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暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第1篇

At noon that day, I had nothing to do. I went to my grandmother's house to play. When I went to the yard, I suddenly found that the old hen in the yard was missing. I thought, _eh! How did mother chicken run away? _ When I saw that there was no one around, I slowly approached the chicken nest. One of the bigger eggs was shaking. After a while, I saw a sharp mouth on the eggshell. Oh, it was about to break. In order to let it born is the first to see me, it has been squatting there, waiting, waiting, but it has been unable to break through the eggshell obstacles, I can feel it must be painful. So I had an idea and made a small hole in the eggshell. But there are too many coincidences in this world. I can't help sighing. Just after I started, before _destroying the corpse_, the old hen came back and saw that I had _poisoned_ her child. She couldn't help but feel angry and ran to me. She also called _cluck cluck_ while running, which scared me to shout _Mama!_ With my strength, I ran like Liu Xiang. I can't provoke, I can't hide!

I finally panted and ran home. My mother saw me and said with a smile, _what's the matter? There's a tiger chasing after me!_“ No... no... no, it's the old hen who is more powerful than the tiger After that, when I calmed down, I made a report to my mother. Did not expect, but ushered in a burst of mother's ridicule, _how old are you, still as naive as a child._. Do you know that chickens can only adapt to life after struggling and suffering in the eggshell. Although you can alleviate the pain of breaking the shell, it will bring disaster to its future life. It will die soon. _ My hands and, _chicken fairy, I mean well, I didn't mean it! Please forgive me and don't come to me After that, there was a lot of laughter.

Two months of summer vacation has passed, in this summer vacation, I laugh, cry, crazy, I will not forget this full summer vacation, more will not forget that chicken fairy. Da Xian, I wish you happiness forever!

暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第2篇



嵊泗有许多好玩的地方(如:基湖沙滩、百步沙滩、南长涂沙滩、大悲山、和尚套),大家可能都去过基湖沙滩,但我今年去的是百步沙滩,其实这里的沙子比基湖沙滩的沙还要细,只不过基湖沙滩的 开发比较早,所以基湖沙滩的知名度比较高。在百步沙滩的海水里我舒舒服服地泡了一个海水浴,让蔚蓝的海水洗去我在学习上的一切烦恼。

在嵊泗我去的第二个景点是和尚套,据说这个景点是今年刚刚开放的。和尚套的景点比较简单,就是沿着陡坡建了一条栈道。这个栈道比桃花岛上的桃花寨的栈道还壮观。沿着栈道一直走,在栈道的左 边会时不时的出现几个洞洞。听老妈的介绍,那是战争时期遗留下来的至今保存完好的防空洞。再往前走就会出现一个用钢化玻璃搭建的半圆形的观景平台,如果胆子稍微小一点的人根本不敢站上去, 而我竟然“胆大包天”地在玻璃上面又蹦又跳,吓得一群“胆小如鼠”的人“抱头鼠窜”。哈哈!这真是一次难忘之旅呀!

到了八月份下半月,快乐的暑假生活快结束了,我回家还得掉到枯燥又乏味的题海中去游泳了,什么快乐、无聊都谈不上了,心里只想着赶作业,刷刷刷,我趴着奋笔疾书的身影随处可见。好在这个暑 假有苦也有乐,而且是乐大于苦。

暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第3篇






暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第4篇

Looking forward, looking forward to, the annual summer vacation is finally here!

I cheerfully summer of a better life for their design: first of all, I will read many books, Yang hongying, zheng yuanjie, I want to once see a enough; Also, I want to exercise my body well, swimming, playing, ride a bike, I want to be in a happy movement minus my whole body fat...

But, mother is pushing a boring summer vacation plan to me: morning, learn aoshu; In the afternoon, learn, English writing; In the evening, summer vacation homework. Oh my god! Where this is leisurely summer vacation, this is clearly a new summer class!

I protest! My summer holiday, I decide! My mother schedule discontentedly, write a few words - _I want to happy! I want to relax!_

Yes, I want to learn, also want to play, my summer vacation must is up to me.






暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第5篇

The holiday is the time to everyone looking forward to for a long time. The holiday means for bed, means freedom, means do not need to be interacting with the books all day long.

However, this doesn't seem like the holiday.

Many students inexplicably disappeared, as had never existed. And also contact classmate, holiday life without exception are full is going to fit in the tutorial. For English this morning, afternoon math, tomorrow is a day, to play the piano, want to learn painting. Don't have time to play, parents also don't let play, became a tireless universal machine.

Very not easy to come off, but also busy than having classes?

Look at it for busy, I have some slight panic: worried that others are in the tutorial, but I was doing nothing, eventually to be eliminated. New semester means everything, don't I just lose the starting line in the summer vacation?

No, I can't lose.

Table Angle of textbooks, I can get up and take a look at; Haven't finish homework, I can finish as soon as possible; I have ambition, can further research...

However, is not the only, nothing to do.

暑假生活英语作文范文中考 第6篇

I plan to go to travel alone this summervacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends,never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be strongerand more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me verymuch, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They alsotold me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me.

I am gratefulthat my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.


