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保持信任英语作文范文初中 第1篇

Whatever one does,one should do it with one has no confidence,there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with truth seems to be self evident.

In reality,howeve,we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to some,this might be for many others,this only shows that they have lost heart.

Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main the first place,these people don’t have a correct estimate of example…… Secondly,there is another possibility that they exaggerate the can’t see…..They tend to……..

In my opinion,one should build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own should neither underestimate nor overestimate our a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.” With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.

保持信任英语作文范文初中 第2篇

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Maintaining Trust by commenting on the saying “It takes years to build trust,and a few seconds to destroy it.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

As an old saying goes,“It takes years to build trust,and a few seconds to destroy it.” Maintaining trust is the most important characteristic that a person requires to be successful in by consistently proving to be? honest can a person earn the precious trust of family members and business partners.

On the one hand,a parentsrelationship with his children must be based on trust and a father promises many times to take his son to a football match and cancels every time,his son will naturally lose begin to lose faith in his father’s the other hand,in the business world,people with no trust sooner or later earn the bad reputation they have observed how destructive a person’s dishonesty has been to his chances for success,and how his relationships with other people are purely superficial,based only on self interest.

Trust is a very valuable asset,which is easy to lose but hard to the long run,an honest person will have earned the love and respect of the people closest to them,which,in my opinion,is the greatest measure of a successful life.

保持信任英语作文范文初中 第3篇

Trust is essential to social interaction among friends,conducting business transactions,leading a team,and even playing games would be all but impossible without have you ever wondered why we trust other people at all?

Little is known about the science of trust,but researchers have begun to focus on the peptide oxytocin as a potential clue to the biological basis for this is produced in the hypothalamus,and acts on areas of the brain responsible for social behaviors.

Scientists hypothesize that oxytocin stimulates a trust response by encouraging _approach behavior_ —that is,reducing the natural suspicion we have to the social proximity of chemical has also been found to reduce the brains fear response to pictures of human faces.

Under its influence,people are more willing to take social one study,researchers had their subjects play a simple game based on who had been given a dose of synthetic oxytocin were more likely to trust the other players than those who had not.

In another study,seventy individuals with general social phobias used synthetic oxytocin for one month,taking a dose before entering difficult social subjects were more relaxed and exhibited a higher level of confidence when interacting with others while supplementing their brains natural levels of the chemical.

Scientists are hopeful that further research into the effects of oxytocin will provide a new way to treat anxiety disorders in humans,from debilitating shyness to autism and they continue to explore oxytocins role in brain activity,they hope to further understand these disorders,as well as the normal function of trust in human societies.

保持信任英语作文范文初中 第4篇

Sunday,after I read the article _Trust_,I couldnt help but upset,and I was very will make a good prisoner disappointed with the world? It is a policeman to discrimination against prisoners,but more is not made this prisoner who jailbreak this because of Wan Ming? It is a girl trust in two kilograms of weight is how important is in our need trust with people,and the businessmen need to trust each othe,let alone between the classmates and people lose trust in each othe,give their minds a heavy iron lock,then,the society that is thriving,thriving,will not exist,and replaced will be a dead that time,everything in the world will become unfamiliar.

Read the article _Trust_,I cant help but remember such a thing:a ragged students appearance of the people squatted on the side of the road,the foot is a piece of begging for school,one iron can,zero zero land Place several corners of the a pedestrian,a car passed,no one had seen it to this side,some simply vision,not to give a destination,their practices can be understood,since the report on the similar fraud People no longer pity these you thought about it? If others say it is true,then when you have gone from those people,you have a is still two words a bridge that is erected,and is a bond that communicates with people.

It is a string of the wave of volatile can be seen from many examples that the strength of trust is huge,which can set off a large wave in any person,prompting him to climb should not look at people with colored is more trust,and there is a little bit,this is not good?

