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江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第1篇














常见的表示转折、让步的词或词组有:but,still,yet,however,though,although,no matter,in spite of,anyway,even if等。


表示原因的连词或词组有:because (of ),due to,owing to,thanks to,since,for,as等。

表示结果的词或词组有:so,therefore,then,as a result,in consequence,consequently,thus等。


常用的词、词组有:moreover,likewise,besides,in addition,also,too,not only…but also,apart from,what‘s more 等。


表示对比的词或词组有:in contrast,by contrast,on the contrary,conversely,unlike,oppositely 等。表示比较的词或词组有:like,in comparison,compare…with,as,just as等。










江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第2篇

1. I'd like to suggest that...


2. In my opinion,...


3. If I were you, I would...


4. You'd better do.../not do...


5. It's necessary for you to read some books about these places before you come to see them with your own eyes. With more knowledge about these places, you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.

在你来亲眼看到这些地方之前,你 有必要读一些关于这些地方的书。有了关于这些地方更多的知识,你将会更好的理解中国的历史和文化。

6. First of all, you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can after class.



1. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. Remember: where there is a will, there is a way(有志者事竟成).


2. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. Remember: The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”(一个决心要成功的人从来不说“不可能”).


3. Best wishes!


4. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for you anyway. I would be more than happy to see improvement.


5. I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account. Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your studies/work!


6. I sincerely hope my advice will be some help for you. If there is more I can do to help, please let me know.


江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第3篇





I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.

The Positive Effects of Owning a Dog on Children

Dogs are the best friend of children. The dog and the child teach each other things and they look after each other. Owning a dog can have positive effects on a child’s development. Having a dog develops a child’s sense of responsibility, broadens his capacity for empathy, and teaches him the nature of friendship.

The first advantage of owning a dog is that it’s helpful to develop a child’s sense of responsibility. Once you own a dog, you have to take care of it instead of only playing it: showering, feeding, walking, cleaning up, hair cutting and so on. Dogs are animals that have to spend time together with people or they get depressed. So you must take some time to stay with it. If they are sick, one can’t just leave it alone. All of these works are required to be carefully done which could make a child become more responsible.

Another lesson that a child can learn from having a dog is how to be empathetic. A dog cannot express itself with speech, so its owner must learn to understand what the dog’s behavior means. Is the dog frightened, aggressive, or sick? The child needs to understand what is going on in the dog’s mind. The result of learning to read a dog’s behavior is that the child develops mpathy. By learning how to empathize with a dog, the child also learns how to empathize with other people. This leads to the child becoming a more considerate and caring person.

Being considerate and caring are important characteristics in a good of the most significant benefits of owning a dog is the example of true friendship that a dog provides. A dog gives unconditional love to its owner. A dog will not stop loving its owner because of a little anger, indifference, or neglect. A dog will wait patiently for its owner to pat its head and say a few kind words. This acceptance of the negative qualities and appreciation for the positive qualities of its owner provide a wonderful model of how to be a good friend. A child who has learned to be as good a friend to others as his dog is to him will have learned one of the most valuable lessons in life.

These are some of the most important lessons a child will ever learn. The benefits of owning a dog will last in the child’s entire lifetime. The understanding and appreciation of responsibility, empathy, and friendship that a child develops from the experience of having a dog will help him or her grow into a reliable, caring, and mature adult.

II. Write an outline. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.

Acting out Metaphors Encourages Creative Thinking

It happens in schools, offices, and boardrooms everywhere: someone working on a project hits a mental block. A boss or teacher might resort to a metaphor like “think outside the box” or “put two and two together,” encouraging a creative solution to the problem. As it turns out, this isn’t just abstract advice. According to an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, literally working outside of a box or putting two halves of something together just might help those creative juices start flowing again.

Since physical metaphors regarding creativity are so common and appearing in several different languages, a group of researchers hypothesized that they may extend beyond mere metaphors. Their study indicates that acting out metaphors literally can affect how our minds work.

In the first part of the study, the researchers asked 102 undergraduates to perform a Remote Associates Test (RAT), in which the subjects were given three seemingly

uelated words and asked to come up with a word that relates to each one. For example, the subject might be given “measure,” “worm,” and “video,”and the correct response would be “tape.”

The participants were divided into three groups; one group was asked to perform this task while sitting inside a 5’ by 5’ cardboard box, another group sat outside the same box, and those in the third group performed the task without a box in the room at all. None of the

participants knew the hypothesis behind the study; they were merely told it was an experiment on different working environments.

There was no difference in performance between those inside the box and those with no box at all. However, the participants that were seated outside the box did much better on the RAT than the other two groups. Apparently, something about literally “thinking outside the box” encourages creativity.

A second experiment looked at another well-known piece of advice: to “put two and two together” to come up with an answer. In the study, 64 subjects were divided into two groups. The first group had to perform a RAT while joining halves of cut paper cards from piles on each side of a desk. The second group performed a similar task, but only had to move card halves from one side of a desk to the other side. Those “putting two and two together” by uniting the two halves of the cards did far better on the RAT than those that were merely moving the cards from one pile to another.

So, acting out metaphors linked to creativity really can help us think creatively. In fact, it does more than let us access the knowledge we presently have; it encourages us to come up with new, unique and creative ideas. Next time you’re stuck on a problem, take a minute to ponder—or even act out—your favorite metaphor, and you might happen upon a great solution.

Topic Outline

Acting out Metaphors Encourages Creative Thinking

It happens everywhere: mental block. A boss or teacher might resort to a metaphor like “think outside the box” or “put two and two together”. This isn’t just abstract advice but might really help have creative thoughts.

A group of researchers hypothesized that acting out metaphors may extend beyond mere metaphors. They can affect how our minds work.

In the first study, the researchers asked 102 undergraduates to perform a Remote Associates Test (RAT). The subjects were given three uelated words and asked to answer a word that relates to each one.

The participants were divided into three groups; one group was asked to perform this task while sitting inside a cardboard box, another group sat outside the same box, and those in the third group performed the task without a box in the room.

There was no difference in performance between those inside the box and those with no box at all. However, the participants outside the box did much better on the RAT. Apparently, something about literally “thinking outside the box” encourages creativity.

The second experiment focused on another advice: to “put two and two together” to come up with an answer. In the study, 64 subjects were divided into two groups. The first group performed a RAT while joining halves of cut paper cards together. The second group performed a similar task, but only had to move card halves from one side of a desk to the other side. Those uniting the two halves of the cards did far better on the RAT than those that were merely moving the cards from one pile to another.

So, acting out metaphors linked to creativity really can help us think creatively.

IIl. Compose an essay. (60 points)

People are more and more concerned about the environment. Write a 300-word

expository essay stating your opinion about what we can do as individuals to improve our environment.

How to improve our environment

Nowadays, environment problems are are becoming more and more influential to our daily lives than only appearing in newspapers and TVs, lectures or reports. For instance, in the last winter, foggy days with the so called caused a panic among citizens. People were afraid of the polluted air and chose to stay at home instead of going out.

Protecting the environment is really an extremely urgent thing. As we all know, low carbon life was proposed in recent years and I think it would be a reasonable way to solve our environment crisis.

We can figure out what benefits can be gained when we transfer this conception into a real existence, a low carbon campus. This simple shift of perspective can actually transform what used to be quite far away into something that is just around us.

Take the use of electronic devices for example, when we choose to climb the stairs instead of using an elevator, when we prefer bicycles to cars, we are doing something fantastic for ourselves. Think about these activities as exercises that would not only keep us physically fit, but also spiritually energetic. If we turn off the computer when they are not in use, or even limit the hours we spend in front of them, we are not only saving the electricity, but also doing a favor to our body, preventing ourselves from too much exposure to radiation and other possible harms caused by computer. We can gain at the same tine a healthy and pain-free neck, and avoid sore muscles, worsening eyesight and so on. When we use natural wind, rather than fans or air conditioner to feel cool in summer, we are also reducing the possibilities of all the illness related to the electronic devices.

What we eat can also contribute to the establishment of a low carbon campus. More

vegetables and less meat mean that less carbon will be emitted in the process of producing and preparing for such foods. And this can also translate to a more balanced diet and healthier eating habits. Then many problems, such as overweight, tiredness or even high blood pressure and heart disease can be controlled to a certain extent when we get older. And this good eating habit actually benefits us for a life time, and what starts at campus goes a long way.

From the above analysis, we can get the basic idea that when we are doing something to reduce the carbon campus, but at the same time, we are make positive changes for oueselves.

江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第4篇

一:Sentence development 句子写作。

1) You  always  remain a victim

You will always  remain a victim  ,not only of some popular books ,but also of some people concerned.

2)  Such an attitude would emphasize the value of life.

Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the value of life.

3)”Happy Christmas “he said.

“Happy Christmas “he said, smiling and picking out two flowers.

4)The piano  player began to sing loudly.

The piano player began to sing loudly ,beating the keys with magic hands ,and nodding his head in rhythm.

5)I was very embarrassed .

I didn’t know what I should do.

I was very embarrassed ;I didn’t know what I should do.

6)Today at school Mr Moore brought in his pet rabbit.

He showed it to the class.

Today at school Mr Moore brought in his pet rabbit ,and he showed it to the class.

7)He is very busy preparing IELTS.

He has no time to play.

He is very busy preparing IELTS; therefore , He has no time to play.

8)The judge had a hard time deciding___________________.

The judge had a hard time deciding where painting was the best.

9)The house ____is  still standing.

The house which Abraham Lincoln was born is still standing.

10)My presentation seemed to go well.

My presentation seemed to go well although I was feeling really nervous.

二,Short answers。简答题

1 What are the paragraph qualities?

Unity and coherence

2How many parts is an article usually composed of? What are they?

Three parts: introduction ,body and conclusion.

3How many forms can articles be roughly divided into?what are they?

Four forms :description ,narration ,argumentation and exposition.

4How many parts does a science and technology paper consist of? What are they?

Seven parts: title and authors name ,summary, contents ,text, acknowledgements, references, biographty.

5What are the characteristics of good writings?

Good thinking,to the point ,revisions, appropriate ,style for the purpose ,clear organization,

effective use of expressions reader oriented, simple and short, precise.

6What are the key features of a research paper?

A :It is based on extensive research of proven facts and authoritative testimony .

B:The author’s voice tends to be objective and neutral.

C:The style tends to be formal.

三 Science and technology writing in English .科技英语写作。

1 Write out definitions of the subjects given below , using the notes provided next to each subjects.

Biology is the scientific study of the natural processes of living things.(Biology may be defined as the science which natural processes of living things.)

Chemistry may be defined as a branch of science which deals with the basic characteristics of substances and the different ways in which they react or or combine with other substances.

Anthropology may be defined as the branch of seience which studies the human race ,its culture and society  and its physical development.

Home Economics is the study of household management .It is largely concerned with learning  how to deal with problems and challenges of homemarking.

Electrical and electronic engineering is a discipline which is enjoying a period of exciting and dynamic growth , Its findings are being applied with increasing frequency and effectiveness in households, medicine ,industry ,public services and business. Its great impact on modern life is likely to become even more dramatic in the near future.

4Revise or rewrite the following definitions below to make them more appropriate .You may consult a dictionary.

A school is a place where people, especially young people ,are educated.

An astronomer is a scientist who studies the universe as a whole and the objects which exist naturally in space ,such as the sun ,the moon ,planets and stars.

A degree is an academic qualification which is given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study.

A computer is an electronic machine which can solve mathematical problems at very high speeds.. It is nowadays mainly used for storing and recalling information ,and for controlling other machines .It has brought about great convenience and high efficiency ,thus releasing a vast number of manhours  to be used in other efforts.

Sport is a game ,competition or activity which can be generally divided into the following broad categories:track and field ,ballgame ,gymnastics .Track and field events can be further divided

into such activities an jumping ,throwing ,running and walking.

3(1)IE:Sentences 1—3

IE2:Sentences 4—7

IE3:Sentences 8—9


IE5:Sentences 13

(2) The part of literature review is the longest since it includes specific information about different studies.

江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第5篇


Ⅰ.重写句子(30 points, 3 points each)

Revise the following sentences according to the requirement.

Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.

( periodic sentence)

In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization.

1. The bridge had been weakened by successive storms,  It was no longer safe.  (simple


2. In the contract, there are too many ifs. (loose sentence)

3. It will save money, if you make your own clothes. (periodic sentence)

4. To know how to study is important for college students. And to learn how to arrange time is also important for college students. (parallel structure)

5. It was a huge rock. It took five people to move it. (complex sentence)

6. He doesn’t smoke. He does not drink. (compound sentence)

7. We wanted to play a joke on Pauline. We sent her a Valentine’s card. It said “From your secret lover”. (compound-complex sentence)

8. Go anywhere, and I will follow you. (complex sentence)

9. After her parents died, she was sent to live with her aunt.  (simple sentence)

10. If we do not hurry, we will be late. (compound sentence)

Ⅱ. 改写病句(15 points, 3 points each)

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

Example: Made by his mother Tony ate up the cake.

Tony ate up the cake made by his mother.

11. I never saw so many cheerful, courteous students and helpful.

12. I am very tired this evening, it was a long day at the office.

13. I have followed the instruction faithfully given by the manual.

14. To take this course, the professor must give her approval.

15. A very powerful story that really puts its message across.

Ⅲ. 标出主题句(15 points, 5 points each)

16. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.

A. Picasso was thought to be dead at birth in Malaga on. Oct. 25, 1881.

B. By the age of 25, Picasso was an able and gifted artist.

C. Picasso’s father was a painter named Jose Ruiz Blasco.

D. The full sweep of Picasso’s effect on modern art is difficult to document.

Answer: ___________

17. Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.

There is a popular belief that some particular scientific discoveries or theories, such as the Darwinian theory of evolution, have led to the downfall of religion. It would be foolish to deny that these discoveries have had a great effect in undermining religious dogma. But this account does not at all go to the root of the matter.  Religion can probably outlive any scientific discoveries which could be made. It can accommodate itself to them. The root cause of the decay of faith has not been any particular discovery of science, but rather the general spirit of science and certain basic assumptions upon which modern science, from the 17th century onwards, has proceeded.

18. Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

Topic sentence ___________

At one time, transistor radios were not practical, because they were too expensive, Now all of that has changed. With the reduced price of transistors and the cheaper costs of mass production, the transistor radio is cheaper than the old-style tube model. In addition, transistor radios do not heat up like the old tube radios, so they will not wear out as quickly. Also, transistor radios can be made much smaller because transistors are smaller than tubes. Furthermore, transistor radios are more reliable. They have fewer parts, so less can go wrong.

A. Transistor radios are practical and inexpensive.

B. Transistor radios have undergone much improvement.

C. Transistor radios are cheaper than tube radios because of mass production.

D. Transistor radios are better than the old-style tube radios.

Ⅳ. 重新组合段落(10 points, 2 points each)

Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically, put the number in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.

19. Those who did not become miners found work in railroad construction, farming and light industries, doing low-paid jobs.

in California they formed small pockets of Chinese culture that were known as “Chinatowns”.

21. The government issued Exclusion Acts to stop the immigration of Chinese laborers into the  United States.

22. The Chinese called the new land “Mountain of Gold”.

23. Many workers fled the concentrated Chinese communities in the West and scattered to the Mid-west and the East.

24. He was accused of taking jobs away from the white man.

25. By the 1880’s, American industrialization brought changing economic realities, resulting in an explosion of resentment toward the Chinese laborer.

26. The first big wave of Chinese immigration to America came when gold was discovered in California in 1848.

26    24  23

Ⅴ. 标出与段落内容无关的句子(10 points)

Read the following paragraph and underline irrelevant sentences (either one or two).

A diamond’s hardness makes it useful in ways you may not know about. If you have a record player in your house, it probably has a diamond-tipped needle. Your dentist uses a diamond tipped drill. Similar drills are used in industry to cut very hard materials. However, not all drills are made of diamonds. When a diamond is cut,  the dust is gathered and saved. Manufacturers then use it in many grinding, polishing and sawing jobs. Recently, diamonds have been put to new uses. Eye surgeons use diamond knives for delicate operations. A spacecraft sent to Venus had a diamond window. A diamond was the only transparent material that could withstand the extremes of temperature and pressure on Venus.  Scientists have developed ways to make man-made diamonds, which, if successful, might greatly reduce the cost of diamonds.

Ⅵ. 写信(20 points)

Suppose you were Claudia Spangle, a rug saleswoman selling rugs on the floor in the First Department Store in Shanghai for five years already. You want to have a change, so when told a rug salesperson to cover Beijing territory is required, you write a letter of job application. In your letter, make sure to provide some necessary information like your qualifications, working experience, the achievement(s) you have made in the work and your wish as well.( 150-200 words)

江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第6篇


Families are important to people all over the world although the structure of family is different from one country to another or from the modern family to the traditional one.

Firstly, Let’s see what similarities there are between the traditional & modern family. We can say both of them are nuclear families (with parents & their children as only members), & the role of the father in both types is to provide for his family while the mother takes care of the childre’s physical & emotional needs;

Secondly, the differences between the two are also clear. For example, the traditional husband was the head of the household while today’s husband & wife share the role;And modern woman works outside the home even after she has children, namely, she’s doing two jobs instead of one, so preschool children may go to a child care center or to a baby-sitter regularly(sine the mother works)

No matter it is traditional or modern, every family has the sense as following: families offer us a feeling of belonging, of love & security.


江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第7篇



Ⅰ 课程性质与课程目标





英语应用文写作课程设置的目标是使得考生能够: 1、熟悉并学会使用英语应用文常用词汇和语句;


3、掌握在涉外商务和其它国际交往中必备的书面表达技能技巧; 4、拓宽有关涉外业务的文化知识与英语语言知识。


本课程可以帮助学生掌握英语应用文写作的要求以及常用表达文本格式,辨别英语应用文在语言文体上的特点,从而更好地掌握英语语言。 英语应用文写




Ⅱ 考核目标





Ⅲ 课程内容与考核要求

第一单元 商务英语写作规范 Unit 1 BUSINESS STYLE


本单元主要讲述英语应用文中最重要的部分商务英语写作的基本概念,商务英文写作的文体风格,语言特点。要求学生掌握应用文,特别是商务英语写作所要求的“5 C”基本原则,即Clarity清楚, Conciseness简洁, Correctness正确, Concreteness具体, 和Courtesy礼貌。同时,还要求学生了解商务英语写作的组织步骤。


1. 5Cs’Principle of Business Writing

Clarity Conciseness

Correctness Concreteness Courtesy

2. Organization of Business Letter

Introduction Body Closing

三、考核知识点与考核要求 识记:5C原则

clarity(清晰性)conciseness(简洁性)correctness(正确性) concreteness(具体性)courtesy(礼貌性) 应用:5C原则指导下的商务英语写作 四、本章关键问题


第二单元 信函格式 Unit 2 LETTER FORMAT



1.掌握商务信函的组成部分及格式与布局。 2.掌握不同格式下商务信函各组成部分的位置。

3.掌握商务信函中日期、地址、称呼、结尾敬语的写法。 4.熟悉商务信函的撰写与普通信函的异同。 5.掌握英文商务书信信封的写法。 二、课程内容

Structure of a Business Letter 商务书信结构

Letterhead, Date, Inside Name and Address, Attention Line, Salutation, Subject line, Body, Complimentary Closing, Signature, Reference, Enclosure, Carbon Copy.

2. The Layout of a Business Letter 商务书信格式

Full-Block, Blocked, Semi-Blocked, Simplified. 3. Addressing an Envelope 信封写法



应用:书写格式正确完整的英文商务书信,以及信封。 四、本章关键问题


第三单元 建立商业关系




二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Introduction

Purpose of establishing business relations Company Introduction a) Opening b) Body c) Closing 3. Sample Letters

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions: 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记: ① 什么是商务贸易关系,建立商贸关系的重要性;

② 建立商贸关系信函的写法; ③ 如何进行公司介绍。

应用: 写作建立商务贸易关系的信函。 四、本章关键问题


2.Structure of the letter of establishing business relations

第四单元 询问信函 Unit 4 REQUEST LETTERS


了解询问求助信函的写作目的,掌握写作技巧和策略,写作询问求助信函常用语以及回复函的写法。能够以买家或求助者的角色写询问信函,寻求各种信息或帮助。掌握有关询问商品价格及答复的各种商业术语和表达方法。 二、课程内容 1.Introduction


Inquiry Reply


a) Opening b) Body c) Closing 3. Sample Letters

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记:询问信的写作目的和要素。要求出口商报价和回复报价的常用术语。 应用:根据要求,写出格式正确,信息完整,语言清晰简洁的询价信函和回复函。 四、本章关键问题


第五单元 报盘与还盘信函



了解国际商业贸易中有关商品报价实盘和虚盘的区别,报盘的组成部分,报盘的各种条款。掌握对外贸易信函中报盘的相关表达方法,常用术语。 二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Introduction

Quotation and Offer

Firm Offer and Non-firm Offer Counter-Offer 2.Structure

a) Opening

b) Body c) Closing 3. Terms and Conditions

a) Terms of price b) Terms of payment

4.Sample Letters

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions: 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记: 报价Quotation, 实盘Firm Offer, 虚盘Non-firm Offer, 返盘Counter-Offer, 报价条款 Terms and Conditions (FOB, CIF, C&F, L/C, etc.) 应用: 根据要求,写出格式正确,信息完整,语言清晰简洁的报价、报盘和返盘等国际贸易信函。 四、本章关键问题

报价Quotation, 实盘Firm Offer, 虚盘Non-firm Offer, 返盘Counter-Offer, 报价条款。

第六单元 订购与合同


一、 学习目的与要求

了解国际贸易中订货信函的主要内容,掌握此类信函的典型句型和常用表达。掌握订单的相关知识和写作方法;了解怎样进行订单、确认订单、取消订单;掌握与订单相关的重点词汇和词句。了解定购合同和销售合同的内容和书写格式,掌握相关的内容及常用的固定搭配及惯用语句。 二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Introduction

Placing Order Purchasing Order Order Acknowledgement Sales Confirmation 2.Structure

a) Opening b) Body c) Closing

3. Sample Letters

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记:订货信函的主要内容,订单,确认订单以及合同的书写格式,常用语句。 应用:根据要求写出格式正确,信息完整,语言清晰简洁的订货信函、订单、确认订单和合同。 四、本章关键问题


第七单元 支付与催款



熟悉并掌握不同的付款方式:付款交单、承兑交单、信用证方式付款。 熟练掌握信用证付款方式的有关知识和写作方法。掌握与付款、催款相关的重点词汇和表达方式。

二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Payment

Remittance 汇付 Collection 托收 Letter of Credit 信用证

Credit Application Letters 信用申请信函 2.Collection Letters 催款函 3. Sample Letters

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求 本单元不作为考核内容。 四、本章关键问题



第八单元 投诉、索赔与理算




二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Complaints 投诉

a) Complaint about delay

b) Complaint about broken merchandise c) Complaint about poor packing d) Complaint about missing goods

2.Claims 索赔

a) Claim about irregularity with order b) Claim about defects in merchandise

3. Adjustments 理赔

a) Granting adjustment b) Grating partial adjustment c) Refusing adjustment

4. Sample Letter Study

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions: 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记: ① 投诉的原因、投诉信函的写作目的和写作方法。

② 索赔的原因、索赔信函的写作目的和写作方法。 ③ 理赔的种类与方法,理赔信函的写作要点。

应用:根据要求写出格式正确、信息完整、语言清晰简洁、语气适当的投诉、索赔和理赔信函。 四、本章关键问题


第九单元 推销信函 Unit 9 SALES LETTERS


了解推销信函的内容、写作特点以及推销信函写作的基本结构要求。掌握推销信的内涵与功能、语言特征、文本格式、推销信常用语句。 二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Introduction

Purpose of Sales Letter Four essential elements Follow-up Letter

2.Structure and Writing Suggestions

a) Opening b) Body c) Closing 3. Sample Letter.

4. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求 识记: ①推销信函的类型和功能;



应用:根据要求写出格式正确、信息完整、语言清晰简洁、有说服力的推销信函。 四、本章关键问题


第十单元 求职信与求职简历





二、课程内容(考试内容) 1.Application Letters

What is a good application letter?

a) Attract the reader’s attention

b) Interest the reader in you as a prospective employee. c) Make the reader want to hire you d) Lead to a personal interview

Writing Suggestions Sample Letters 2.Resume

Formats and Contents Samples

3. Letters of Reference and Recommendation 4. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记: ①求职信的写作目的与主要内容;

②求职简历的内容构成和常见格式; ③求职信函常用语句。

应用: ①写作语法正确,格式规范的个人简历;




第十一单元 社交信




函的范畴、语言特征、文本格式、国际通行的社交惯例、常用社交信函用语。 二、课程内容

1. Letter of Thanks (致谢信) Writing Suggestions

Sample Letter

2. Letter of Congratulations (祝贺信)

Writing Suggestions Sample Letter

3. Invitations (邀请信、请柬) Formal Invitation Informal Invitation 4. Announcements (公告)

5. Letter of Condolence or Sympathy (吊唁或慰问信)

Writing Suggestions Sample Letter

6. Useful Sentences and Expressions 三、考核知识点与考核要求 识记: ①致谢信;

②祝贺信; ③邀请信和请柬; ④社交信函常用语句。

应用: 根据要求写出格式正确、信息完整、语言清晰简洁、语气适当,体现社交礼仪的商务社交信函(致谢信、祝贺信、邀请信和请柬)。 四、本章关键问题


第十二单元 备忘录和会议记录 Unit 12 MEMOS AND MINUTES


了解备忘录或便函,会议记录的功能,了解其内涵、特点、要素、使用范围。掌握备忘录和会议记录的规范格式和写作基本要求,掌握备忘录和会议记录的写作方法。 二、课程内容

1.Interoffice Memos 备忘录 (便函)

The Purpose of Writing a Memo Memo Format Organization of Memo Sample Memos Writing Suggestions 2.Minutes 会议记录

Writing Suggestions Sample Minutes 三、考核知识点与考核要求

识记: ①备忘录的格式,组成部分,语言特点;

②会议记录的格式和构成部分; ③备忘录与会议记录常用语。

应用:写作格式规范、语言简洁、内容完整的备忘录和会议记录。 四、本单元关键问题


第十三单元 报告





1.The Parts of a Report 报告的组成部分

Memo or letter of transmission Table of contents

List of tables and illustration Acknowledgements Summary Body of the report Recommendations Appendixes

2.Kinds of Report 报告的类型

Informational report Analytical report

3. Formats of Reports 报告的格式

Report in memo form Report in letter form Short informal report Long formal report

4. Writing Suggestions 三、考核知识点与考核要求 本单元不作为考核内容。 四、本章关键问题


Ⅳ 关于大纲的说明与考核实施要求















2、阅读教材时,要逐段细读,逐句推敲,集中精力,吃透每一个知识点,对基本概念必须深刻理解,对基本理论必须彻底弄清,对基本方法必须牢固掌握。 3、在自学过程中,既要思考问题,也要做好阅读笔记,把教材中的基本概念、原理、方法等加以整理,这可从中加深对问题的认知、理解和记忆,以利于突出



针对问题围绕相关知识点进行层次(步骤)分明的论述或推导,明确各层次(步骤)间的逻辑关系。 五、应考指导

1. 如何学习


2. 如何考试


3. 如何处理紧张情绪


4. 如何克服心理障碍



1、 应熟知考试大纲对课程提出的总要求和各单元的知识点。

2、应掌握各知识点要求达到的能力层次,并深刻理解对各知识点的考核目标。 3、 辅导时,应以考试大纲为依据,指定的教材为基础,不要随意增删内容,以免与大纲脱节。

4、 辅导时,应对学习方法进行指导,宜提倡“认真阅读教材,刻苦钻研教材,主动争取帮助,依靠自己学通”的方法。

5、 辅导时,要注意突出重点,对考生提出的问题,不要有问即答,要积极启发引导。

6、 注意对应考者能力的培养,特别是自学能力的培养,要引导学生逐步学会独立学习,在自学过程中善于提出问题,分析问题,做出判断,解决问题。 7、 要使考生了解试题的难易与能力层次高低两者不完全是一回事,在各个能力层次中会存在着不同难度的试题。



1. 本课程要求考生学习和掌握的知识点内容都作为考核的内容。课程中各章的内容均由若干知识点组成,在自学考试中成为考核知识点。因此,课程自学考试大纲中所规定的考试内容是以分解为考核知识点的方式给出的。由于各知识点在课程中的地位、作用以及知识自身的特点不同,自学考试将对各知识点分别按四个认知(或叫能力)层次确定其考核要求。

2. 在考试之日起6个月前,由全国_和_颁布或修订的法律、法规都将列入相应课程的考试范围。凡大纲、教材内容与现行法律、法规不符的,应以现行法律法规为准。命题时也会对我国经济建设和科技文化发展的重大方针政策的变化予以体现。(注:一般会涉及到公共政治课、公共管理类、经济管理类、法律等社会科学有关专业的相关课程,其内容所占比例约为10%―15%。涉及这方面内容的课程大纲,要在本大纲里提醒个人自学者、社会助学组织在学习过程中关注此事。)

3. 按照重要性程度不同,考核内容分为重点内容、次重点内容、一般内容,在本课程试卷中对不同考核内容要求的分数比例大致为:重点内容占60%,次重点内容占30%,一般内容占10%。







5、试题的难度可分为:易、较易、较难和难四个等级。每份试卷中不同难 度试题的分数比例一般为:2:3:3:2。

6、课程考试命题的主要题型一般有单项选择题、多项选择题、填空题、重组 题、简答题、翻译题、写作题等题型。

7、在命题工作中必须按照本课程大纲中所规定的题型命制,考试试卷使用的 题型可以略少,但不能超出本课程对题型规定。



Fill in the blanks with correct items:

A good writing must carry qualities of _____, _____ ,______, ______,and . (5 C’s) 2.简答

Answer the following questions自考英语应用文写作: 1)

What are the differences between full

adjustment and partial

adjustment when deal with a complaint or claim?

2) What are the common components of a business minutes? 3.重组

Rearrange the following phrases so that they compose a proper letter of thanks:

1) Dear Mr. Karl

2) We have always valued the happy working relationship.

3) how much we appreciate the unusually large order you placed with us yesterday,

4) I just want to write to you personally to say and to thank you 5) that has existed over so many years between our two firms,

6) Yours sincerely,

7) and shall do our best to maintain it.

8) Believe me, it is a great pleasure to serve you again. 9) for your continued confidence in us. 4.翻译

Translate the following letter into English:

请寄一份“永久牌”自行车的商品目录和最新价目表。我们对男女式自行车均感兴趣。本地区的自行车需求量很大。由于汽油昂贵,很可能越来越多的人将使用自行车而取代汽车。如果贵公司的自行车质量令人满意并且价格由竞争性,我公司将长期大量订购。 5.写作

Practical writing test:

1) Write an application letter of yourself seeking a secretary position in an advertising company.

2) Write an invitation based on the following information: 被邀请人:Mr. Henry James 邀请人:ABC 公司 出席:晚宴


时间:12月31日(星期六)晚8:30 地点:世界贸易中心大厦10楼

江苏自考英语作文模板范文 第8篇






















