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纽约时报写作竞赛范文 第1篇

New York Times

Editorial Contest









纽约时报写作竞赛范文 第2篇

Chester E. Finn, a prominent American educational scholar, in his opinion editorial “Young, Gifted and Neglected” asserts that talented American students deserve just as much political attention and financial support from the government as low-achieving students do. He enunciates his argument and manages to persuade his reader by employing multiple literary devices, giving relevant numerical statistics, and acknowledging and then challenging a social stereotype.


Chester first highlights the contrast between the government’s cordial attention toward low-achieving students and its aloof negligence of talented and active students who require more resources than low-achieving students to prosper. He points out that the government is only “raising the floor under low-achieving students” and therefore ignores raising “the ceiling for those already well above the floor”. His comparison forcefully reminds his reader that even though talented students only constitute a small portion of the American student population not only numerically but also geographically, their desire of advancing their studies should not be ignored by the government just for the rest of the students to feel equal and not left behind. Chester also argues that more competitive exam schools in America means more “safe havens” for gifted students whose precious talents could have gone wasted in normal, uninspiring public schools. His metaphor illustrates to his reader the beneficial atmosphere and abundant educational opportunities exam schools have to offer for their students. It shows to his reader that in those safe havens, students can largely avoid severe problems they can encounter in uncompetitive public schools, such as peer pressure, gang violence, and academic dishonesty. With effective literary devices, Chester successfully explains and advocates his belief that America entails more “elitist” exam schools for its talented students to further expand their academic scopes.


Chester also gives relevant statistics to back up his claim that there is a shortage of competitive exam schools in America, which adds credibility and quantified evidence to his conclusion. He states that his research only finds “165” public high schools that can adequately provide for talented students out of “more than 20,000” public high schools. Some may argue that the 165 existent competitive public high schools can sufficiently accommodate most talented students in America. Expecting this argument that can potentially diminish the value of competitive public schools, Chester further offers an example of a well-known public school that gets “some 3,300 applicants a year” among whom more than two-thirds of them are academically qualified. The numerical evidence Chester provides further draws reader’s attention to the lack of competitive public school in America and emphasizes the urgent need of high quality educational institutions that can help talented students succeed in the future. Moreover, Chester attempts to demystify the term “exam schools”, which are assumed to be elitist by society, as he finds that racial minorities such as African Americans and Asians are well represented in exam schools (21 percent and 5 percent respectively), indicating to his reader that exam schools are in fact not elitist but promoting racial equality and integrity.

Overall, Chester bravely encourages the reader to acknowledge and then overcome a social stereotype, that all public schools must be “all things to all students.” While an abundance of political slogans calls for equal opportunities for all students, Chester asserts that “every motivated, high-potential young American”, instead of “every young American”, needs more resources and support from the government and that he or she should not be intentionally undertreated in order to avoid seeming elitist. Although President Obama and presidential candidate Mitt Romney did attend and graduate from elite private high school and owe much of their success to their education that many cannot afford, Chester stresses the distinction between elite private high school and public exam schools, as the latter are “great schools accessible to families who can’t afford private schooling or expensive suburbs”. After all, Chester’s comparison legitimizes the democratic nature of public exam schools in front of his reader and helps them understand the irrationality behind the notion of keeping everything the same for every vastly different student in terms of academic motivation and capacity.


Chester E. Finn Jr. has succeeded in convincing his reader that providing different levels of resources and opportunities to different type of students is in actuality practical and far-sighted rather than elitist. He first highlights the imbalanced allocation of resources and the benefit of public exam schools with multiple literary devices, convinces his reader of the high demand of public exam schools in American society, and eventually helps his reader recognize the democratic nature of public exam schools.


纽约时报写作竞赛范文 第3篇





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纽约时报官方给出的评分标准中包含:Opinion 观点、Attention to Detail细节、Audience受众群体、Language 语言、以及Guidelines 比赛准则。


今年的纽约时报学生评论竞赛New York Times Student Review Contest将在本月开启!!!喜欢写作的你不能错过~

