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夜航命令簿英文记录范文 第1篇

Keep look out carefully

your look out

a(good, keen, proper) lookout

that a good course is

that a good course is

Steer very carefully

Watch the steering

Attend to


Course by standard

Co. by standard N36°E

Co. by <175>

Watch and keep a lookout for land

See that all navigation (regulation, running) lights are burning brightly

Keep all clear and in good

your proper attention to running lights

Look out for passing vessels and fishing boats

Look out crafts and especially lights

Keep well clear of all

Avoid close quarters with other vessels

a berth for passing vessels

Give a sufficient sea for all

the risk of collision by the compass bearing approaching

Report at once if the weather thick

Call if there is any in weather

Report any change in the

Let know if the weather is getting worse

Let know if the wind changes in or increases its force

When the visibility poor, sound the at regulated and let know it

When you are in sight of X. light, let me know it

Report me if you make out X. light

Call me at once if necessary (you want)

Call me at any time if you required

Call me at any time when you think my presence on the bridge is necessary

Call me at once if you have doubt in your mind or unusual occurs

Call me at any time if you find anything to be doubtful

Don’t hesitate to call me up, whenever you had any doubt

Take amplitude azimuth and find compass deviation if the weather permits

Compare and check gyrocompass at times

Lookout for m/v “Vitus Bering”,and let me know when she is seen (sighted)

Report me when you sighted Neptune Lt.

Report beam distance when Neptune Lt. Ho is abeam

In order to avoid immediate danger, slacken her speed or stop or reverse the engine at once, if necessary, and then call me

Never alter her course without my order, except to avoid collision or danger

Alter her course to <135> when the distance recorder shows 305’,and report me

When you are in doubt anything, call me at any time

Attend strictly to standing orders.

On the 30th Jan. 2022

Keep a good lookout.

Look out for fishing boats junks, and don’t approach too close to

rounds and inspect and gear.

If no material change of weather,call me at 0400lt Let me know when you sighted any light on the way.

Sept. 13th, 2110

Rock head Lt. abeam 9’ off.

Co. by Standard Compass N68°E, E’r 2°W.

Keep a good look out for vessel and give a wide berth to all passing vessels.

When St. Angel Lt. is abm in the morning, alter the course to N42°E (E’r 1°W) and report me

Give me report when the weather became thick.

Call me at any time, if necessary.

Read barometer every hour and keep watch seas and wind all the time Adjust clocks at midnightfor . at Colombo.

On the 30th Jan. 2022 Masan to Yeosu

Pilot on board, proceeding through inland sea, and steering var’ly under pilot’s charge.

Give the pilot all yourpossible assistance and don’t neglect your good lookout and attend to the navigation lights are burning brightly.

Call me up at any time in case any unusual change occurred and also when the shipapproached the Noryang channel in the middle watch.

Signature/ Master

0800 pm on the24th May, 2022

Lat 29°31¢N Long 118°21¢E Steer S23°W by St’d Compass.

Keep a good lookout.

See that a good course is made

Give all vessels an ample berth.

As you ought to sight Capones Lt. at 0200 am, let me know when you sighted it

Report me if there is any change in the weather.

Call me at once if you think the ship setting towards land or there is anything doubt

Call me up at 0300 am.

Attend to standing orders.

19th Sept. 2022

Course N54°W by Standard Compass.

Call me at 0530 or at any time before then if you think necessary of my presence on the bridge Comorin Lt. should be seen, nearly right a’hd, about 0500, and the white sector of the above Light should be seen a little later.

27th June 2022

Steer N54°W by St’d Compass. E’r 2°W Leeway allowed on this course 1°.

Keep helm in hand steering for the night and keep vessel on track Call me at any time you are in doubt or at 0430.

Look out for vessels, sailing crafts, especially for fishing boats without lights

Log time and Lat of meridian passage of 180°.

When you are in sight of Comorin Light, let me know it.

Give all traffic at least two miles . (closest point of approach) Due to crossing 180°, it will be Monday tomorrow, 29th June 2022.

2000LT on the 15th July 2022

Keep a good lookout for Saddle Id. In the morning and call me when sighted

Give plenty room to all passing vessels.

Call me at once if the wireless operator give any storm warning.

Keep in your mind whether she might se in shore by strong tide or not, and ascertain the ship is always on her course line, checking position by cross bearing frequently.

Take stellar observation in the morning, if possible.

Signature/ Master

To officers. Los Angeles, May 1st, 2022.

While the ship lying at this port, do your best and pay careful attention on the following matters:

Keep one officer’s night watch alternately.

Come back on board before starting cargo work except those who granted special permission.

Stop sanitary water before lightersget alongside and give notice to engineer on duty stop its pump. Be careful of bath and WC water.

Let nobody smoke in or near hatches and on deck during cargo work.

Inspect all cargo gears strictly, such as winches, cargo runners, guys, gin blocks, stays, riggings, cargo slings, and etc. put oil to all winches, and have all winches tested before commencing cargo work.

Lookout cargo gears and see that those are working in good order.

Make night inspection before you go to bed and especially take precautions against fire, getting ready fire hoses and fire pumps at hand.

Watch for storm signals hoisted up on the yardarm of the signal station.

Mind that you watch officer, are authorized to issue orders when the circumstance required.

Signature/ Master

夜航命令簿英文记录范文 第2篇







7.不论由于何种原 3因能见度小于3 mile时,请立即报告;


夜航命令簿英文记录范文 第3篇


夜航命令簿英文记录范文 第4篇

  on the events expected at the night.

  includes following points:

 -Comply with standing orders

 -Follow the laid courses.

 -Check and plot positions at requiredintervals.

 -Keep proper look out and comply with ROR

 -Call master at required position, ifapplicable.

 -Anti-piracy watch if required.

 -Prepare before proceeding to pilot stations.


  down one hour (or as required for engine) before end of passage . Call master at the marked position.

  pilot ladders in time

  by crews in time.

  the vessel's position frequently if at anchor.

  master if in any doubt.

