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国庆节作文高中范文英语 第1篇

Things went well. Before noon, we came to Dehua Street, the most popular street. First of all, the four characters of _century Dehua_ came into sight. I saw colorful flags flying on both sides of Dehua Street, and an endless stream of people came here to shop. It really deserves to be the most prosperous business district in Zhengzhou. There are large and small shopping malls on both sides of the street. Because it is the National Day holiday, the major shopping malls are overcrowded, and the merchants are busy, but they have already been happy in their heart. Closely connected with Dehua Street is the well-known Erqi square with a long history. The popularity of Erqi square is no worse than Dehua Street. It is also a sea of people and crowded. Because Erqi tower is being maintained, I can only appreciate its magnificent appearance. This is the only regret today. I will come back to see the style of Erqi tower another day.

When I took the bus to the gate of the bus station, I saw many people squatting at the gate. Because it was a hot afternoon, I thought they were enjoying the cool. Who knows, as soon as we entered the ticket hall, the whole hall was full of people. There was hardly a place to stay. Each ticket window seemed to have a long line. At this time, we were stunned. Why so many people? Then I remembered that today was the National Day holiday. There were several times more people traveling and going home than usual. I had no choice but to line up slowly... When we lined up, the conductor told us that the tickets had been sold out.

With disappointment and tired legs, I came to the railway station square. I saw that the railway station was surrounded by people. Here is a sea of people and crowded. My mother and I were like two headless flies, squeezing around with the flow of people in the railway station. Finally came to the ticket office, but as soon as we saw that the line had lined up on the opposite road, we had to use the _Millennium stunt_ queue jumping method, which finally bought the ticket home.

Today, I finally saw the disadvantages of traveling on the National Day holiday. Therefore, I advise you to avoid traveling on the National Day holiday as much as possible.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第2篇

On national day, I, mother, Pan Luyao, and Sun Yichao to play in Jinhua. We went to dream Valley, also went to the underground river, to a lot of places, there can be a lot of fun, until October 5th, we go home to be reluctant to part, that night at home have 10 points. I bought a lot of gifts, Pan Luyao, Sun Yichao, father, brother and mother. October 1st is mother's birthday, I wish the motherland mother happy birthday!

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第3篇






一些教师认为任务型教学基本上是社会语言学和功能语言学的产物(张伊娜,2006 )。然而龚亚夫和罗少茜(2003)指出任务型语言教学起源于多种学习的理论,如学习理论、认知理论、心理发展以及教育理论,并阐明了其理论的主要依据是学习理论而不是语言理论。基于任务型教学不同的理念、认识、教学目的和对象,国内外专家和学者对其课堂应用褒贬不一,甚至提出质疑。

Nunan (1999)认为任务可分为两种:一种是真实世界的任务,即目标型任务,这种任务是学生离开学校最终要做的事情,也是学生学习外语最终要达到的目标。另一种是教育型任务,指的是课堂内的活动,如:听录音并复述、小组讨论问题。这类任务可以使学生发展语言能力,最终达到在生活中综合运用语言的能力。设计这类任务的依据来自教育学与心理语言学。Nunan(1999)实际上强调语言使用中任务的交际性。


Nunan (1999)曾批评说,“即使能阐述语法规则的学习者也还是在语言使用中违背这些规则”。而龚亚夫和罗少茜(2003 )则进一步指出,“事实上语言只有在运用中才能真正掌握。语法知识的记忆并不能保证语言使用的正确。”同样,Richards和Rodgers (1986)认为学习者语言技能的使用是获取知识最为重要的途径。学习一门外语的主要目的就是为了进行有效的交际,而语言使用对于外语学习者来说也不仅仅是一个语言实践的过程。教材的编者分类设计和编排各类活动,使学习内容、方法和学习者三维互动来拓展学生的认知能力和多元智慧素质。



从语言学习规律来说,学生本身才是学习主体。每一个学生都有着自己的特点。他们的个人学习经历都可以成为推动整个小组活动的动力。Littlewood ( 2002 )将课堂上获得交际能力分为五个阶段,分别为非交流的学习、交流前的语言练习、交流型语言练习、有组织的交流和真实交际活动。教师可以根据各自教学实际将其有的放矢地灵活运用。


运用语言进行交流,一方面需要综合运用语言的能力,另一方面则需要学习目标语文化和本国文化以解决不同文化之间的交往问题。对文化的认知反过来能够促进学习者学习兴趣的提高,在此很有必要提及文化在语言学习中的重要性。李光耀曾指出“了解了隐含在语言背后的文化内涵,才能还语言的血肉之躯,使人感受到它是活生生的语言,是在一定的社会环境中负载着具体文化内容的语言”(转引自宋学侠,2002 )。怎样帮助学习者提高文化交际能力呢?遗憾的是目前英语教学中文化研究还只是停留在语法知识和词句用法层面上,仅对具体影响语义和语用的文化因素作出解释,却未能真正引导学生综合掌握语言运用和文化交际能力的方法。

节庆文化教学融入英语课程是英语教师会采用的一种教学方式,但多数仅局限于介绍节庆的基本概念,如:节日的起源及庆祝方式。人民教育出版社2007(第2版)高中英语教材中New Senior English for China, Student's Book第二册第三单元,广东人民教育出版社(第2版)高中英语教材New Intermediate English for China第一册第六单元以及第二册第五单元中,都不同程度提及美国三大节日之一的感恩节,但编者并未对这个美国节庆文化内容展开进行介绍,并使之系统化地成为综合学习过程的延伸。事实上,我们初、高中学生很少有机会体验感恩节。如果教师有目的地策划,在内容和方法上多层面地引导,将感恩节的文化元素与任务型英语教学有机结合,将有助于激发学生对英语文化的兴趣和认知。如:感恩节大餐起源于英国清_抵达北美后一年秋收的庆祝活动,与中华民族秋收举办丰年祭具有相同的精神内涵。基于上述理念,笔者借用任务型英语教学原则,针对高中一、二年级学生设计和呈现下面教学活动,为高中生搭建一座英语文化知识的桥梁。教学活动延伸至对中美节日文化的了解和对比。活动设计寓英语学习于培养学生多元智慧和基本能力目标之中,正如王学华(2007 )指出的那样,“通过目标特定的学习任务帮助学生更好地掌握英语运用能力,让学生通过具体学习任务感受英语文化,寓英语学习于体验、发现和参与的过程中”。同样,教师也借用相似的方式引导学生学习本民族文化精华,提升学生对本民族文化的意识。


Task 1讲解课文:以课文中感恩节的内容为基础,依照who/where/what/when/why ( how)等问题引导学生思考课文内容,训练学生的组织能力,从而使学生对感恩节的由来有初步的了解。教师准备课文内容中重要事件的英文句子随意张贴在黑板上,请学生依照事件发生的先后顺序排列,以确定学生对整篇文章是否完全了解。教师教会学生有关感恩节的歌曲,并请学生表述对歌曲内容的感想。

Task 2探索与思考:关于感恩节的更多背景知识并未在课文中出现,教师提出诱发学生思考的问题,并要求学生利用网络资源或阅读参考书寻找答案,在下一节课共同讨论,培养学生独立思考与解决问题的能力。如:1620年英格兰和荷兰的清_们背井离乡移民北美的原因是什么?为什么要迁移去北美?

Task 3延伸教材:教师利用PPT幻灯片逐一呈现所有问题,请多位学生回答同一问题,培养学生用英语表达个人思想的能力,扩大他们参与分享不同见解的机会。教师利用PPT幻灯片将感恩节的起源、习俗、庆祝方式及其涵意完整地介绍给学生,并要求学生完成Crossword Puzzle来联想扩充词汇。

Task 4课外任务:感恩节是美国三大重要节日之一,但对中国学生而言,感恩节距离我们的生活时空遥远。本教学活动旨在培养学生对英语文化的学习与了解,并设计以下活动,让学生通过完成任务了解自我与发展潜能,进而具备策划与组织能力以实现自己的理想。任务:介绍清_在大西洋航行中遇到哪些困难(海上恶劣的天气、人群中的疾病、食品困难和未来目的地的不确定性)。

以下活动都可以包括在“Task 4课外任务”之中,供教师参考。

Task 4—1寻根之旅:通过感恩节的节庆教学活动,学生已经知道首批到达美国的清_来自英国的Plymouth,进一步启发和引导学生思考问题:清_移民北美大陆和相继而来的移民潮对北美大陆有哪些积极和消极影响?





Task 4一3中西文化喜相逢:通过Brainstorming,让学生思考在他们的生活经验与认知中感恩节的精神内涵什么?在中国文化中哪些节日可以与感恩节的精神相契合。可以参考The West Meets the East补充阅读材料等其他相关的阅读材料,学生通过问答练习进行有效的思考。教师也可以给学生提供其他相关的英语阅读材料,引导学生比较节日和庆祝活动中蕴涵的文化特点。

Task 4—4感恩岁月:感恩节是一个表达感谢与传达祝福的节日,让学生制作感恩卡片,写下感恩话语,并鼓励学生寄出感恩卡片,把爱传递出去。










王学华(2007 )指出外语教学的目标之一是促进文化交流和学习,而当前中国对外文化交流和传播却存在严重“人超”,即英语文化过于强势的现象,在英语教学中应当增加中国传统文化的内容。中国传统佳节—中秋节与感恩节在形式和意义上有着诸多的相似之处,除了感恩节的宗教意义和中秋节的民俗意义,两者都是家人和朋友的聚会,融亲情、爱情、友情于一体,表达祝福、思念,并有典型食物—感恩节的火鸡和南瓜饼,中秋节的月饼和茉莉花茶。鉴于此,笔者建议在每学期的教学中以中秋节为主题开展任务型教学活动,其过程同以上呈现的感恩节教学步骤,让学生分小组分别开展以下活动:

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第4篇

October 1st is the annual national day, is the mother of the motherland's birthday. Mother of the motherland 68 years old this year, so the country is permeated with a festive atmosphere.

Riding in the atmosphere, we are one family came to the picturesque scenery of the grandmother.

At noon, after dinner. We walked in field sales, enjoy the pastoral scenery, when go to grandma's house is, looked at the petite pepper, lettuce like flowers, bamboo like foreign chili... Everything makes people feel a burst of joy. But it's not good to keep moving forward:

A pond, is a group of a group of dead fish floating in the water, next to the orange tree withered.

We then move ten meters, the orange tree is also a fruitful, with luxuriant foliage. This is really strange, just like people said the water and soil!

We went along the mountain road, along the way, mom and dad stopped to introduce me, also told the story of some of their young....... At the time! We from another way to grandma's home, along the way we see a lot of purslane was all the way about smiled to Purslane picked a lot of, I just can't wait to have a pocket to hold them, so we have back to grandma's house.

This national day although not to the outside but also make a sightseeing tour to grandma, my eyes full!

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第5篇

The next day after the school holiday, I went back to my hometown in the countryside with my parents. As soon as my neighbors' grandparents saw us back, they greeted us warmly. The feelings between the villagers in my hometown are very good. When I saw the wrinkled smiling faces on the faces of my grandparents, I felt a warmth in my heart. After staying in the city for a long time, even if people go upstairs and downstairs in the same community and building, they will only be like strangers. The hometown is completely different. Every day's greetings are with a kind of kindness.

After a night's sleep in my hometown, the next day, my good friends who used to play with me came home and invited me to join their game. The game is very simple, but it's just going to the mountains and rivers and an autumn tour.

After breakfast, we set off. The chestnuts in the mountains are ripe. We each brought a plastic bag. This is the best time to pick up chestnuts. The chestnut shell has thorns. We carefully break off the chestnut shell, and then clamp the delicious chestnut out of the shell.

Now it is autumn, and the wild fruits on the mountain are ripe. When we pass through a grass, the long withered yellow leaves are dotted with red wild hawthorn. Seeing the hawthorn, we rushed there. When I picked a hawthorn, I wiped it in my hand, and then I couldn't wait to send the Hawthorn to my mouth. It was sour and sweet. This taste was also special. A group of us were wandering in the mountains, and the plastic bags we brought were filled with a lot of wild fruits.

After returning home, I presented today's achievements to my parents like a treasure. My father sighed: _it's all the taste of childhood._ compared with my father's sadness, my mother ate with relish.

I had a good time on this national day.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第6篇


is the National Day of , It was the first year of the national day of that time,people were very happy, because China has been free since then, the war has just ended . We were the winner! Then every year of this day, people hang the national flag out to the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people go to parade and celebrate in the National Day. Everybody was happy and very was very you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.



Today is National Day, 62nd anniversary of my homeland. The week-long holiday just begins. No one needs to work now. My parents and I have not gone out. We just sit in the couch and watch TV. We don’t want to miss the program, parade. We are all excited when we see such beautiful and magnificent scene. There are so many people gather together to celebrate the 62nd anniversary. We all feel proud that there are many advanced weapons to secure our country. We all feel happy when 62 flower buses pass through Tian An Men. I think our country will have a prosperous future.


_National day_ with the words, this means the State Festival, first seen in the Western Jin dynasty. Western Jin dynasty literati Lu Ji's in the article of the five leaders on the _national day celebration alone benefit, the main worry-Mo and as a result_ record, events in feudal times, State of jubilation, reigned, and the birth of the Great Emperor (Qing dynasty called long live the Emperor's birthday), and so on. Thus ascended the throne, Emperor's birthday in ancient China as _national day_. Today that country day as a national day.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第7篇

When I arrived at Macao doulao, I saw my brother and his aunt who hadn't come yet. After a while, my brother and my aunt came and we began to order. My uncle ordered abalone, little fat cow, shrimp, crab... When the dishes came up, I put the shrimp and crab into the pot. No matter what I served, I put them into the hot pot. When they came to the abalone, I was full of curiosity, I only drank Abalone Porridge and never ate the whole abalone. I put the abalone into the pot. After three or four minutes, I picked up the abalone and found a green thing in the middle of the abalone. I asked my uncle what it was. My uncle said it was its courage. Eating it was good for my eyes. I asked my uncle if it was good to eat. He said he had eaten abalone many times and never tried to eat it, Why don't we try it together? I said I was afraid of suffering like snake gall. I'd better not eat it and eat meat. Then there was shrimp slide, which was my favorite food. It was smooth and tender. I wrapped it alone. They all said I was greedy. Later, there were a lot of vegetables. They didn't have time to eat. They had already eaten like a ball. When there was still a little space in my stomach, I put on a plate of fruit platter, and everyone finished the fruit feast.

Today is really a happy day. I haven't been together with you for a long time. I really hope this opportunity will be often. I'm so happy to be with my relatives!

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第8篇

Today was a fine day. My sister and I went to the park. We saw many trees and flowers near the lake. Some were green ,Some were white , some were yellow .We played near the lake .We were sitting under a big tree, and we made some paper ships. We hade a good time .

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第9篇

During the national day holiday, my mother took me to my aunt's house to play, i found a small aunt's dog gave birth to three puppies dog.

The dog's fur are very beautiful, they are diversiform fur, has a lovely little face; these puppies different personalities, some quiet; some fun; some like fighting.

There is a dog in a white transparent yellow fur with a piece of black hair, more fun is the corner edge has a black hair. because it looks like a little dog, so i call it. there is a dog looks very strange, black dog rounded rounded tail, in addition to white, whole body black, black eyes, black nose, without notice, thought that it has no eyes! because it looks out of the ordinary, i call it _the little dark monster_.

I looked at the little guy, happy singing:_ dog dog barking, don't let me feed you, become a dog to keep house, to protect my family into the thief.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第10篇

I got up early this morning, did a good job in personal hygiene, and went to the big park with some good friends I made an appointment with yesterday.

When I go out and walk in the street, the national flag is hung everywhere, there are a sea of people everywhere, cars flow on the road, and the wide road seems to narrow a lot on weekdays.

Several of our classmates were pushed around in the crowd like a tumbler. We just moved forward slowly.

Finally we arrived at our destination - the big park. After a short rest at the door, we began our trip to the big park.

We walked into the playground and saw many amusement facilities. There are adventure cities, roller coasters and go karts... There are so many kinds of them. The tourists were all in high spirits and full of laughter everywhere. We got on the roller coaster. After the machine started, our carriage suddenly went up, suddenly went down and turned more than half a circle. We were dazed and almost flew out. It was about five or six minutes before the machine stopped. After we went down, we said, _it's exciting!_ then we played go karts and laser guns. After that, we went out of the playground and into the zoo.

As soon as I entered the zoo, I heard a deafening animal cry. I looked closely along the cry. It turned out that it was the king of beasts - Tigers barking. We quickly walked to the tiger and watched it carefully. We saw it walking around in the cage. It looked majestic. Suddenly, it was hit on the head by a peanut thrown in by tourists. It was inexplicably smashed. Looking at us naively, it seemed to ask us, _what is this?_ then we walked around the peanut, touched it and jumped away immediately, Its reactions made us all laugh. I didn't expect that the king of beasts would be frightened by a small peanut.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第11篇


Every day there are a lot of things happen, as it is National Day today, my home is something memorable National Day of the first day, I saw mom and dad, when idle, will I get a brainwave proposal said: _mom and dad, don't we open a today to_ idiot _king of the game!_ Then I say again: _who cheated most times, who will be awarded the honor of_ their king _of the title._ Mom and dad are readily game began. Father sitting on the sofa watching TV, the mother to the kitchen to cook a meal, I went to the room playing computer. Although we were safe, actually we are hidden dangers in the mind all!At this time, the father cried I, said: _quick to see you the most popular TV audience

Cook a meal, I went to the room playing computer. Although we were safe, actually we are hidden dangers in the mind all!At this time, the father cried I, said: _come and see you the most popular TV series!_ Once I listen to and hurriedly run in the past, the game has forgotten about things. I went to see on TV, where is the _big ears tutu '! Is clearly in the advertising. Dad see I was cheated, smile keep not came back to the room, Shouting, _dad, quick to see the movie._ Father ran over, will see me in all seriousness appearance at the computer to play games, nose is immediately, and patted me on the head to say: _yi! When learn to smart?_Just then, the mother shouted: _food is to have something to eat._ My father and I haste to ran past, alas! What food? Have rice didn't food. Mother say with smile: _ha ha! Suddenly caught two idiot._Soon a hour past, the game is over, I began to publish their results: mother cheated twice; Dad had six times; I got four times. In this game, _their king_ of the title to belong to dad!The game we a are very happy. In this! I wish our motherland happy 61 one full year!










国庆节作文高中范文英语 第12篇

关键词: 行业参与 中职英语能力标准 中职英语教学理念


























国庆节作文高中范文英语 第13篇


关键词 课外活动;英语文化知识;艺术魅力











课外活动是课堂教学的有效补充和延伸,丰富多彩的课外活动不仅让学生巩固了书本上的知识,锻炼学生听、说、读、写、演、做、唱各方面的能力,拓宽了学生的视野,提高了他们英语水平。除此以外英语课外活动形式多样,不仅仅局限于学校,学生也可以参与一些英语夏令营活动,英语知识竞赛,CCTV 少儿英语风采大赛,丰富自己的课外生活,让自己的英语学习之路更加宽广、顺畅!



[2]卢冰峰《. 中学英语课外活动课的探索与实践》外语教学与研究.2011(53)


国庆节作文高中范文英语 第14篇

The first time we took the subway in Hangzhou, we found that the subway was really more convenient than driving by ourselves! Soon we arrived at the gate of Hangzhou paradise. We first went to the _langshui Park_ in Hangzhou paradise. My mother and I changed our swimsuits and went in. After going inside, I found that there are many items I can't play, because I'm less than meters tall and can only play a few. I first went to the children's slide to play several times, and found that all the children playing were younger than me, and my parents were watching. I thought my mother would be very boring, so I told my mother to change a project. We went to an arch bridge and saw someone playing with the rapids. The children can play with a height of meters. So my mother and I asked for a double life buoy, put on a life jacket and started our torrent. As soon as I sat down with my mother, a big wave flew over, and our lifebuoy pushed us five or six meters away. The water in the river was beating in circles, a big wave from the back pushed us forward, and a wave from the front pushed us backward. My mother and I worked together and finally played a circle. I think it's fun. We played it seven times in a row.

Mother said it was bad for our health to soak in the water for too long, so we took a shower and changed our clothes and went to Hangzhou paradise.

We played the pirate ship first. The pirate ship swung higher and higher. I was very afraid and didn't dare to move. After playing the pirate ship, we went to play the ghost ship again. The ghosts in the ghost ship are really terrible. Some heads fell off; Some are like vampires; Some ghosts have two heads and nine heads in their belly; Some only write with their hands, but their heads leave their bodies; And the head and body came out of the coffin, which was very scary. I held my mother's hand tightly and followed her. Finally came out and I breathed out.

国庆节作文高中范文英语 第15篇

October 1st is the national day of our country. This year, we have a golden week holiday for eight days. Besides, according to the new rules, all highways of our country are free of charge during the eight-day holiday.

Therefore, many people choose self-driving tour, which expects to save much money. However, during these days we can see that the situation is not as good as expected.

Because of the huge traffic flow, tens of thousands of people catch traffic jam in highways, which rarely happened in the past.

Besides, when they get to the destination, they find that they are crowed with people, which makes their trip worse. From TV or Internet, we can see that visitors of most famous scenic spots are far more than the maximum capacity.

Some people even fight with others. In addition, from this holiday, we can see many issues existing in the management of scenic spot.

The managers do not do good preparation of this holiday, and their attitude towards visitors should be changed, especially those famous tourist attraction.

Therefore, many changes and improvements are expected to happen after this week, from our government to visitors.

