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雅思写作大作文范文解析 第1篇

Of course, international efforts have done a fine job of moving away from petrol-based consumption. Countries which align with Paris Agreement, for example, have established carbon neutrality targets, with new markets flourishing in recycling sector. With more governments and corporations concerning zero-carbon solutions, the outlook of less dependence on carbon fuels may look rosy. But this draconian cut on fossil use may backfire; cobalt—a necessary component of vehicle batteries—is a defining example of the mineral conundrum. Numerous studies have demonstrated the close connection between worker exploitation in the cobalt mining industry and a number of environmental problems, including elevated radioactivity levels and hazardous chemicals seeping into the subterranean water system. As such, questions linger over so-called carbon justice on our decarbonization pilgrimage.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第2篇

Write about the following topic:

Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people. We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love. We also often see pictures of them in private situations.

Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people?

Model Answer:

Generally, people read newspapers to find out about world current affairs and they read magazines to be entertained. Therefore, one would expect to find articles that feature the private lives of famous people in magazines rather than newspapers. However, nowadays, more and more newspapers include stories like these which are neither informative nor useful.

In my opinion, this type of gossip about people's private lives should not be in newspapers for several reasons. Firstly, for example, the fact that Princess Diana is going out with a sportsman is not important news. Secondly, if newspapers want to publish articles about famous people they should focus on their public events and achievements. In other words, if there is an article about Princess Diana it should be about her works of charity, which will increase public awareness of important problems. In addition, journalists should make sure that they write about the facts only, not rumours. One should be able to rely on newspapers for the actual truth.

Magazines, on the other hand, focus on social news. But I feel it is more acceptable for them to contain some features about famous personalities. In addition to being popular reading, these stories often benefit the stars by giving free publicity to them, thereby helping their careers. However, I also believe that magazine stories should not mention things that are too embarrassing or untrue just to attract people to buy the magazine. Sensational stories, such as these, cause great unhappiness to the people concerned.

In conclusion, I think newspapers should concentrate on real news but magazines can feature some articles on people's private lives.


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第3篇

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on your personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence? (2012年5月真题)

Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance ofinherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an individual's personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment (nurture).

Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics can be for an individual's life. But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development. it seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.

My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person's life. Instead, the traits, we inherit from our parents and the situations and experiences we have in life are constantly interacting. It is the interacting of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates how that personality develops. If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behaviour and character of a person from the moment they were born.

In conclusion, I do not think that either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person, but that both have powerful effects. How these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a person's life.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第4篇

The newspaper will remain to be an important source of people’s news consumption, even though other media may get the upper hand. Many predict that the print’s days are numbered due to strong competition from television, radio and the Internet. In terms of popularity, newspaper is statistically down but is not emotionally out.


Statistically, it can be said that the print news audiences are dwindling, which means newspaper readership is getting eclipsed by other ways of learning about news. It is a long, slow and painful downward spiral to the point that the newspaper, like vinyl records and film cameras, is a relic for collectors. According to research reports on the news industry, local television is the number one source of news for the majority of people, with digital news coming in second, followed by the radio, and then by the newspaper. One possible explanation why the newspaper is being left far behind is that many people do not see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need elsewhere for free.


Nevertheless, for emotional reasons print newspapers will continue to exist for a good while. To begin with, the feeling of a warm newspaper right off the press is one of traditional readers’ favorite moments to begin a regular day. Unlike other ways of delivering news, a print newspaper can be physically held in a reader’s hands, and this is a huge pro for print editions. In addition, newspapers can provide opportunities for longer, more in-depth feature articles that tend to be read in full. Instead of becoming a thing of the past, print newspapers are still widely read and preferred by many audiences.


In conclusion, the golden days of print news are gone forever, but nothing is like the feeling of physically holding a newspaper in hands. After all, the different ways of learning about news are not mutually exclusive. Each news media outlet is effective in its own way. (338 words)



news media 新闻媒体

news consumption 新闻消费

to get the upper hand 占上风

to predict 预测

the days are numbered 日子不多了

the news industry 新闻业

to see the point 看出道理

for a good while 一段时间

not mutually exclusive 互不排斥


真题范文:There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(有许多针对儿童的广告,如零食、玩具和其他商品。家长们认为孩子们处于压力之下。广告商声称广告提供有用的信息。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点。



雅思写作大作文范文解析 第5篇

The bar chart compares 4 categories of domestic waste in terms of their recycling proportion in one specific city over a decade from1992 to 2002.


Generally, it can be seen that the household sectors had relatively low recycling rates in 1992 especially for plastic as merely 11% of it was collected. The remaining three kinds of trash including cans, paper and glass stood at an almost equal percentage 13%.


Five years later, the situation turned better off. There was a moderate increase in the amount of plastic and paper reused. While the rise was particularly noticeable in glass which nearly doubled in its recycling, a slight drop was actually found in cans.


The following half decade witnessed an overall upward trend except plastic which kept constant at about 12%. More cans and paper were recycled, with the proportion reaching more than 20% and almost 30% respectively. Also noteworthy is that glass remained the principal waste materials, approaching to as high as one half.


Overall, the gap between these waste recycling had enlarged in these years and while the vast quantities of glass and paper were recycled , plastic and cans remained unpopular.



年11月10日的雅思大作文写作题目是:Nowadays, many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




A. 双边讨论:认为两者都很重要

B. 一边倒讨论:只认为文凭更重要,或社交能力更重要

C. 批判思维:对某些工作而言,文凭更重要,而对其他工作而言,社交能力更重要。




It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.

(1) 本段开门见山,直接表明观点,即专业资质和社交能力同等重要。本作文采取双边讨论的结构。重要的是如何分别论述专业资质和社交能力的重要性。

(2) Highlight 高亮;强调

(3) Professional 专业的;职业的

(4) Look to do... 希望做......

(5) Mix 混合

On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and the expertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions. That is why those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and them, landing an interview or even getting past applicant tracking systems will become next to impossible. After all, in the job market, nothing can beat the importance of hard skills.

(1) 本段主要论述求职中工作技能的重要性:求职者必须拥有证明其具有某种工作技能的证书和执照。

(2) Expertise 专业知识

(3) Job description 职位描述

(4) Potential 潜在的

(5) Sought-after 急需的

(6) Next to impossible 几乎不可能

(7) Nothing can beat the importance of... 没有什么比......更为重要

Soft skills, on the other hand, are emotional abilities that are useful for an individual to stand out among other job applicants. While hard skills can be learned through proper training, soft skills are harder to develop. And this partly explains why soft skills are extremely valuable these days. Indeed, such emotional traits are so valuable that almost every employer looks for job candidates who are skilled in identifying emotions, using emotions, and regulating emotions. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.

(1) 本段主要论述社交能力的重要性。首先定义社交能力,然后论述它为什么重要。

(2) Stand out 突出

(3) Partly 部分地

(4) Valuable 有价值的

(5) Identify 识别

(6) Regulate 调节

(7) Superior 上级

In conclusion, the two types of skills are not mutually exclusive as both of them are equally important in the job market. As far as employment is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer must necessarily be both.

(1) 总结前面的主要观点,强调两者都很重要。

(2) Mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3) Employment 工作

(4) Necessarily 一定地

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第6篇

There is a strange trend that while some people have to struggle to fight hunger,many consumers, especially in some developed countries, throw away as much as half of the food they purchase from shops and restaurants. Both overbuying and food spoilage are two principal drivers of the food waste.


Buying food way more than people really need without detailed plan contributes to food loss. This is mainly because with marketing ploy becoming so attractive and lucrative , most consumers are more likely to do impulse and bulk food purchases especially when retailers sell unusual production and provide different tempting sales promotion so as to lure their clients to buy their products. What is worse, the food bought in shops and restaurants, in most cases, hardly fit into their regular meal plans and therefore spoil before they can be consumed. With income rising to unforeseen levels, diners now seem to increase their portion sizes significantly than ever before , and thus leave some of their meals uneaten , and make half of edible leftovers left at the restaurants, an extravagant consumerism that must be discouraged.


Food spoilage is also responsible for this negative trend. After snapping up food in shops and restaurants, most of food have to be stored yet due to improper storage, lack of visibility in refrigerators, partially used ingredients and misjudged food needs, some food probably become less nutritious,inedible, or even rotten so that they have to be discarded before being used instead.


Different organisations should assume the responsibility for changing the way people consume the food they buy. Government could make laws to force shops and restaurants to sell a reasonable amount of food according to the average level;otherwise they will be fined seriously and even face criminal responsibility. At the same time, consumers themselves must raise the awareness that they had better not only buy food rationally and reasonably but also be frugal. In other words, what is by far most important is that they need to eat responsibly. As long as they consume food properly, the food waste will be prevented and even eliminated.


To sum up, the reason why people waste too much food is over-consumption and improper storage and the fundamental solution lies in empowering and encouraging consumers to change their way of eating food.



原题是:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and .


题目:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and 2001.



注意题目的改写:’in 1981、1991 and 200’ 一共二十年的时间,可以改写为20-year- period或者two decades.




首先可以从人数最多的central amusement park开始描述其二十年的趋势;

呈上升趋势的:national park; national gallery (每十年就几乎又一倍的增长);

呈下降趋势的:science park;

无明显趋势变化:central zoo


The bar charts give information about how many travelers have visited five tourist destinations in a European country and how this number has changed in two decades.


It is noticeable that Central amusement park was the most attractive tourist spot with 25 million people visiting in 1981. Though this figure dropped to 20 million in 1991, it reclined to 22 million a decade later. Another noticeable finding is that in one decade (1981-1991), the number of people visiting the National Park witnessed a dramatical increase from 10 million to 15 million. This climb slowed down in the next decade with an increase of only 2 million people.

值得注意的是,中央游乐园是1981年最具吸引力的旅游景点,有2500万游客。虽然这个数字在1991年下降到2 000万人,但十年后又下降到2 200万人。另一项值得注意的发现是,在十年内(1981-1991年),参观国家公园的人数从1 000万急剧增加到1 500万。在接下来的十年里,这一增长速度放缓,只增加了200万人。

A similar trend has been found in the increase of travelers to the National Gallery. In 1981, only 7 million people chose to visit that attraction. However, this figure was almost doubled in 10-years’ time. It continued to grow under the similar speed, in 2001, more than 20 million people have visited the National Gallery.


The figure has shown little change in the Science Park. In 1981, only 7 million people have visited that place. After experiencing a slight increase, the number continued to drop and reached 6 million in 2001. Similarly, the figure for Central Zoo remained stable, with just 5 million of visitors going there for two decades, which makes it the least attractive tourist spot for people.


201月17日雅思大作文写作7分范文 对于食物的浪费问题,我们应该怎样解决

年1月17日的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文写作真题:食物的浪费已经成为一个越来越严重的问题,我们应该怎样解决它?In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?范文来自网络。

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第7篇

题目:Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.

范文:With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.

Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.

However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.

In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.


Topic:As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the advantage of this for individuals outweigh the disadvantage?私家车的利弊


Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase. The number of car use on the roads saw an increase of 3 million cars each year from 1990 to , and in the next decade the EU will see a further substantial increase in its feet. (原话稍作修改,用在这里)Therefore, the issue of whether private cars bring us more benefits or drawbacks has been heatedly debated.

主体段第一段: 论述私家车的好处,方便了人们的通勤,让人们不用在依赖固定行程的公共交通。

Granted, the advantages of having private cars are undeniable. Having your own car provide you with a great deal of freedom. Automobiles have redefined the concept of mobility for millions of people. Personal independence derived from having a car means that people can go for shopping, work and pursuit whenever and at anytime without depending on fixed schedules of public transportation systems. Most importantly, it is more efficient for commuters to come and go back between their home and workplaces on a daily basis.


However, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for a large amount of CO2 emissions, the leading gas of greenhouse effect. This is partly because of the substantial increase of private car ownership. The emission of gas will be capable of causing death in large doses and headaches in smaller doses. According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2 emission from private automobiles can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1113 billion tones by , compared with the 739 billion tones recorded in 1990.(稍作修改,用做私家车坏处的论据)


Furthermore, cars pollute water sources in a variety of ways. One is through runoff of automobile fluids, brake dust, deicing chemicals and oil. Another is through leaking pumps at gas stations. Improper disposal of motor oil is also a cause of ground water contamination.


Finally,the determining impact is the large volume of traffic, resulting in traffic congestion, especially during rush hours.(原话稍作修改,用在这里)Currently, more citizens can afford to purchase private cars, which offer them great convenience. Instead of taking unpunctual buses or overcrowded metro to work, people now have the alternative to commute in their own cars. Undeniably, this new trend inevitably deteriorates the traffic situation.(上文用过的论据,这里也可以用)


Therefore, the over-crowding of city roads is the result of unbalanced urban development. Using alternative fuels to improve energy efficiency and reforming the road policy is thus both an ecological necessarily and a technological challenge. At the same time, greater efforts must be made to achieve a modal shift. Such a change cannot be achieved overnight, all the less so after over half a century of constant deterioration in favor of road.(原句用在这里)

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第8篇


As children grow to be the target group of advertisement industry, a range of advertisements aimed at them have been produced, which had caused some controversies in the society.

Those who advocate the spread of advertising targeted at children deem that these advertisements can provide potential customers with a comprehensive understanding of the products advertised, which can help consumers make well-informed buying decisions. Since television advertisements can present goods in a visual and audio way, this can definitely enhance people’s knowledge of the advertised goods, especially some electronic toys or newly-introduced food.

On the other hand, parents are concerned that children are easily attracted by the vivid advertisement from the Internet or television, and because of it, kids will pester their parents to buy the goods advertised. Obviously, children are a group of consumers without the ability to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong. If they are convinced of the benefits of the products from the advertisement, they will not consider the negative aspects or further explore the truth of the advertisement itself.

Besides, peer pressure is another point which needs to be mentioned here. The widespread advertising campaign will make the public overwhelmed by these advertisements, which means there will always be some parents and children purchasing the advertised goods, and therefore, some psychological factor of children may urge a part of them to obtain the products even though they may not need the goods.

Personally, advertisements themselves contain a lot of information which can be quite useful for consumers. If the advertising industry can be well regulated and children being supervised when they are watching the advertisements, there is no need for parents to worry about the side effects by the widespread advertisements.



1. Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much as they wish. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


2. Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


3. Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


4. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people.


5. Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


6. The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?


7. Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?


8. Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree?


9. Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, while others think of other family members like grandparents can do this job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


10. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


11. Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?有些人认为越来越多的使用电脑和手机对年轻人的负面影响阅读和写作技巧,你同意或不同意吗?

12. Nowadays, older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems do this cause? And what are the solutions?


13. Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.


14. Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


15. In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


16. Developments of technology are causing environmental problems. Some people think the solution is that everyone accepts a simpler life, while others believe that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


17. To improve the quality of education, people think that we should encourage our students to evaluate and criticise their teachers. Others believe that it will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


18. In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?


19. In some countries, people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons for this? How to change their views?


20. Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


21. As the transportation and accommodation problem increases in big cities, some governments are encouraging business move from the city to the rural area, do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


22. In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?


23. Many people do not feel safe either at home or they are out. What are the causes, and what can be done to make people feel safer?


24. It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?


25. Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making them want to be or to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?


26. Some people say government should give the health care the first priorities, some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers' money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


27. As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?


28. The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?


29. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


30. International travel sometimes lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?


31. Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


32. Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


33. Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (eg Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?


34. Some people think everyone should be a vegetarian, because we do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


35. In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (eg. Paper, glass and cans.) What are the reasons and solutions?


36. In some countries, secondary school aims to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is appropriate in today’s world?


37. Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


38. Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


39. Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


40. School leavers g travelling or work before they go directly to university. Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study?


41. For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


42. The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


43. 题目B:Consumption of the world’s resources (such as oil, fresh water, etc.) is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are the causes of this increased consumption? What can people do to reduce it?


44. The government should spend money in promoting sport and art in school, rather than sponsoring professional sports and art events in communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


45. Nowadays, more and more jobs and tasks are done by machines which involve hard physical work. Does these effects of this trend outweigh the negative effects?


46. In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future?


47. Nowadays, most people learn academic study in university, but others think we should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree?


48. Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable. There are some other better methods. Do you agree or disagree?


49. People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh negative effects?


50. Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


51. Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第9篇

While humans have made strides economically and technologically, the natural environment has become increasingly vulnerable as people cut down trees, pollute the air, water and soil. Therefore, encouraging them to assume the responsibility for protecting and preserving their own environment locally seems to be feasible but is unrealistic indeed.

If the government persuades its citizens to take care of their environment at the local level, some environmental problems will then be solved. Only if every individual in different areas choose to lead a low carbon lifestyle , for example driving less but taking public transport more and using less disposable products but reusing and recycling more, the air will be cleaner and resources on which we thrive consumed if all individuals just continue to damage the environment and take no action to change, the environment in which they reside and live will become a uninhabitable place. Without cooperation with different groups at the local level, the environment will hardly be improved.

But only pushing people to conserve the environment locally cannot address all environmental problems fundamentally. For example, the energy crisis has recently been a tricky problem for most countries, a problem that is so complex that it is beyond an individual’s ability to deal with. This is mainly because developing clean and renewable energy costs money and resources and because a growing number of environmental problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country.

Even worse, a majority of people are reluctant to adopt the solutions the government has proposed. The major reason is that many people consider the environment problem as a future concern. Some environment problems, such as climate change,may need to be tackled even after a century. Time and money is better invested in coping with immediate problems such as house shortage and traffic jam than in preventing a disaster that is only expected to happen in the future.

In conclusion, workable as it seems , inducing people to defend their own local environment not only fails to be an effective solution but is difficult to make this goal a reality in real life and in addition to individual efforts, other measures are also necessary especially when the environment problems is caused by a combination of factors, many of which are too big for an individual to resolve.字数 336words





雅思写作大作文范文解析 第10篇

Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than its advantages.

Do you agree or disagree?

The current hot issues include the one of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the automobile. In my opinion, its advantages outstrip its disadvantages for two major reasons: impact on society and economic impact.

Firstly, the development of automobiles has had an enormous effect on people's way of life throughout the world. The automobile has given people freedom of movement. It influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. However, each year, motor vehicle accidents kill an estimated 300,000 people throughout the world. But it is the drivers that are the chief factor in vehicle safety because they are responsible for about two-thirds of all accidents. Besides, the automobile itself has become safer and modern road building techniques have increasingly lowered the risk of automobile accidents.

Secondly, many nations depend on automobile production to provide jobs for millions of workers. Filling stations, restaurants, and other businesses that serve automobile travelers are of major importance to a country's economy. In addition, many developing nations have begun making automobiles to stimulate industry. For example, China has promoted broad-based automobile manufacturing. However, automobiles produce terrible air pollution that endangers people's health in many of the world's big cities. But in many countries, steps have been taken to control air pollution caused by automobiles.

In summary, the striking changes in people's lives and the economic impact created by the automobile in the early 20th century have since spread across much of the globe and its disadvantages are becoming insignificant.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第11篇

The international community must act immediately to ensure all nations reduce consumption of fossil fuels (gas and oil). To what extent do you agree or disagree?


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第12篇

Task 2


Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.










performing law enforcement and defending the country 执法保卫国家

the recruitment of women 雇佣女性

are inferior to 不如…./ 弱于….

physical strength and endurance 体力与耐力

be flustered 慌乱

gender characteristics 性别特征

communication security 通讯安全

Air Force 空军

long-term scientific and systematical training 长期系统且科学的培训

fight on the battlefield 战场上肉搏厮杀


Although some people think…. 让步状语从句

If a women's army fought with…. 虚拟语气

When facing an emergency, 非谓语动词做状语位于句首

because of 原因状语

sth discussed above 非谓语动词做定语

to judge whether….. 动宾就够的宾语从句

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第13篇

❖ done a fine job of 在某方面做得很好

❖ petrol-based consumption 以汽油为基础的消费

❖ align with 遵守

❖ Paris Agreement 《巴黎协定》是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)框架内关于2020年起二氧化碳减排措施的协议。

❖ carbon neutrality 碳中和

❖ flourish 蓬勃发展v.

❖ sector 行业

❖ zero-carbon 零碳

❖ outlook 前景n.

❖ rosy 乐观的/有希望的

❖ draconian 严苛的/苛刻的

❖ backfire 起到反作用

❖ cobalt 钴

❖ vehicle batteries 汽车车载电池

❖ conundrum 令人迷惑的难题

❖ exploitation 剥削/压榨

❖ mining 采矿

❖ elevated radioactivity levels 高辐射量

❖ seeping into 渗透

❖ subterranean 地下的

❖ As such 正因为如此

❖ linger 流连/逗留

❖ carbon justice 碳正义

❖ pilgrimage 朝圣之旅

❖ decarbonization 去碳化

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第14篇

雅思写作 抽象话题解析

1. 竞争与合作哪个好?


2. 现在与未来哪个更重要?

母题:Many people are optimistic of the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you share their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century? (050521, 090723)



3. 个人品质


4. 社会观念



Task:The speeding up of life in areas such as travel and communications is negatively affecting the society at every level --- individual, national, and global. Do you agree or disagree?



1. 个人层面:生活的加速会增大人们的压力,因为它破坏了生活的平衡。举例,飞机大大加速了人们的出行,但是也带来了更高的工作预期和更紧凑的时间计划。在太多例子中,企业员工被要求在早上乘坐飞机抵达另一个州,甚至是国家,来参加会议和谈判,然后又搭乘午夜的航班飞回家,中间没有任何的休息时间。结果是,人们会感觉筋疲力尽,喘不过气。

2. 国际层面:快速的运输和通讯系统的建立会进一步破坏环境。举例,飞机的频繁使用会排放大量的尾气。同样的,为了满足无线通讯的需求,如手机,数不清的基站被建立在山区和森林里,这破坏了生态圈。

3. 国家层面:便利的旅游和通讯会破坏一个国家的文化。举例,飞机增强了国家之间的联系,如贸易和旅游,但这也把国外文化引进到国内,这会导致文化竞争,并很有可能杀死本土文化。同样的,互联网的兴旺也把人们暴露在一个全球的流行文化之下,如流行音乐,电影,游戏,这让年轻人失去对于本国文化的兴趣。


Nowadays, modern technologies have sharply speeded up people’s traveling and communication. Some people argue that there are many negative results behind this fast-paced trend, personally, nationally, and globally. Personally, I strongly agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.

Firstly, on the personal level, an accelerated life pace make individuals stressful, due to it breaks the balance between working and living. For example, airplanes, the fastest transportation nowadays, can largely shorten the time of people’s long-distant traveling, while its high efficiency also causes higher work expectancy and tighter work schedule. For example, in a single day, a manager of multi-national companies is asked to take plane to go for a meeting in another region and country far away in the morning, and fly back to the home at night. This fast and exhausting lifestyle not only damages people’s health, but also alienates them from families, because of the lack of time spent on exercise, rest, or dinners with spouse and children.

In addition, on the international level, fast systems of global transportation and communication worse the environment. For one thing, an increasing number of cross-border air flights mean more fossil oil is burned and more waste gas is emitted, such as smog. As a result, this kind of discharge further deteriorates the global warming. Similarly, for the purpose of building up a modern seamless communication system for cell phones and the Internet, new base stations are installed in mountains and forests, new cable ropes are buried under the seabed. These constructions make an overall destruction to the global ecosystem, thus leading to the extinction of species.

Finally, on the national level, the thriving of fast long-distant traveling and communication would destroy cultural identities of a country. For example, fast airplanes bring more foreigners to a region or a country for cross-border meetings and tours. In order to meet the needs and tastes of these new comers, local old buildings are replaced by modern skyscrapers, and traditional cuisines are replaced by western fast food like McDonald. What is more, advertisements and videos of a pop culture on the Internet, from Hollywood movies to rock music, from Paris fashions to online games, draw all attention of the public in any local area. In other words, under the influence of the Internet which plays a role of cultural invader, people will lose the interests and respects in their local culture.

In conclusion, adverse consequences of a fast-paced world are undeniable, including an unbalanced lifestyle, environmental problems caused by airplanes and telecommunication, and the disappearance of a local culture.

(435 words)


Task:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it?


1. 科技更新太快,这意味着人们不得不很努力地不停学习新的知识和技能。此外,激烈的就业竞争也让人们每天都处在紧张状态中。

2. 需要背负很多家庭责任,如照顾父母,照顾小孩。而生活成本却在不断增加,这让人们感受到经济上的压力。

3. 如何释放压力:多运动,运动能让人摆脱抑郁和沮丧,恢复精神上的放松。多跟人交流,这能获得来自他人的安慰,建议,和关爱,让人们看淡困难和焦虑。


The acceleration of industrialization and the prosperity of economy benefit our society a great deal. But with the speeding up of economic development, people are facing more and more pressure from various aspects of their life. This essay will explore the causes for the heavy pressure and put forward some feasible solutions.

One of the major causes is that people’s living rhythm has been promoted immensely with the upgrading of new-knowledge and hi-tech. To keep abreast with the society, people have to work intensively on the one hand and improve their knowledge on the other. The economic globalization strengthened international cooperation and expand people’s scope of activity. The fierce social competition deprives people of their spare time and makes their life more stressful.

Another factor comes from the pressure of people’s family. People in the current society have to shoulder the responsibility of family maintenance. On the one hand, people have to care for their parents, creating for them a happy and comfortable life. On the other hand, they have to give their children good education. To earn more money, people have to work very hard to finance their family.

If people live in heavy pressure, they will have problems both physically and psychologically. To relieve the pressure, I think the following suggestions are feasible and practical. Firstly, people are suggested to go in for some sports games in their spare time or at the weekend. Sports can build up people’s physique and make them vigorous. Secondly, people should communicate with others frequently and confess their trouble and difficulty to others, which is a very magic way to release one’s pressure. Finally, people have to find a balance between money and health. Otherwise, one’s health will be overdrawn and spoiled by money earning.

In brief, good life should not be obtained at the price of the deterioration of one’s health. People should improve their living pattern and lead a life of high quality.

(337 words)


Task:Today some person have to work away from his family, what are the advantages and disadvantages?







Nowadays, working in a new place or a foreign country distant from homes has been a heated trend in debate. In my view, this change simultaneously brings benefits and risks to these people leaving home, and my reasons would be explored as below.

The main relevant benefits are the improvement of independence and interpersonal skills. Firstly, being away from the comfortable and safe zone built up by parents and friends in homeland, people in a strange environment, especially the youngsters, have to take responsibility for daily affairs, tasks, behaviors, health care and schedules. These efforts can improve their self-care skills and decision-making ability. Moreover, living in a different cultural circumstance, frequently inevitable interactions with local peers and residents who have different skin colors, social manners, lifestyles and religions serve as a catalyst for increased maturity. In other words, after encountering with cultural diversity, these outcomers would become more independent, flexible, patient and adaptable, and acquire proficient social skills as well. Lastly, for people who live and work abroad, they can stay a foreign language immersion for a long term, thus helping them to master how to speak a second language natively.

However, the demerits associated with this kind of emigration should never be ignored. For one thing, as many people, especially young adults, leave hometowns for far-away places, they leave family behind. As a result, extended family systems begin to disintegrate. The result is often a lack of childcare and eldercare for family members. When a younger person leaves, marriage prospects for young adults who decide to stay sill decline.

For another, the second demerit is about a challenge on the spiritual level. Being isolated from family and motherland, an immigrator tends to be troubled in the mental stress. Specifically, the homesick, loneliness, frustration caused by cultural conflicts, and fear about the future always surround these helpless people, and give them psychological suffering all the time.

In conclusion, it is very hard to decide that advantages of this issue outweigh the disadvantages, or the reverse is true. Although such experience is beneficial for the form of independent and social abilities, as well as mature mind, the absence from home is detrimental to the people and their families.

(367 words)

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第15篇


●take sth. for granted 认为…理所当然的

●diffuse v. 散布;扩散

3、As a matter fact, behind an addition in economic growth are more potential gains, if the money is distributed more to the ones who live on a tight budget. The most conspicuous one is that the disparity in terms of materialistic background between the rich and the poor can be narrowed down. It is not a rare case that people’s dissatisfaction and grumble is not ascribed to the unsatisfactory living conditions but the uneven distribution of resources. In other words, it is due to the economic gap that those who live in metropolises often shun those in rural areas, whom they view as impoverished and backwards-thinking, and the latter resent the former as arrogant and out of touch. In this sense, the economic addition to the poor can to some extent bridge the divide.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第16篇



















雅思写作大作文范文解析 第17篇

It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, are others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (剑桥雅思7test3)

The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.

Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music. So from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.

However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill than to a learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter how good the teacher or how frequent a child practices.

I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-wokring students never manage to reach a comparable level. But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports star have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent. With the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.

In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required.


Happiness is considered very important in life.

Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. (2016年4月真题)

Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. however, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her happy.

Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.

Overall, I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not ( a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.).

Life self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第18篇

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you think might be effective?(2017年12月真题)

There is no doubt that traffic and pollution from vehicles have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere. Solving these problems is likely to need more than a simple rise in the price of petrol.

While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long. As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very unpopular with everyone who needs to travel on the roads. But there are various other measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on these problems.

I think to tackle the problem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed, The technology is already available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter and cleaner to use. Persuading manufacturers and travellers to adopt this new technology would be a more effective strategy for improving air quality, especially in cities.

However, traffic congestion will not be solved by changing the type of private vehicle people can use. To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travellers. For example, if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own car for long journeys.

In conclusion, I think that long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第19篇



In my country, a century ago, it was not easy for a child to grow up due to malnutrition and diseases. But today, parents are able to not only guarantee children’s material abundance, but also provide them with qualified education. All these allow children to have more freedom enabling them to have better development.

Admittedly, it seems plausible to assert that children, given the young age, are not mature enough to enjoy much freedom. Obviously, children sometimes lack necessary experience and knowledge for them to make right decision or regulate their behaviors. Without any restriction, they may fail to resist the temptation and indulge themselves with freedom. For example, they are likely to spend all their pocket money on snacks, such as candies and puffed food, which is bad for health, or they waste too much time on watching TV and playing computer games, which squeeze up their time for other more meaningful activities.

However, with parents’ appropriate and effective supervision and guidance, children can benefit a lot from the freedom. It is parents’ responsibility to help children cultivate self-discipline and self-control and teach them how to judge right and wrong. All these are indispensable for children to enjoy freedom. Hence, they are free to explore the outside world and govern their life. The free access to Internet enables them to gain knowledge and make friends; the free choices of study and entertainment help them become independent and responsible. In a word, with the freedom, children are able to nurture many valuable traits and habits.

To sum up, it is beneficial for children today to have much freedom in life.

In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?






雅思写作大作文范文解析 第20篇

An ongoing topic of debate in traffic safety world has been whether the age for driving should be raised or not. Typically, the legal age to drive alone needs to be 17 or so, but there is a proposal, underpinned by some groups.

It is fairly hard to imagine that home has become the only place of safety in modern society, where residents are worried about various kinds of crimes, street robbery, car theft and even shooting. This is obligation of the government to protect the civil life and work, which, I think, could be classified into three aspects.

First, deterring potential crimes is considered as a direct way to improve living environment for residents. Some strict laws and regulations should be imposed on specific crime cases. For example, prolonging the term of imprisonment could be an effective way to deter crimes, like theft and robbery. Also, lowering the minimum crime age on punishment is another solution to ordinary crimes because younger criminals are liable to escape from punishments.

Second, the high rate of crimes is derived partly from the widening gap of living in cities. Therefore, creating more job opportunities after investing in manufactures and public services could, to some degree, bring about stable incomes. Reduction in the number of the homeless and unemployed contributes to decline in the level of social chaos and conflicts. When everyone is satisfied with the company they work for and the salary they are paid, there may be no need for them to risk committing crimes.

Third, popularity of primary and secondary education or opening more technical schools is an urgent task. People who live in slums with minimum education more probably commit crimes than those with decent education and comparatively higher social status. Therefore, the level of education reflects living condition and public security in communities, which for a long term is regarded as the foundation of civilized society.

In conclusion, there are plenty of solutions to crimes and social problems, which depend on effectiveness of activities and continuous efforts from both government and individuals.


Street robbery街道抢劫

Car theft 偷车




Be imposed on强加于



Be liable to 易于做某事

Be derived from 由 而产生

Social chaos社会混乱





雅思写作do you agree or disagree范文解读:社会责任犯罪题材












vocabulary:bankruptcy welfare enterprise charity generation law-abiding citizen

Work/Life Balance

It is important to achieve a balance between work time and leisure or family time

Too much work can result in stress and poor health

“workaholics” may neglect their families and friends

People need to take regular holidays

Companies should be expect employees to work overtime

Nowadays, many people work part-time or have flexible working hours

Technology allow people to work from home

Many companies provide childcare facilities

A good work/ life balance can raise job satisfaction

Happy, healthy workers are more productive


雅思写作题目:Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Crimes can be detestable, while minor offenders and their crimes are from time to time treated with leniency. Thus, some argue that laws should not discriminate, and equally punish minor criminals—an opinion that this essay is against.


To begin with, minors are yet to approach their maturity, and their crimes, albeit serious, should be punished with the consideration of their young age. Internationally speaking, countries might define the start of adulthood differently—18 being the most common—but they commonly believe that there is adistinction between minor crimes and adult crimes. Minors are likely to be given a better chance for rehabilitation when they commit crimes because of their inexperience of life and possibly better life prospects. In that case, milder punishments are inflicted on juvenile delinquents: lesser sentencing and relatively less harsh correction facilities are introduced in their cases.


Moreover, considering the correction process, minor offenders should not be punished equally as adult criminals. Despite the above-mentioned arguments that are in young offenders’ defense, crimes, especially felonies by minors, deserve heavy punishment to deter crimes and reduce the harm of those crimes to the society. However, sending minors to adult prison might entail unexpectedly negative results. First, minors are naturally closer to more sophisticated criminals and crimes, which aggravate juvenile delinquency. Second, when in adult correctional facilities, young criminals might be threatened by assaults by adult prisoners, mostly sexually, which is nowhere closer to the purpose of rehabilitation.


In sum, law breakers, be they minors or not, should be punished for their wrongdoings, but lesser sentences and special correctional facilities might be more reasonable and helpful.




The news about violent crimes may frighten people or, on contrary, encourage them to commit a crime. Therefore, some believe that these types of news should not be reported in newspapers or on TV. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished?

In many countries crime is increasing. What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?














雅思写作大作文范文解析 第21篇

小作文题目是:The chart below shows the average time 16-22-year olds spent on playing video games in four different countries between 1992 and .Summarize the details. Select and report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

范文解析 该柱状图难度中等偏下,数字相对较少,共有8个数字。让我们先来看一下3w(when, where, what)。When是过去的两个年份1992和2002,切记用过去时态。Where为四个国家,what为16-22岁的年轻人花费在视频游戏上的时间。可以看出when和where两个变量,要求我们描述这十年间的变化趋势和国家之间的静态对比。所以考生可以按照时间为主线去分段,也可以按照国家去分段。


The bar chart compares the amount of time spent on video games on average by youngsters aged between 16-22 years old from four countries in two years 1992 and 2002.


It is evident that in 1992, the largest amount of time (85 hours) allocated to video games was from young people in country B. This was narrowly followed by country C and country A where respectively 78 hours and 76 hours were spent while it took the minimal hours for this age group to play video games in country D, standing at merely 50.


These youngsters increasingly relied on video games to relax themselves as there was an overall upward trend in total time ten years later. A two-hour rise could be noticed in both country A and country B, with the latter one still ranking the top. Despite of a considerable increase by 8 hours, video games still attracted the least attention of young people in country D and it is country C that was the only one which witnessed a slight drop by 1 hour.


In summary, in three of the four countries, teenagers and younger adults tended to devote more time playing video games over the decade.


雅思写作话题之团队精神 范文及思路解析

首先我们来看写作题目:Team or group activities can teach more important skills for life than those done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(2018年9月雅思写作真题)








In this highly competitive world, acquiring a variety of skills has become far more important than ever before.



It is argued that people gain more necessary abilities through participating in a variety of group work, compared with the individual one.


From my perspective, skills gained from both types of activities are equally essential.



what people are able to learn by teamwork is meaningful.

Firstly, by cooperating and working together with other participators, people are able to gain a better understanding of how to collaborate with others, an important quality that can facilitate to achieve career success. 分论点1:团队合作的意义:促进人与人之间的相互理解及沟通能力的培养,这是促进团队合作成功的重要品质。

Another essential ability people can develop from group activities is communication skill. Whatever the group work is, playing football, basketball or doing a scientific research, it requires participants to communicate and socialize with others from diverse backgrounds especially when they hold different perspectives. 举例子:踢足球、科研都需要相互配合,需要沟通,当然团队合作中会有不同的观点,如何取平衡吸收这些观点呢?

People with strong social skills can adapt to a new environment more quickly and are more likely to access good resources from their friends wherever they are.



Nevertheless, the importance of individual activities is not supposed to be neglected and performing a task separately contributes extraordinarily to cultivating people’s critical and independent thinking. :个人活动的重要性同样不能忽视。个人行动培养的是人的独立思考能力和批判精神。

Individuals, when completing a mission or project alone, have no one to turn to but are forced to work out the most appropriate method to address the difficulty they are faced with. A person who plays chess game on the computer, for example, needs to consider carefully the merits and demerits of each step so as to win finally even when being at a disadvantage. 在没有人从旁协助下,如何通过自己的努力解决困难,也是一种能力的培养。举例:下棋。

It can help people better deal with their adult life for the thinking ability is one of the most indispensible qualities to deal with various challenges encountered in both workplace and daily life.



In conclusion, both working as a number in a team and completing a task individually are advantageous since only in this way can they grow into well-rounded individuals who have a wide range of interests and skills.


原题是:Many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree that social skills are as important as good qualifications for success in the job?


Regarding how social skills and qualifications contribute to a person's success in the career, I think both factors are equally important.


Academic qualifications cannot be acquired without many years of study and continued practice, so they reflect a person's academic background and mastery of specialized knowledge and skills. Many employers require job applicants to possess a certain level of qualification, which is an important criterion to evaluate whether the applicant is qualified for the position or not. Therefore, a high-level academic qualification obtained in a renowned university can bring a person more opportunities in the/job market and a good starting point in his or her path towards career success. In addition to this, people have also become increasingly aware of the importance of social skills in the workplace. Those with sophisticated social skills can develop and maintain good relationships with colleagues. With mutual support and active interaction, employees tend to have higher efficiency and enjoy their working lives. This is particularly important in today's society, where employees often face complicated tasks that require close cooperation among different departments. Also, good social skills enable/people to establish wide connections at work and in life, directly associated with their performance in some occupations. For example, a sociable salesman, even though he may not possess very high qualification, can sign more contracts than those who are not good at Socializing with others.


Overall, there is no doubt that good academic qualifications are important in job-hunting and personal development. However, since communicating and cooperating with others have become an essential part in the workplace, social skills should also be highly valued.



雅思大作文写作真题:Some employers are giving increased importance to employing people with good social skills in addition to good you agree or disagree social skills are as important as good qualifications for success in their jobs?


本题针对讨论在职场中,social skills和 academic qualifications的重要性。题目较为简单,但是注意,如果观点给出的是一个“比较”关系,文中要出现一个针对性质的反驳







equal importance 相等的重要性

main prerequisite 主要的先决条件

knowledge-intensive world.知识密集型社会

eligibility 合格

a normal college 师范类大学

interior designers 室内设计师

alma mater 母校

academic institutions. 学术机构


Some companies attach equal importance to both social skills and academic qualifications when hiring new employees. In my opinion, education is the main prerequisite for achieving a successful career in this knowledge-intensive world.


First, higher education provides the basis for accessing top companies. It is not difficult to understand that job seekers must spend considerable amounts of time, money and energy to obtain their professional qualifications. This is why most employers value academic qualifications, as such eligibility means applicants have mastered more precise and professional knowledge. Without this competence, no chance could be acquired to enter the interview level. Second, after they are employed, expertise obtained from alma mater can make them work more efficient. For example, once a candidate from a normal college becomes a teacher, solid foundations like teaching methods and educational psychology helps him easily adapt into the workplace.


Nonetheless, I also have to insist that social skills do play a very important role to support one’s career success. For example, some interior designers with great interpersonal skills can accurately figure out what their customers like in their future home, including stylistic preferences, color matching and decorations. Furthermore, such tendency can hardly be learned through attending academic institutions. In addition, team spirit is indispensable during one’s career. Due to globalization, many successful cases are achieved because of cooperation. Hence, better social skills add positive opportunities and great possibilities for most individuals’ success.


In conclusion, academic qualifications and social skills are essential for a bright career. However, in terms of importance, the former is more vital than the latter considering the competitiveness in the labor force.


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第22篇


雅思写作话题题目:Full-time university students spend much of their time on study. Some people think that it is essential for them to take some other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (大学生花太多的时间在学习上,有些人认为大学生应该多参加其他的课外活动,你同意还是不同意?)


这道真题的关键词考生应该落脚在other activities,这个关键词范围很广意味考生可以借鉴相关的话题进行分析,例如社团活动,兼职,义工,运动等都可以叫做其他活动。考生可以通过替换熟悉的爱好进行讲解。此外,因为范围广,所以考生需要注意若想得高分,需要构造一个新颖的话题,不能过于陈旧,例如打篮球之类的。




Academic achievement 学业成就

Out-of-the-classroom activities走出课堂活动

Well-rounded individual 个人的全面发展

Provide could positively impact students' emotional development 提供学生情商的发展

Negotiate, manage conflict and cooperate with fellow students协商、管理冲突、与同学合作

Extracurricular involvement课外参与

Abilities, talents and career goals能力、人才和职业目标

Advance academically and to mature socially 有利于学术化和社会化

To volunteer service-related projects志愿服务相关项目


雅思写作话题题目:As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in a small family unit. What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life? (在发达国家中,很多人选择独居或者小家庭,什么原因,对社会和家庭有什么影响?)


很多考生对于live individually or in a small family unit非常陌生,单纯理解为家庭成员很少,然后一起生活之类的意思。其实是翻译为不结婚,和不要小孩子的家庭。可以很清楚的知道是讨论独居生活,和不要小孩子家庭的原因和影响。这两者有不同和相同之处,考生一定要清晰的表明这两种的区别,同时要强调两者的共同点,然后对这个共同点进行陈述影响。在小站君看来,这两种形式可以理解为对个人自由度的讨论,也可以上升为对生活的不同追求和传统观点的反叛之类的。




Live alone in a metropolis 大城市独居生活

Modern urbanized lifestyle 现代生活方式

Circumstance, committing to a serious relationship or starting a family 境遇,承诺,组建新家庭

Low birthrates 出生率低

Result in an ageing population 导致老龄化

Medical care service 医疗保障

Individual’s general satisfaction 个人满意度

Increase the sense of isolation 孤独感增强


雅思写作解析题目:In the world, only a few languages are increasing in use,while many others are declining. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? (如今这个社会,仅仅只有一部分语言正在增长使用,但其他的语言在退后,你认为这个是积极的还是消极的发展。)







雅思写作题目:In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?


首段 : 背景描述 + 论点 转述(正向 / 反向 ) + 自己的观点

第二段 :支持/反对的观点 论点 +理由

第三段 :支持/反对的观点 论点+ 例证

第四段: 让步段 “让步+转折句”即观点的合理性,+对此观点的反驳

第五段: 总结全文 +强调观点 +得出结论(提倡的解决措施)


Science and technology developing rapidly, especially for the Internet popularizing, gives rise to various considerable changing and advantages , in terms of online shopping , relative money logger applying widely and enhancing the effectiveness of the work greatly, etc .However, the potentially detrimental impact from Internet can not be ignored, which is conspicuously embodies in the alienation between individuals and the deficiency of skills of effective communication .After the thoughtful and serious consideration , I prefer to harbor the above perspective that the Internet has its own demerits and localization more .


To begin with, emotional alienation between individuals has been the irreversible tendency of the current society. Namely, an increasingly prevalent number of individuals in current society consider the Internet as the indispensable part of life to devote more time and energy into entertaining on it, unavoidably, to exacerbate the preference and awareness of everyone living in the self-centered world without too much considering the relation and emotion with others.


Besides, the Internet disseminating and applying widely exerts the devastating impact on the social skills of individuals .For example, Individuals can tackle almost various issues and troubles in daily routine by using the Internet, inevitably, resulting in lacking of face-to-face verbal communication and coordination with others, even to lose the skills of coping with the practical issues in daily life in private with clear trait of thought and effective approach.


There is no denying that the Internet not only brings about the convenient and fast, but provides the unprecedented platform to communicate with individuals without going outside, however, from another point of view, remaining within doors to communicate tend to exacerbate the emotional alienation between individuals further and emerge with the loss of skills of adapting to society and dealing with specific issue that confused them in daily life.


On balance, based on the above analyzing and thought ,conspicuously , I firmly harbor the perspective that Internet has the compelling obligation to cause the alienation between individuals and certain loss of social skills due to its insuperable limitation .Only when we face up with pessimistic consequence triggered by Internet and take the effective and efficient way can we probably change the deteriorating social phenomenon .


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第23篇

You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live.

What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why?

Model Answer:

I think the question what would I do if I had a chance to improve my community is difficult. I have in my mind many things, the improvement of which will make our community better place to live but they all require the participation of many people and, moreover, they require investments, which I can not provide. For example, my community is quite noisy. We have the huge mall just in front of our community, so traffic jams are very common for this place. I think that the construction of a few pass-by roads will benefit all people who live here as well as people who drive by every day.

Unfortunately, the question is what I can do for my community giving a few hours of my time every month. I think I can not do much, but I still can help someone in my community. For example, I can baby-sit. I know a couple of families with little children, who can not afford to spend much money on the baby-sitter. One of these families is a single mom with a little girl. Julia, this is her name, is a waitress in a restaurant. She is a great person and we became close friends. So, sometimes I offer her help with her child when she has to work in the evenings. Another family has two funny little twins. One time their parents asked me to babysit their children because they had to attend an unexpected presentation.

I think this kind of help brings many benefits to my community. First of all, people become friendlier. For example, those families, which I mentioned above, became friends after I introduced them to each other. Second of all, people get to know each other and feel more secure in their houses and apartments. Finally, I am ready to help those people because I am sure that they will help me too. One time I lost the keys from my car and Julia offered me her car for a while.

To sum up, I believe that baby-sitting is a great way to help my community in many aspects.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第24篇

Environmental problems should be solved by the government instead of individuals and private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2013年2月真题)

Environmental protection is no doubt a major issue confronting the modern society with the development of new technologies and the explosion of world population. While the issue is certainly relevant to each individual citizen and all the companies, some people contend that only the government should be concerned about protecting the environment. I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the corporations and individual citizens are essential as well.

There is no doubt that the government is the agency that should play the leading roles in solving the environmental problems. To begin with, with the power to collect taxes from individual citizens and private companies, the government have the financial resources that are necessary to deal with environmental issues. In addition, the government may formulate policies to provide incentives for the companies and individuals to reduce the amount of pollution caused by their activities. Finally, the government is the only institution that may enact laws related to environmental problems.

On the other hand, without the cooperation and participation of individual citizens and private companies, the government's efforts to protect the environment would not be effective. For example, the government may launch a campaign to educate the public about the desirability of driving compact cars for reducing the air pollution. The campaign would make little difference if the individuals pay little attention to the information or do not care about the environment at all. Nor would the government's goal be achieved if the car manufacturers do not produce more compact cars for the market. In other words, the government alone cannot solve the problem of environment. It takes the collaborative efforts from individual and corporate citizens to improve the situation.

In conclusion, I agree that the government should take the responsibility to lead the society in addressing the problems of environmental pollution as it has the power and resources necessary to do so. Nonetheless, individual citizens and private companies have to be engaged if the government is to accomplish anything.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第25篇

This table gives detailed information about the conditions of health care in three nations in terms of three aspects from 1982 to .


In terms of the number of doctors per thousand, figure for Sweden was slightly higher, 2 and 1 more than that of Austria and France, at 20 in 1982. In the next 18 years, the amount of surgeons increased more significantly in Austria, reaching 32 per thousand while rises could also be seen in other two nations with 31 and 30 respectively.


As for average beds in each hospital, the numbers in Austria experienced a moderate decline, from 20 to 16 per thousand, while the figure for Sweden almost halved to 12. In contrast, hospital beds climbed marginally in France by 4 per 1000 in given period.


Turning to length of stay (LOS) in hospital per person, all nations had a fall in this respect, especially in Sweden (14 to 6 days). At the same time, LOS for Austria and France decreased to 9 and 8 days severally.


Overall, judging from the data given, it is clear to see that the medical care systems in Austria, Sweden and France made huge progress in last 20 years.


范文原创自小站老师Jeff. Lei

1月26日雅思大作文真题范文 女性去军队和警察等部门工作的权利

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第26篇

Success, an expected good result that a person may reach, is dedicated by various qualities including personal characters, knowledge accumulation, and cooperative spirit. That universities or colleges could educate such qualities for a person to succeed is a too narrow belief.


To begin with, individual personalities and characters are the initial keys to potential achievements, as the road to success is full of thorns, requiring the person to be prepared for optimism, calmness, and perseverance to strike the hedge and step forward to the established goals. These characters, in fact, are formed based on the influences from families, schools, and wider societies during the self-development process, which cannot be learnt at once or in any single place.


The second key is knowledge base. Knowledge is widely regarded as one of the most powerful competences for a person to make a difference, but knowledge and information storage is built and developed in accumulation, starting from antenatal training, then to babbling, and moving on to receiving basic educations at primary and secondary schools. In other words, learning knowledge needs a solid foundation. Without the paved footstone, university and academic study would be as unrealistic as a castle in the air.


Further, the sense of being collaborative plays an indispensable role. Only when an individual learns and knows how to effectively interacts and coordinates with others at growth can he or she acquire parents’ support, teachers’ guidance, and friends’ coordination---the important sources to help the person to become successful. Thus, it would be too late if a person starts learning such quality at university.


University education is the final stage of formal learning after secondary schoolings. This means, university is the place where students could further enhance and strengthen the key qualities, regardless of personal characters, knowledge system, or cooperative consciousness via more professional and well-focused instructions and assignments; rather a kindergarten for nurturing baby learners.



年11月17日场的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本期雅思大作文话题之社交能力在职场中重要吗?原题是:The qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic what extent do you agree or disagree? ?请看本期范文


The purpose of higher education has been a topic of debate for some claim that there are many successful people without a college degree, I believe education can have an overall impact on one's life.


Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that a persor has a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas and theo ries to achieve a variety of tasks and goals. Many employers require col ege-level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. It is true that the fewer years of educa tion one has completed, the fewer doors are open to him. Educational re quirements are quick and easy way to narrow down the field of in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. Wher hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer whose who have com pleted the higher level of education.


More importantly, universities focus on preparing individuals for productive contribution to mankind by the creation of prepared minds. Universities are earning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advancedAs members of this community, students are not information re cipients who acquire the knowledge in a passive way; instead, they are challenged to achieve their potential and indeed to excel. Therefore, univer sities provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curi ous, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively. In this way, students can gain problem-solv ing experience and confidence, which contributes to the development of their abilities and personalities.


Being successful without the experience of going to a university is possible, out to most of us the pursuit of educatión is paramount to our future success in today's world.



2018年11月17日场的雅思写作话题为高频的社会生活类话题,题目是:The qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic what extent do you agree or disagree? 一个人想要真正成功所需要的品质是无法在大学或类似的学术机构学到的。对于这个观点,你同意多少?


需要先考虑此处“qualities” 具体涉及到哪些内容,然后结合大学教育的目的展开论述。


A successful person is equipped with diverse qualities such as friendly personality and problem-solving capacity. Some people contend that students fail to learn those qualities in a university or academic institutions. From my perspective, some of qualities can be acquired in higher education.


On one hand, two outstanding qualities could be learned in universities. The first one is to specialize in a certain field. One of aims of university education is to impart professional knowledge and principles to students. In other words, through learning systematic courses of their majors, students are expected to be proficient in understanding and applying theoretical knowledge, forming the basis of a promising career path in the future. Critical thinking ability is another significant quality. Universities are learning communities where knowledge is not disseminated but also advanced. As member of this community, college students are not information recipients; instead, they are encouraged to challenge and think critically to achieve their potential and skills. A case in the point is that, in a language teaching class, the professor may require those potential teachers to discuss the topic that whether situational teaching methodology (which is commonly deemed as a more effective method of language teaching) is better than rote memorization. It is the critical thinking that assists students in having comprehensive coverage of issues and overcoming obstacles efficiently.


On the flip side, other qualities successful persons have can not be gained in academic institutions, among which the essential one is the higher level of social skill. Generally, there is no relevant curricula set up by universities; in consequence, it is less likely for students to enhance such skill via knowledge learning. What’s more, self-study and independent learning, which serve as the backbone in university campus life, diminish the opportunities for learners to interact with peers and mentors. In addition, kindness, mercy, modesty, integrity and other noble characters are mostly formed by parents’ guidance and role models rather than university education.


In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, higher education cultivates students into specialized talents and develops their critical thinking, enabling them to obtain several but not all qualities that a person needs to become truly successful.


雅思写作大作文范文解析 第27篇


in some countries, students pay their college or university fees,while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh thedisadvantages? Give reasons and examples.


Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education,to what extent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background? .

Higher education has several ways to be funded:

all costs paid by government

all costs paid by students

students could get government loan and after finishing the education students should repaid the cost to the government.

discuss the benefits of these three theories above and decide which is the best way ..







Education is universallydeemed as the dutyof the government, butwhen it comes to higher level,opinions diverge. Some taxpayers take for grantedthat governments should pay for tertiary , I doubt the feasibility of such practice inmany economies. (被动句,并列句,时间状语从句,宾语从句)

Of course calling for public funding foruniversity or college is reasonable from some first beneficiary should be those in poverty or indisadvantageous situation academically and hold the ambition to further theireducation to higher level. They are treated equallyto the access to higher education andit is thisequality that gives them an opportunity to break theirvicious cycle of poverty or crime and to make contribution tobetter life in their hometown when they graduate. In this scenario the nation is able to foster a larger numberof professionals and gain economic and social benefit frombetter human capital. (动名词,定语从句,被动句,并列句,强调句,状语从句)

However, such practice is rarely implemented in the worldincluding some wealthy countries and the direct reason liesin financial issue. Compulsory primary and secondaryeducation usually does not leave the government sufficientbudget for further support in many countries. In addition,going to university is personal choice, which means thatit would be unfair for those who chooseto work after secondary school. An obvious downside of freeuniversity would encourage every school leaver to attenduniversity, butit is also clear that not everyone isable to or is willing to do so. (并列句,动名词,定语从句,宾语从句,形式主语)

In my opinion, to harmonize the above conflictcaused by free higher education, a practical suggestion canbe that the government fund university education by offering interest-free loan or grantingscholarship tothose poor but outstanding students. (非谓语,宾语从句)


1. universally 普遍地

2. deem 认为

3. diverge 有分歧

4. take it for granted 认为理所当然

5. feasibility 可行性

6. practice 做法

7. tertiary / higher education 高等教育

8. call for 呼吁

9. fund 资助

10. perspective 角度

11. outstanding 优秀的

12. nonetheless 然而

13. perform well academically 学习好

14. ambition 抱负

15. treat 对待

16. empower/ enable 使有能力

17. break their vicious cycle of poverty 打破贫穷的.恶性循环

18. scenario 情形

19. foster / nurture 培养

20. professional 专业人士

21. human capital 人力资本

22. implement 执行

23. financial 财政的

24. Compulsory 强制的

25. budget 预算

26. sufficient 充足的

27. school leaver 高中毕业生

28. harmonize 协调

29. conflict 冲突

30. interest-free loan 无息贷款

31. grant 批准

32. scholarship 奖学金

33. beneficiary 受益人

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第28篇

1、It is a cliché that happiness is not always proportional to wealth. However, does it mean that any materialistic achievement in a developed country can no longer make its people happier? The answer is apparently “No”.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第29篇

We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?



问题1: 过于依赖网络,不出去挖掘和发现新闻,总是拷贝和转发别人的文章,缺乏原创性。

问题2: 不客观。举例,很多记者草率的使用那些来源不可靠的信息,这会造成谣言四起。

问题3: 缺乏职业道德。举例,很多记者受贿了。他们隐瞒真相,误导大众,这严重破坏了社会媒体的民主和公平。

素质1: 要有热情。记者应该到事件现场去深入了解情况,掌握第一手的资料。

素质2: 要有责任心。举例,记者应该参与到第一线来收集新闻和线索,这有利于还原真相。

素质3: 要有职业操守。举例,记者应该把社会利益放到自我利益之前,富贵不能淫。


Nowadays, the journalists are losing the prestige in the public because fewer people trust them. In my opinion, this trend is caused by some ill behaviors of them. The reasons and the good qualities of a journalist will be presents as below.

I have to concede that a large proportion of journalists are under the standards of journalism ethics, which leads to the public concerns of the qualities of news in media. Firstly, with the great convenience provided by the Internet, journalists can have an easy access to acquiring all kinds of information. Some of them then begin to repetitively copy or reproduce the news report from certain websites only by clicking the mouse in the office, instead of going outside for practical research. That is to say, these journalists are too lazy to write the original and in-depth news reports.

In addition, the lack of responsibility among journalists also contributes to the news crisis. For example, some of them write and report news by depending on unreliable information sources, so that newspapers and TVs are full of data mistakes and lies. Moreover, influential media are viewed as rumormongers, because they spread false news of natural disasters, social epidemics or terrorist attacks, incurring unnecessary panics in the public. The most worrying aspect is news objectiveness. In many cases of news crimes, bribed news editors cover and twist the truth of social issues, which misleads the public judgment, as well as damages the equity and democracy of social media.

In order to recover the faith and confidence of audience for news media, many good standards of journalist should be built up and tested. Firstly, journalists should have the professional dedication, which means a strong willing to go into the frontline of events, and make efforts of exploring and collecting the firsthand news materials. By this way, the high values of news reports can be ensured. Secondly, high-level work moralities are a must, including honesty, integrity, and law-abiding awareness. These traits can improve the immunity of news practicers from the lure of money. Besides, journalists should learn to give the priority to the social benefits, over the individual media benefits. In other words, what they report on media should be accurate, objective and accountable, rather than publishing untrue news only for attracting more audience.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why massive news media become more untrustful in the public, mainly including the loss of work passion and obligation. For the purpose of curing these ill journalists, some good qualities should be cultivated and encouraged, like the dedication, righteousness and carefulness.

雅思写作大作文范文解析 第30篇


雅思写作低分原因二 错用词汇导致表达不清


雅思写作低分原因三 套用万能模板


雅思写作低分原因四 写完不检查拼写错误太多



雅思写作大作文范文解析 第31篇

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.(2016年2月真题)

It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.

The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travailing to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with thechallenges of student life.

However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at the important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.

My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.

