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红与黑英语读后感范文 第1篇

No doubt about it, _the red_ is a _can read the book. The reason for this is that there are many kinds of law, like many classics, a dream of red mansions, for example, someone read the revolution, political read by someone, someone read love, someone read life...... And so on. So, how to read the _the flavor_, is a common problem facing the two books.

Actually in the main content is the book about even. (contract-wise tragic fate, because he is the hero of the novel, _the red_ is all he wont lifting process of a portrait. A weak shy young civilians only depend on oneself of smart materials and by perseverance in a hierarchical society struggle, in order to achieve his great ambition, it is not only to show everywhere of the advantage of knowledge and ability, but also to take a variety of means of little luster, such as false, false, and hollow. As he climbed up a certain position, however, thinks he has on the apprentice of the royal road to learning, a letter interrupted him rising momentum, let him understand that he is still a _Jura mountains of poor peasant_ (). He tried to escape his bullying was despised status, thought in the aristocratic society is achieved his ambition to climb high, but he finally did not give up his last line of defense, namely his dignity.

In the maze is in his _would rather die one thousand times also will thrive on_ determination. In fact, in the end, to even feel DE rainer lady brought him happiness. So he regret at the beginning, but everything is late. Not too even fell down from the top, not to say that he has failed, but said he started out of misunderstanding. Camus said repeatedly war and defeated the story of Sisyphus, says he is happy. We might as well hit its meaning and use of, not the pursuit of the even is happy, and said wake up in the is happiness.

To see happiness is indeed a rare and precious and worth to cherish, can be in _the red_ in a sentence: _what is powerful! Sir, isn't it? The respect of fools, the young man's surprise, the rich get envy, sage despise. - barney,_ power is also very important, of course, in the eyes of a few, maybe not. Have the power, can get a lot of, but also will lose a lot, and may have nothing, yes, just like in the _if only_. Still, there are most people think the apprentice, the apprentice, after all, in the eyes of some people is _'s interest _. Power and happiness may not be a trade-off between like fish and bear's paw, powerful, of course, may also is a kind of _happiness_, but power is likely to be ruined something tend to strive for a lifetime are not, such as happiness.

Ending in the end, in the _doomed_, madame DE rainer also die in the next three days. In the look of the tragedy story, actually contains an amazing and a heroic _happy_ ending. You choose power, or happiness?






红与黑英语读后感范文 第2篇

The book I read this week entittled the Red and the Black, which is undoubtedly among the best liturature works. As a person who haven’t had much knowledge in literature, any comments on this work seem to be rather naive and even sort of reckless. But this is the only book I have access to recently. With much deliberation, I would like to write down following words.

The book mainly tells a story about a man named Julien, who came from a carpenter’s family and got a shrewd father and two elder brothers characterized by huge size and rudeness. Though he wasn’t quite athletic, he got talent with his memory. He could recite the whole contents of the Bible, which made him admired by people around him and win him a job as a family teacher. And this is the part where our story begins. Under his gorgeous face, there exists a relentless lust for fortune, power and status, all of which derive from his persuit of happiness, dignity and freedom and finally contributed to his downfall. (ing from the low class in the society and hope to achieve success with their own efforts.

These people usually don’t have the necessary conditions to become successful, but they will by no means stop trying or let God tells them what their lives should be like, instead, they are willing to sacrifice anything to realize their dreams and earn their dignity. For these people, no matter what the consequences their struggle may be, I should forever pay my tribute to them. To some extent, they are the makers of the world.

红与黑英语读后感范文 第3篇

Red and black_ is one of the most outstanding and most representative works in the novels of the Tang Dynasty. It shows a broad picture of the 1830s French society, involving French provincial capital Paris from many aspects of the life style of writing; the prime minister, the emperor kings and nobles, write everyday, ordinary people; through the church, political parties and various classes of intricate complex contradictions related to Charlie, ten under the reign of French politics the struggle and social contradictions, and the ways of the world customs, as a true and vivid picture.

The hero of the novel, Julien Sorel -, is a family of peasant farmers but the youth be a brilliant man of wide _learning. The young aspiring never rise above the common herd, poor, longing for the life of Napoleon boiling time, eager to make contributions through the army, float upon the clouds. But in the restoration period of the reign of emperor, in France under the extreme anti democratic aristocratic bourgeoisie, Julien saw that this road had been blocked. Only through the way of church could he expect to enter the upper class society. The title of the novel is _red and black_, and red is the symbol of the army, and the black is the symbol of the church.

Even at the beginning of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar ye fall? The house Rui as a governess, in retaliation for bourgeois aristocratic contempt, finding a quick climb to the shortcut, he quickly won the favor of the mayors wife, became her lover, so to enter the monastery to study, in an attempt to reach the purpose of developed. He finally arrived in Paris, had the honor to be the Marquis de la - Moores private secretary, and hooked up with marquis the article from the secretarial resource network of female leading character. Is getting married and Matt, realize their dreams of the mayors wife successful in the official career, out of jealousy, in letting her to confess her priests, to Marquis wrote a long letter to expose him to the scandal, even in the dream and ambition were completely shattered. After his despair, he was shot by Mrs. Nelson, who was severely punished, and ended up on the scaffold to end his short life.

In the entire life of the pursuit of happiness. So he can make in the days after the so-called high society. What is happiness, how to get happiness, is puzzled for thousands of years of human problems, but also puzzled in the company. In his mind, happiness is not exactly the standard, but in his mind, in his vigilance, and in his another _campaign plan_ and its implementation. He is for the first time to get rid of the fathers of the abuse and happiness, for the front of Mrs. de Reiner perform _some responsibility_ and happy, proud of Mathilde in front of their yield and happiness, for a fortune and happy. He is eager to happiness, eager to become a member of the society, for he vowed that he would die one thousand successful in the official career, to do he want to have the successful in the official career, noble status, and admiration. To this end, he created one after another _campaign plan_, which used all kinds of mean and false means, all of which made his superhuman intelligence play the most incisive. But after all, he kept the true and good side of his heart, so in every happiness he would ask himself and be deeply reproach. Therefore, his plan will always make people doubt Its loopholes appeared one after another..

From which we can see that happiness is indeed rare and precious treasure, a sentence in the _red and black_: _power! Sir, dont calculate what? A respect, the young rich surprise, envy, contempt of sage. _It seems barnave - power is also very important, of course, in the eyes of a few people may not be so. Have power, can get a lot, also will lose a lot, there may be some, what are not, just like in that _regret a previous mistake_. Nevertheless, there are still many people want to successful in the official career, after all successful in the official career in the eyes of some people is _no harm_. Power and happiness may not like fish and bears paw can not have both, of course, it may also be a kind of happiness, but the power will ruin a lifetime struggle are not things, such as happiness.

The outcome of the final, even _die_, Mrs. de Reiner died in the subsequent three days. In the story that looks like a cup, there is an amazing and admirable _perfect_ end. Do you choose power or happiness? It is interesting for us to read it.

