给老师奠定一个很好的印象,因此我们在语法不出错的情况下,要注意句式、词汇的运用,尽可能有所增色,基本上图画的内容可以从人/物+动作+状态进行描述,比如图画中的两个人,一人+抱怨说到全完了+带着沮丧的表情,另一人+赶紧拾起瓶子说还剩一点+脸上带着微笑,如果像这种有两个人的图画,分开描述后通过and, but, while进行顺义连接就可以了;最后是总结图画,用一句简单的套路总结一下如 We are informed that …./ It is apparent that …/ straightforward as the drawing is, it is loaded with sobering meaning. 这时主题词应该出现,奠定好文章的主题

第二段:This portrayal reveals that in adverse situations, being optimistic or being pessimistic directs people towards opposite paths. Just as Alexander Bell puts it:”When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” When obstacles confront us, assuming the worst spells more failure, while interpreting them in a positive light always spurs us to look for a silver lining and concentrate upon addressing problems.

第二段的内容比较核心,也是字数最多的一段,看似困难,其实这里告诉大家反而有套路可循,本来第二段就很长,你觉得阅卷老师会仔细斟酌吗,只要有合理的论述展开,有一两句亮点就足以让老师打高分。围绕主题展开的角度可以像上文一样用名人名言+正反论证,也可以用更常见的In the first place, in the second place, last but not least 或者on the one hand, on the contrary…等等,这样列出几点,既可以用正反利弊论证,也可以用因果论证,如果这样,那么会怎么怎么样,还可以用统计事实论证,也可以联系现实举例论证,如举有名的事例或研究结果来论证等等,一般来说几种方法,在自编的模板书里面也详细介绍了图画作文的六种论述方法,任选其二,两两组合就好,在第二段最后,可以适当小结,推荐用强调句一句话进行总结,如It is optimism that inspires us to finish an arduous task.

第三段:In conclusion, being optimistic enables people to behave wisely, kindly, and confidently, and it is also crucial for any individual’s development, in terms of both character and competence.

(第三段相对来说同样比较固定,如若时间有限,完全可以简要结尾,内容包括:归纳总结+建议措施+憧憬明天, 所以可以In conclusion /therefore/ to sum up/ from the proceeding discussion作为开头,然后强调一下主题的重要意义,这里可以穿插一些名人名言,as the saying goes最后再说我们应该怎么做,或者只有这么做,我们才会迎来怎样光明的明天,亦或者如果我们不这么做,终将付出怎样的代价;有些情况下可以省去建议措施部分。最后,给大家提个醒,这非常重要,有部分同学最后一段几乎就全部摘抄固定模板,什么政府应该制定政策啊,媒体应该报道啊等等很多无关且千篇一律的语句一出,让老师发现是套作,很有可能前功尽弃,所以虽然最后一段比较套路,但该有的主题词应该明确出现,总结和建议都应该围绕主题展开。)

考研英语写作经验总结范文 第7篇



考研英语写作经验总结范文 第8篇




(1)尽量少用缩写形式。如don't,can't,won't应写为do not,cannot,will not等。

(2)用更加正式的否定形式。如not… any应写为no, not… much写为little, not many写做few等。

(3)尽量少用“etc.”,“and so on”等表达方式。











考研英语写作经验总结范文 第9篇




考研英语写作经验总结范文 第10篇


因为我是在11月开始准备作文的,可能并没有在整个复习阶段去积累、朗读或是培养语感,事实上,在短期内有目标性针对性练习是提高作文分数的一个更为高效的方法。对此很多同学有一个误区,认为考研作文就是靠背诵常见类型,再重点背诵默写冲刺预测的题目就万事大吉了,在我考研的教室中,正是有不少同学拿着整理的优秀文章反复默背或抄写,其实这往往落入了一个舒适区的陷阱,这样每天不断地进行简单的誊抄,每天一个小时“输入”工作的努力感动了自己, 但却感动不了阅卷老师,当你面对一道全新题目的时候,如果你没有在练习中从“舒适区”转移到“学习区”,那么英语写作这种从无到有的工作你恐怕无从下笔。给大家推荐的方法是对于范文,我们不光要抄或者背原文,而且在看过一遍后要看它的中文逻辑,分析一篇好的文章是怎么展开的,有一些固定结构是什么,常见的一些内容又是如何填充的。



考研英语写作经验总结范文 第11篇

2024大纲小作文新增告示、纪要类型。取代了原来“备忘录和报告”。先说告示。告示和通知在本质上是一样的,都是告知写信对象活动细节。只是格式略有区别,告示要按照书信的格式写,通知有通知的格式。正文的写法还是套用_框架+核心句”,我们提供的9种核心句完全覆盖可用。第二个,纪要。纪要通常指的是会议纪要(Meeting Minutes,注:minutes可以表示“记录”),是在会议记录的基础上经过加工、整理出来的一种记叙性和介绍性的文件,包括会议的基本情况、中心内容。纪要听上去陌生,但是一点都不难,它其实重在考查格式,什么格式呢?












The Significance of the Immaterial Culture Heritage Education in Improving University Students’ National Spirit

Immaterial culture heritage refers to various forms of traditional culture including traditional performance, folk activities, and a lot of national ceremony and celebration, which is close related to the life of common people and passed on from generation to generation. Against the background that China’s traditional culture is facing an unprecedented challenge propelled by and modernization, it’s imperative to educate graduates with China’s immaterial culture heritage to strengthen their national spirit and national identity. Firstly, being a part of the conveyors of immaterial culture heritage, university students will naturally be proud of their nationality. Secondly, such education can motivate them to love their history, culture motherland and compatriots. Finally, university students can bring innovative spirit into the process of learning and strengthen their national spirit in practice.


This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with______________(补充说明).

Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to__________(进一步阐释)It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is______________(进一步的说明). He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节). In my opinion,___________(个人阐述).

This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race).

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在). One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明). On the other hand, ________________(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景).

三、四月份,主背单词,假如你工夫不富余,甚至能只背单词。了解单词的构词法是很重要的技巧,词根词缀了解后会对你的记单词的速度拥有很大的提高。从而是的反复的记忆,别怕忘,忘了再背,1开端狠背单词根本过关之后,剩下的工夫平常一些点空的工夫便抽出来背单词。单词不断别停,背到考前,头几个月会很累,之后便越来越轻松了。一二月份的时分,最好再重新零碎的过1遍单词。还拥有个办法,据某教师说,是的调用你的听觉一同记单词。白昼背完之后,早晨放配套光盘,不看书,听单词,想意思。听完看1遍,再听。听说成效极佳,无妨1试。单词扫尾了之后是的搞长难句,这个花不了多长工夫,但这个是一定要的步骤。 六月份,你能开端做真题了。真题是的拿来研讨的。明显拥有前后之分。第一,考研英语阅读自从九四年之后真题便已根本定型,你能先做九四-二00一年的真题,这些第一词汇量失去扩张,比拟复杂,而且内容同样短,只要四个选项。重要的在于研讨真题的解题办法。这里面要提示所有人,别1味只研讨微观技巧,细节题固然占分相对重较大,但是真正拉分的是微观题。比方说段落宗旨题,态度题,推理题......。所以每一部内容读完,你要会剖析它的大致头绪,找出段落的主题句。英文的内容详细到一部内容会拥有1条主线,而标准的段落同样会拥有1条主线层层张开。要找到段落之间的逻辑关系,和练习对整篇内容的微观掌握,

考研英语作文 满分必背句型


1) There are other techniques that might help you with you studying.

2) There is more entertainment in a good book than is a month of typical TV programming.

3) Most curious of all, there was no quality control whatsoever.

4) There were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.

5) In the past 50 years there has been a great increase in the amount of research being done on the brain.

6) There are so many of thee paths and so many metal particles that it is impossible to land a flying saucer without is being smashed by one.

7) There is much that we can learn from him today.

8) There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.

9) There is no sense(道理)in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.

10) There is little sense in treating the child so severely. After all he is too young to know that he was doing wrong.

11) There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.

12) There were still situations in which I couldn’t be certain my decision had been the right one.

13) There’s no right or wrong in the situation. There’s just luck.

14) There’s no way to prepare for the next time—no intelligent response to a gun.

15) There is no way to stop the process of aging. In fact, we can only delay it.

16) There are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise (还有一些迹象表明……)

17) There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow(起伏波动)

18) Today there is evidence that the time between each of the steps in this cycle has been shortened.

19) There can be on doubt that he is the right person for the job.

20) There is no doubt that their support will make a difference in out cause .

21) There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution of the problem.

22) There is no doubt that Jim had more talent than anybody who ever played football.

23) There’s no substitute(替代物) for practical experience.

24) There is urgent need to debate this issue openly

25) There are tow ways in which one can own a book.

26) There have been some small fluctuation(波动) in the past year, but by and large prices have remained stable.

1) It is advisable to exercise(拥有) patience in dealing with such complicated situations.

2) It is advisable to place important telephone numbers nest to the phone in case of an emergency.

3) It is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chances of surviving in winter.

4) It is essential that the increase in production should be geared to (适应) the increase in public demand.

5) It is necessary that young and old people should communicate more with each other.

6) It is thoughtless of some parents to allow their children to watch whatever program is on television.

7) It is incredible(不可思议) that he ate the big cake just in tow bites.

8) It was obvious to everyone that the marriage would sooner or later end in separation if not diverce.

9) It was clear that Dad could do no more than he was doing already.

10) It is certain that fresh air and exercises are more valuable than medicine.

11) It is certain that with determination and hard work you will succeed eventually.

12) It was quite apparent that both sides were making a great effort to win the prize.

13) It was almost impossible for an Indian to gain even a fair education an extremely difficult, as a result, for an Indian to rese high in life.

14) It is easy to fall into bad habits but very difficult to break away form them.

15) It’s not easy to size up (估计) the situation right now. For we are not well informed on recent developments.

16) It is not easy to say exactly what each part of the brain does.

17) It is not wise to change you money into U . S. currency.

18) It was not until about . when the chariot (马拉战车) was invented that the maximum speed was raised to roughly twenty miles per hour.

19) It is only recently that science has begun to give us some idea of how the brain really works

20) It was not until the century that man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the working of the mind.

21) It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.

22) It was in times of crisis that I finally found out what he was really like.

23) It took the human race millions of years to attain that record.

24) It took a mere twenty-year flick(一瞬) of time to double the limit again.

25) It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth.

26) If it takes less time to bring a new idea to the marketplace, it also takes less time for it to sweep through the society.

27) It will take the council a few weeks to judge the situation before it takes any further action.

28) It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failure to communicate.

29) It is fairly well known that wild animals survive form year to year by eating as much as they can during times of plenty.

30) It is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer.

31) It remains unknown whether there are intelligent beings outside the solar system.

32) It has been pointed out that in 6000B. C. the fastest transportation available to man over

33) It is now thought that the more work we give our brains, the more w** able to do.

34) It can be argued that such a response may not mean much (有人认为……)

35) It is reported that the electronic industry is going on rapidly in recent year.

36) It is reported that there has been a decrease in the annual birth rate over the last two decades.

37) It is estimated that the total exp

What is illustrated in the bar chart above clearly shows that significant changes have occur regarding the contrast between the number of students who choose academic master degree and professional master degree. According to the figures given, we can see the number of students applying professional master degree has been on a steady rise. While recent years have saw a decrease in the number of students who intend to gain academic master degree.

Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned change may summarized as follows. To begin with, under the circumstance of Chinese booming domestic market, an increasing number of students who are expert in professional skills are badly needed. In addition, the development of job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges many students to stay on campus for another two or three years to get better prepared for their career. Finally, we must admit that working pressure is another important factor.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that with the rapid development of our society, the number of students of professional master degree will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.

The bar chart clearly indicates the turnover of online shopping and its growth rate in China from 2001 to 2008. During that period, there was a dramatic increase from billion to 125 billion in its turnover. Meanwhile, the growth rate decreased from 200% to at the same time.

Why dose this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First and foremost, due to the fast economic and social development, people enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. Accordingly, they can afford to buy computers and mobile phones: the common tools for shopping online. Besides, e-shopping is extremely convenient and efficient. It is available 7/24 and this means people can buy what they want anytime without going out. Last but not least, the price of the goods online is much lower than those in the stores, which greatly caters to the consumer’s needs.

From what has been discussed above, we can predict that the turnover of online shopping will continue to increase at an alarming rate and it will give a huge boost to our national economy. However, we should also be aware of its drawbacks, such as fake commodities, personal financial security, illegal ads and so on. Thereby, we should take a reasonable and scientific attitude towards it.

This bar chart indicates different market shares of automobiles of three types of brand affiliations between 2008 and 2009.

In 2008,cars with Japanese brands topped the three types of vehicles,accounting for 35% of the total market. What follows is the cars with Chinese brands,hitting 25% of the auto market,with the share of American brand bottomed out at 15%. In 2009,some developments are noticeable in that the cars with the largest share became those of Chinese brands,which occupied roughly 32% of the market,while cars with Japanese and American brands took 25% and 15% of the whole market respectively.

It is observed that between 2008 and 2009,cars of Chinese and Japanese brands took turns to be the in terms of market share while those with American brands ranked the last in both years. And the share of Chinese-brand cars witnessed a mild increase and that of the Japanese-brand cars saw a moderate decrease,while the American-brand cars stayed the same.

From this graph,we can come to the safe conclusion that the Chinese automakers are doing a good job in outcompeting their Japanese and American counterparts in 2009,but the gap is not so significant and if no efforts were made from the part of the Chinese auto industry,the distribution map might be rewritten in the future.





The picture above presents to us a scene that a boy is dozing off when an actress dressed in Chinese traditional costume is trying to impress her audience by special tone and symbolic gesture, but an old man is absorbed in her performance. On the face of it, the actress’ endeavor is differently received, but on closer observation and further consideration, we can learn from the picture that the contrasting attitudes towards the Chinese drama performance is a miniature of the current situation of Chinese traditional culture.

The picture reflects a noteworthy trend that Chinese traditional culture is facing an unprecedented challenge, because it is losing its appeal for the young generation. Two reasons can be concluded about the phenomenon. In the first place, the fact that more and more foreign cultural products flock into our country, and we are surrounded with varieties of entertainments puts many forms of Chinese traditional culture at the risk that many people may have little use for them. In the second place, all of us, especially the school education and the media, didn’t attach enough importance to the popularization and promotion of Chinese traditional culture, which aggravates the worrying situation.

In my opinion, we must reverse the worrisome trend, because a nation’s traditional culture is spiritual bonds between people, and plays a key role in a nation’s development of society. Many examples all over the world are living proofs that a nation’s traditional culture is a prerequisite for its societal development, so it’s no exaggeration to say that without the traditional culture, we would lose many valuable things that should be preserved and cherished. But the revitalization of our traditional culture needs our joint efforts. I hope we can see our prosperous culture in the near future.

(Seemingly the Chinese traditional culture is in a losing battle with other entertainments and foreign cultural products, but it still has a fighting chance if we join our efforts to retrieve the situation. However, to revitalize our traditional culture entails our media’s popularization, our government’s promotion and everyone’s endeavor. We should bear in mind that only when everyone knows the importance of traditional culture protection can our nation’s culture enjoy prosperity in the future.)

Dear my friend,

With the development of our society and economy, the number of vehicles in our city is soaring, which not only results in heavy traffic congestion and air pollution, but also brings much inconvenience to us. Everyone need desirable living environment, and it’s imperative for us to get moving to make us live better now.

Seeing that the more and more private cars is the main cause of such problems, the shift from you private cars to the public transport, such as the bus and subway, is the most effective means to ease the troublesome situation. So, let’s make our joint efforts to build a better city.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

This picture is simple but significant. As is shown in the picture above, rising up his head, a young boy is holding a glorious sun with his firm hand. The caption indicates that, “ with dreams, our hearts can fly high; with flight, our dreams will not be far away.”

Why are dreams so importantWe may attribute its significance to three factors. First and foremost, dreams can give us courage and strength to overcome all the difficulties in our lives. Besides, having dreams is beneficial for us to be confident, passionate and energetic, and it may put us in a favorable position in our life journey. On the contrary, were there no dreams, our life will be dull and meaningless. Last but not least, if all of us have dreams, our society will be more vigorous and harmonious.

Considering every aspect of this positive issue, we should bear in mind that dreams are of great significance to both our society and , the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to cherish our precious dreams and let them be realized. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future if we have dreams.

keen on 执着于…

They tend to be keen on volume of effort and overlook efficiency.


at 擅长 (还有一个搭配是 excel in,是一个意思)

Innovators excel at connecting seemingly unconnected things.


=unjustified 不合理的

The public rage was unwarranted.公众的愤怒是没有道理的

4. this time round 这一次(时间状语)

5. be confined to 局限于

6. be no mean: 了不起,很出色,很

His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself.


TO be seated in the mean is no mean happiness.


7. with no regard for 无论

The parent, with no regard for the child's intrinsic urges, seeks to make him over into a replica of an admired relative--or himself.


8. brick-and-mortar retailers 实体零售商

9. take account of 考虑


line 处于容易受到攻击的地位

but 几乎=almost

away doing sth:避免做某事;

sb with sth 使某人具备..

15. A makes eminent sense to do sth.


In short, it makes eminent sense to study coding and statistics today, but also history and literature.


先天 Acquired后天

Born 先天 made 后天

Nature 先天 nurture 后天

Intelligence 先天 intellect 后天

intuitive 先天 Cognitive 后天

native talent 先天practice 后天

at 预示

to 吸引

Other new ventures are meant to appeal to an audience.


19. weigh up 考虑

The president must weigh up the impact of any deal on America’s economy.


20. go it alone 只身单干

The Microsoft decides to go it alone.


21. Go out (of) the window事情已经过去了,来不及了、不可能了;不重要了。

Yet the moment one mentions or hints at the Christian God, all tolerance and freedom of speech will go out of the window.


22. living on another planet 意思就是说这个人一点都不现实。

The budget makes us consider the minister as a man living on another planet.


23. push comes to shove 紧要关头

Money is tight, but if push comes to shove we’ll have to get a loan.


24. weigh in 意思是在辩论或争执场合中发表意见。

Owners of small businesses have weighed in on the interest rate debate. Most of them want to keep the rates low for as long as possible.


25. crack on 赶快做某事,努力做某事

Dear Prof. James,

I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education (EDU 602) and Teaching Methods (EDU 619).

The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. In the beginning of the term, I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full C time studies and my part C time job (20 hours/week). Because I really must work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. I am planning on taking the two courses during the summer semester, if they are available, so that I will be able to complete all the courses for the degree program by the following year.

I would also like to request a tuition refund, and hope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the king consideration you have shown to me.

Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 277-9144. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Carter








第三步,要对照参考答案。但是不能简单的知道正确答案就完了。对于自己做错的题目,包括那种没有把握但是“蒙”对了的题目,要认真的对照原文,理解清楚为什么这个选项才 是正确的。这个过程,就是再重新阅读文章和理解题目的过程。

第四步,在把问题都梳理清楚以后。我们要再回过头来认真的读一篇文章,这个时候可以查字典,理解一些生词的意思(注意:不要去背诵没有在课堂上学过的新单词!)在此基础上,保证自己把这篇文章的每一句话都彻底理解了。把每一句话的意思和语法结构都要弄清楚。 这样四个步骤下来,我们对于这一篇阅读理解才算彻底吃透吃通了。这样,本来12分钟就可以搞定的一篇阅读理解,可能要花差不多半个小时。但是,这比我们花半个小时做三篇阅读理解的效果要好得多。因为你真正收获了、进步了。按照这个方法,每天哪怕只做一篇阅读理解的题目,一两个月坚持下来,我们的英语成绩必然会有很大的提高。














这些在解题进程中全部是至关重要的。八月,这1组真题做完之后,要及时归纳总结技巧,整理思绪。从而再花点工夫扎实下根本功。从而做下1组真题。真题做完不是便完事了,还要重复的研讨。1,做1遍,错误的看看怎样错的 2全文翻译,看重词汇、长难句。3 理清内容头绪。4 留意错误选项的圈套和正确选项为什么正确。5 背诵。明显,你平常或者是能适当的做一点模仿题的,不宜过多,但做一点同样失去害处。不用太过于在意答案对错,别对本人又心思表示。 编者团体或者是分享考研真相出的模仿阅读。 九月后期,你能开端各个专项的练习了。明显专项不用花过多工夫,其间单词或者是要背的,阅读同样是要练的。 翻译,将历年真题翻译三-四遍就可以了。 完型,同样是做下历年真题,完型假如你平常可以波动在六分,那么或者是值得1做,假如分数较低,最初的时分能适当保持。完型不需求做过多练习。新题型拥有三种题型,要特别留意小词所可以提供一种的提示用处,比方说a sth,表示这个东西是头1次呈现,应当在内容的后面局部,而假如是the sth,阐明此东西已呈现过了。往年的新题型出的题型便比拟调查你的微观逻辑才能了。总体而言,新题型的技巧大部分数在阅读中都会呈现。 一二月,作文的模板要理出来了。作文是十分进步分数的项目,多留意

For over a decade, the craze of Chinese college graduates taking qualifying examinations to become civil servants has remained unabated. An important proportion of graduates view civil service as their top priority in job selection and they spare no efforts in preparing for those examinations, sometimes years before their graduation.

To some extent, this craze is a modern revival of the ancient notion that “those who excel in academics end up in officialdom.” In the present-day China, however, there are complicated reasons underlying this phenomenon. The jobs in sectors other than civil service are insecure and unstable, and employees have to work under greater stress faced with growing competitions in the workplace and the industry. Some government departments are related to monopolized industries and civil servants can enjoy unusually high salaries and welfare benefits. Finally, government officials are usually regarded as occupying the highest rung of the social hierarchy and a student who succeeds in becoming government official is considered the pride of the family, adding prestige and glory to the entire clan.

For all the apparent attractions of the officialdom, the craze of entering the civil service is a distorted one. In the United States, truly ambitious students enter the industry instead of civil departments, where they apply their individual initiative to achieve personal success. It has already been pointed out that, with so many best minds of the nation fighting their way into the civil sectors, the consequences are catastrophic. The civil servants system, with its inherent bureaucracy and rigid rules, would inevitably turn the otherwise energetic and aggressive young people into docile followers of their superiors’ instructions and dutiful but mediocre implementers of executive orders. This will considerably undermine the vitality of a whole generation and the competitiveness of the entire country in the international arena. All forms of craze are accompanied by elements of irrationality and abnormality and, the sooner this craze vanishes, the better.

Dear Bob,

I am writing this letter to make an apology to you. When I arrived at Peking yesterday evening, I found a music CD of yours, whose name is Madonna Live Concert, in my luggage. Much to my regret, I forgot to return it to you before my departure from Canada.

Being in such an embarrassing situation, I am very regretful, but I also feel a necessity to find a method to solve the problem as soon as possible. I wonder if I could send the CD to you by FedEx tomorrow, and I will pay for the cost.

I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience my carelessness has caused, and I hope my proposed solution could ease your displeasure and my guilt. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

In the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. In the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on TV and shouting, “Son, study hard for me!” On the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 . , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. The caption indicates, “Instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”

The purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. On the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. Some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. On the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. The only learning is the example from one’s own parents.

To sum up, parents are the best teachers.

Obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. Just as an old saying goes, “Action speak louder than words.”





Dear David,

I have arrived in my hometown last night, and when I got up this morning, I found the vacation is so relaxing. I know you are fond of sightseeing tour, so I wonder if you are interested in having a visit to my home town in a few days.

You know my hometown is Hua Yin, where Mountain Hua is situated. If you can come, I will conduct you around the famous tourist attractions and introduce local dishes to you. By the way, I think it’s necessary for me to tell you how to get to Hua Yin. You can buy a train ticket direct to Hua Yin, or fly to Xi’an, and I will drive to Xi’an airport to meet you.

Please inform me of your decision, and I’m confident that you will have a good time in Hua Yin if you can come.

Sincerely Yours,

Li Ming



大纲首先要明确,这是应试作文,所以我们的中心目的就是拿到高分!只要能够达到这个目的,其它的我们可以暂时不要去管。应试作文的特点非常明显,他给你的作文会有很多的限制,具体来说会有时间限制文体限制内容限制,所以说呢,很多时候是我们思想里的东西是不能随心发挥的,若是你可以在较短的时间内能够作出切合题意的文章就就是很不错的好文章了。 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧




最后呢?我就说说在作文中应该注意到的问题,也许大家都是知道的。不过我还是在提醒一下喽! 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧







What kind of professions show status in your country?

Modern society is often called materialistic. Why do you think this is?

What is the role of advertising?

How do you think the internet will affect buying patterns in the future?


考官让你抽一个话题,给你1至2分钟准备,让你做1至2分钟的演讲。这部分比较接近雅思口语考试的第二部分。例如:Describe an activity in school.

When I was in middle school, I attended a training class for dancing, because then, many classmates of mine told me that dancing was not only a wonderful sport which could exercise my coordination which I used to be poor at, it could also improve my artistic taste, and many of them would attend the training. I was trained there for about 2 month. The instructor spent about 1 month training my basic skills like flexibility, music sense, sit-ups and pull-ups and basic movements like pony, sunrise and twist. To me, all those training items seemed more like an aerobics training class other than a dancing class, but who cares. Two month passed, and I didn’t think I really know how to dance well then. But later, when I was old enough to go dancing with my friends, all those training items seemed to work well, you know, I could dance a movement at only one sight of it, which is a mission impossible to most amateur dancers. This activity brought me a strong sense of achievement.








Could you explain the Chinese monetary policy in English?

What do you think will be the impact of current global economic crisis on Chinese economy?

2. 由于现在高校老师的整体素质提高,复试中由专业老师直接用英语进行提问。







考研英语写作经验总结范文 第12篇

考研 如何利用考研英语写作模板



比如:我们在书信结尾的时候会说I am looking forward to hearing from you.而学生却把这句话写成了I am looked forward to hear from you.这种现象非常普遍,可见,学生的写作态度并不是很端正,很认真。



易犯错误三:模板套用千篇 一律,没有新意。















考研英语写作经验总结范文 第13篇

考研英语冲刺 万能写作模板


投诉信是对于产品、服务等的不满意,进而需要写出自己的意见和要求。第一段需写写信的目的以及自己的一个概括的期望:常用套话比如I venture to write to complain about ――+定语从句;I would be grateful if you could do anything necessary to solve the problem facing me.

第二段阐述两、三方面所面临的产品或服务的问题及后果:there are several aspects underlying this complaint. For one thing,……For another,……In addition,……

第三段给出具体的期望,比如退款或更换新产品:It is my sincere hope that you could give me full refund or replace it with a new one. Your kind reply to this letter at your earliest convenience would be very much appreciated.


一般就某个社会问题或个人问题给出自己的意见或建议,比如环境要改善的谏言;研究生活应该如何进行,等等。分两类建议信,一类写给机构,语言要正式严谨;而如果写给熟人,则语言可以随意一些。第一段概括写出写信的大致内容:I am writing here to provide some advice to improve……\You have asked me for my advice concerning/with regard to……

第二段详述具体的建议,可分条阐述:To begin with,……Besides,……Moreover,……

第三段总结段:I hope you will find these suggestions useful and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. I am looking forward to your reply and wish you a good work.


道歉信是由于自己的疏忽失误而向对方表达歉意并出于诚意写出具体弥补办法。第一段首先亮出写作目的并简单阐述该物品的状态:I am writing to make an apology to you for+句子(表明事件因由)。

第二段列出出错的原因及具体补救办法:To make up my fault, ……\ I will……as a token of my apology\ I sincerely apologize for my careless mistake as well as for any inconvenience thus caused to you.

第三段再一次表达歉意:Once again, I am sorry for my carelessness. Looking forward to your reply.



辞职信内容应包括简单对所在公司及领导的感谢,并表明辞职原因并表达歉意,最后再致歉并送上简单祝福。第一段首先致谢:I am grateful to be employed as 职位+时间。Thank you for your kind attention and I would appreciate the opportunity of having worked here.

第二段表明自己要辞职,列出原因,比如离家远想换到更近的位置;工作不适合自己等等。现在给大家一个例子:However, I regret having to resign from my position. The reason for changing my working plan is that I have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite. As a young man full of enthusiasm, I therefore decide to quit this job for something else.可以根据自己的具体情况给出自己的.理由,切不可千篇 一律。

第三段简单表明希望得到允许、歉意及祝福:I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Wish you and your company great success in the future.


求职信内容包含简单告知求职人从何处获悉空缺职位;自我介绍阐述职位所需的而自己符合的优点;盼对方早日恢复给以面试机会。第一段:I am looking for a position in 专业 department in which I may use my training in 专业 to solve 专业 problems. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for your recently advertised position for a staff member.

第二段表明自己符合该职位。I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and working experience. Second, I am young, enthusiastic and sociable, and these personalities also make me a perfect candidate for it. Last, my hobbies include……

第三段盼能给以面试机会并表示感谢:I wish you would give me an opportunity to be interviewed. I can be reached by calling me or the address on the envelope. I would appreciate it very much if you could consider my application favorably at your earliest convenience and give me a reply.



第一段概括说要推荐的内容:I am writing to you to recommend .I have sufficient reasons to introduce this to you and I dare say this is the best I have ever seen.

第二段叙述推荐的东西的价值,可以从表面和深层两方面来写:This movie/book/city的主题或城市坐落于哪里。What is more, 情节吸引人、里边景色引人入胜。Finally, this movie will definitely change our attitude toward this world and the people around us. We will learn that……

第三段总结句:Therefore I don‘t hesitate to recommend this to you. I am sure you will enjoy the.


