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高三英语作文说课稿范文 第1篇



本课是XX英语8B第七单元Water Talk课文的教学。这篇课文是一篇较长的阅读文章。初二的英语教学突出了阅读文章的教学,而长篇文章的阅读也恰是同学们学习的难点。如何处理好此篇阅读文章的教学,如何让学生对文章有整体的把握与理解以及对部分生词有初步的掌握,将是本课着重解决的问题。本课虽是阅读教学,但是在教学中,本课也有针对性地对学生的听, 说, 读, 写进行了一定的操练, 以便提高学生综合运用语言的能力。本课课文所涉及的内容为水的旅程,联系了生活实际,是学生较为熟知的话题;同时将水拟人化,增加了文章的趣味性。本堂课将着眼于课本,充分挖掘文章的知识性以及趣味性。


Teaching objectives:

1. Language objectives:

To learn the new words: precious, vanish, a sewage plant, a water treatment works, thorough, etc.

To get to know water’s journey.

2. Skill objectives:

To find out the information according to the given questions.

To improve the students’ skills in using some verbs to describe facts.

3. Emotional objectives:

To arouse the students’ awareness of the importance and necessity of saving




1、在课前设定阅读任务, 让学生带着任务进行阅读, 增强阅读的目的,对文本有一个整体把握

2 、在教学中, 指导学生掌握阅读的步骤和方法,加强泛读与精读的训练。

3、在教学中, 注意启发和引导学生质疑问题。

4、在教学中, 指导和训练学生掌握阅读的基本技巧, 比如教给学生圈点、划线﹑改写等方法。



Teaching procedures:

Pre-task 环节,激发兴趣,做好铺垫。

1. Let students read a poem and guess to elicit the topic—Water. (引发兴趣)

2. Ask students to say something about water to elicit a new word— precious.(以旧带新)

3. Ask the students to finish Water’s talk in groups. Check whether the students understand the main idea of the passage.(旨在对文章的整体把握)


1. Introduce Daisy’s bathroom and teach some words--- tap, sink, drain. (由图片引出课文生词,处理文中的开头部分)

2. Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.(阅读被改写过的段落后,同学们就水为什么会生气这一问题进行思考。)

3. Ask the students to read the first part of the passage and use the new words to replace the expressions in the rewritten part. (对照被改写的段落,在书上圈出不同的地方,看似简单的任务,却很好地调动了学生,让学生轻松地掌握了生词的英语释义。)

4. Play the recording of the second part and let the students find out the places water passed in order. (听段落,把握大意,筛选信息。)

5. Show the students some pictures and let them tell what water did and what happened to water. Students are required to use the key verbs.


6. Get the students to know the end of water’s journey and learn the new word --- a sewage plant. Make sure the students know water’s cycle.(问题设问,铺垫下文)

7. Prepare some questions about water’s journey and have them wok out the questions in groups.(小组问题竞答,检查与巩固课文内容。)

Post-task 环节,总结与拓展。

1. Get the students to have a competition. They take turns to write a flow chart of water’s journey in four and one of them read it out after completing it.(小组比赛,完成水旅程的流程图,更进一步地检测并巩固所学内容。)

2. Let the students watch a flash on water’ cycle and tell what they think of the journey.

Try to arouse their awareness of the importance of saving water.(情意升华,珍惜水资源。)

Homework 作业布置

1. Read the passage after the tape.

2. Use the given words to finish a short passage at least 60 words with the topic of ‘Water’s journey’.(写话练习是对所学内容的复习与巩固)

高三英语作文说课稿范文 第2篇

本课我通过复习导入、新课呈现、巩固操练、拓展延伸、教学反馈以及课后作业五个步骤进行设计。教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础,激发学生的兴趣是新课导入的关键。”“Well begun, half done”良好的开端是成功的一半。


① Free talking:先是和学生进行每天都要操练的基本的问候语的问答练习,在此基础上运用What’s this?句型复习第一和第二单元学习的英语单词,同时运用图片复习学过的交通工具bike, bus, car和taxi.

②听一听,唱一唱本单元C部分的英语歌曲“Row,row, row your boat.”这一首优美的英文歌,全班同学在教师的带领下,边边唱边表演,营造良好的英语氛围,使学生能自然地进入到一个良好的学习状态中。


①在前面唱歌曲的基础上,利用电子白板的放大镜功能,让学生上台看一看,教师顺势问学生What can you see?让学生通过观察,学习新单词boat,这样,既紧扣了上一环节唱的歌曲,又紧紧围绕“看”这一主题,对于第二个新单词plane,我运用了电子白板的聚光灯功能,让学生看看,紧紧围绕see这一主题,同时让学生保持新鲜感。为了围绕看这一主题,同时吸引孩子的`注意力,在引出第三个新单词时,我运用了电子白板的拉幕功能,拉出吉普车的尾部,让学生猜一猜是什么交通工具。在教室前面三个单词时,教师反复问,同时学生反复听What can you see?句型,为接下来的句型教学打好基础。

②创设相应的情景。前面涉及的都是单词的教学,句型只是让学生反复听,有最直观的印象。在教第四个新单词时,我为学生创设了相应的情景,警察叔叔问小朋友:“What can you see?”小朋友通过放大镜找一找,回答:“I can see a train.”这样,既引出了新单词train的教学,又让学生在情景中学习本节课的句型“What can you see?”及其回答“I can see a …”





高三英语作文说课稿范文 第3篇

本节课的主要内容是学习数字0-10,并结合日常生活,练习数字的表达,为听力做好准备。再通过四组图片所创设的情景,呈现询问和告知电话号码的表达^v^ What’s your telephone number?^v^, ^v^ It is ?^v^ 以及表示感谢的另一表达法 ^v^Thank you very much.^v^, 同时综合复习前面所学内容。并根据自己的实际情况与同伴进行问答练习。












掌握one two three four five six seven eight nine ten telephone number(3)语法



询问他人的电话号码 What’s your telephone number?

My telephone number is?

It is?










高三英语作文说课稿范文 第4篇












Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m XXX from High School. I’m very glad to present my lesson plan here. It is from Unit1 Module 2 NSEFC, Using language, reading, listening and speaking, the fourth period.

I. Analysis of the teaching material and learners

The content of the material is about how the Amber Room got lost, which is also the clue of the whole lesson. The reading passage is about the definition of fact and opinion. There is an old miner’s story about what happened to the Amber Room for students to decide whether he gives facts or opinions. In the listening part, there are two pieces of narration about how the Amber Room got lost. Students will listen and then fill in two tables with some information missing, which is difficult for them. In the speaking section, discussions will be carried out by using the expressions from the table as the output.

My students are familiar with the Amber Room now because they have learnt about it in the previous lessons. They have learnt many useful words for describing the Amber Room, which can make listening easier. Their scanning skill, even though it is not well-developed, plays efficient role in getting the required information in the limited time. However, the students’ listening skill of note-taking is poor and the listening passage is long and difficult for them, and they have no idea about how the great treasure got lost, so finishing the table will be a difficulty. In order to make it easier for them to fulfill the listening task, some key words from the listening are given to students. Before the blank-filling, some multiple choices will be given in order to help students get the general idea of the passage.

II. Learning objectives

According to the above analysis, I set the following learning objectives. Firstly, find out the differences between a fact and an opinion by scanning. Secondly, predict the content of listening by studying the key words that may appear in the listening content. Next, take notes of the key words from listening to get some information to fill in the tables and understand the main idea as well. Finally, learn the following words and expressions (trial, evidence, explode, entrance, sink, etc). by heart.

Among all the objectives, Finding out the differences between a fact and an opinion by scanning in reading process and knowing how to tell a fact from an opinion as well as give opinions are essential for the students. It is one of the focuses of this lesson. And in this lesson, the listening practice will take up most of the time because it is important for students to know how to take notes while they are listening. So this is another focus. The skill of note-taking is vitally important for the students during the whole process of English study, but it is also a difficult skill for them at present.

III. Teaching procedure

We will spend 17 minutes on reading and 28 minutes on listening and speaking.

The first two steps are for the reading part. Step 1 is pre-reading. There are two activities. Activity 1 is reviewing. I will show students a passage about the summary of the reading passage In Search of the Amber Room. Students will fill in the blanks with the relative words of attributive clause. Blank filling with the relative words aims to check whether the students can use the grammatical rules learnt last period in another context. The last three sentences mainly talk about the loss of the Amber Room, which function as the topic for the next activity. Activity 2 is discussing. I will lead the students to discuss what information is the fact and what information is the opinion about the Amber Room from the summary. As one of the language focuses, the difference between fact and opinion will be paid much attention to in this step, which can make preparations for the following steps.

Step 2 is while-reading. There are two activities. Activity 1 is scanning to find out the definitions of fact and opinion, which is the foundation of this lesson. Activity 2 is also scanning. Students will be asked to read the story told by Jan and then fill in the table. After that, they will discuss whether the event Jan saw is a fact or an opinion by using the expressions in the table (slide). This activity offers students the chance to make judgment in a real life situation according to the definitions. They will use some expressions they know to give opinions by answering “why” questions.

Next comes the listening. There are two parts, Part A and Part B. Step 3 is pre-listening for part A. I will show students some key words and expressions from the listening material. I will explain them. The students will guess what they are going to listen from the newly learnt words and phrases. Step 4 is while-listening for Part A. I will give students two chances. After the first listening, the students will finish four multiple choices. Based on the four questions, the students will know the main idea of Part A. For the second listening, the students will be asked to take notes down, and then fill in the blanks according to the notes taken. After that, they will check the answers with their partners’. Step 5 and Step 6 are designed to deal with Part B. It will be done just as part A. Firstly, the students will study the key words from the listening and predict the content as the pre-listening activity. Then, for the first listening, listen for answers to four multiple choices to get the main idea of the listening. Lastly, for the second listening, the students will take down key words to fill in the table. Predicting with the key words may lessen the students’ difficulty in getting the information. Multiple choice exercises are for the preparation to get a general idea of the listening material, which can be helpful in the blank filling activity. The listening is the foundation for the next step.

Here comes Step 7, post-listening. There are two activities. Activity 1 is pair discussion. Based on the reading passage and the listening material, the students will be asked to decide who told the truth about the missing of the Amber Room and give the best evidence by using some functional items to ask for and give opinions in pairs. Activity 2 is a group discussion. I will create a real life situation. I will say that Shanghai Expo is a great success. The students will work in groups of four and have a discussion about whether it is the best exposition ever. During the discussion they can refer to more expressions of asking for and giving opinions in the textbook. Based on all these activities, students have got enough input. Now, it is quite natural for them to give a valid output in Step 8. After knowing what fact and opinion are and know how to give and ask for opinions, students may have less difficulty in doing this.

The class will end up with an exciting discussion. Then I will ask students to write five sentences as evidence to support their opinion that Shanghai Expo is best ever. This is the homework.

IV. Blackboard notes

These are my blackboard notes. On the left, definitions of fact, opinion and evidence are given, which can help the students understand the key point in class. In the middle are key words from the first story in listening and on the right are the key words from the second story. Those words can be helpful for the students to get the general idea and easy to write down notes while they are listening.

V. Reflection

To sum up, there is enough input from reading and listening material, which provide the students with essential knowledge about the concepts of fact, opinion and evidence necessary for students to distinguish facts from opinions for later speaking activities at output stage. This lesson can be viewed as a typical integration of reading, listening and speaking. Reading for the definitions of fact, opinion and evidence functions as the input before using the knowledge to make judgment on the facts and opinions after listening.

That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for listening.


本单元的中心话题是谈论个性特征(talk about personal traits)和比较他人(compare people)。这是一个非常符合学生心理特点的话题。在这节课中,同学们第一次接触形容词的比较级(the comparative degree of adjectives),并运用这些词进行听、说、读、演、写等各项练习,教材对相关对话的设计及听力语言材料的选编无不紧扣比较(comparison)这个中心。


温故而知新。热身环节(Warming-up activity)根据学生对老师的情况很好奇的心理特点,设计了师生之间互问问题从而达到增进了解的目的,并且做到师生平等,形成和谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢说、愿说。作为“热身”的另外一部分,一个同学间互作自我介绍的游戏,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。同时,通过听、看、说的充分练习,复习了身高、体形、长相等方面的单词,为下一步描述图画作铺垫。


口语部分(Oral practice)是为了进一步巩固刚学习的形容词比较级。通过有趣的三对双胞胎对比,让比较级在情景中得到合理有效地运用。并在不经意中将书上对话自然地呈现出来,作为口语练习的例子。学生从模仿到创造的这种口语训练,为下面的听力打下坚实的基础。

听力部分(Listening practice)做到循序渐进,先听顺序,再听名字,最后听意思。此部分不再是听简单的单词发音,更重要的是听有意义的对话。学生通过看图、听音、跟读、分角色朗读形成语感。





高中英语新教材的风格走势为话题时尚,面对未来,求异思维和人文色彩浓重,教学内容更加贴近现代生活,具有较强的时代信息,有利于提高学生的思想素质和人文素质,而本单元也是如此,本单元的中心话题是幽默,具体涉及“什么是幽默”、“笑话”、“喜剧”、“喜剧职业”等,它采用了学生十分感兴趣的话题,能够充分唤起学生的参与XX,单元内容高度生活化,富有活力,体现了本套教材的一个重要特征,紧扣时代脉博,富有时代气息,学生在学过Healthy eating、Festivals Mordern agriculture 等单元,对中外饮食习惯,节日,以及农业差异有所了解之后,又对文化方面有所掌握,并为下一单元body Lang uagt(身体语言)打下了幽默的基础,本单元结在鼓励学生自主探索,了解祖国的灿烂文化,理解外国的文化,培养他们跨文化交际的意识与能力。
















由于本节课涉及warming up listening和speaking 三项内容,时间较为紧张,为此我将warming up的时间缩短,使其起到引入新课的作用,speaking中教材要求采访丑角,我将其改动为采访三位的不同喜剧类型,不同国家的职业笑星,使学生充分了解到不同幽默和不同文化之间的差异,增强了他们的采访兴趣。







本节课导入采用事先让学生准备一个幽默小笑话,做为morning report ,并询问:why did you laugh? Do you think it’s funny?用大屏幕展现几幅各种幽默形式的.图片,从而引出本单元的主题Humor。

(本节课导入先播放赵本山的几组图片,让三名同学表演其英语版的小品《卖拐》,并询问:who is he? Why did you laugh? Do you think it’s funny?)用大屏幕展现几幅各种幽默形式的图片,从而引出本单元的主题Humor。

2、Warming up

观看大屏幕上图片,总结一些幽默类型,并询问学生“In what other performances do you enjoy humor?” (你还在其它哪种幽默演出中欣赏到幽默从而让学生在心中构建一个Lexical chunk,使学生了解幽默的各种形式,引出其中的一种形式—绕口令,设计让学生以竞赛形式快速朗诵,这部分目的有两个,一是呈现本单元的中心话题幽默,二是培养学生的语感。






4、Speaking 口语阶段








高三英语作文说课稿范文 第5篇














