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英语作文格式150句范文 第1篇

Nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. From my aspect, I think we can make many friends and travel with them.

Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. For modern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. However, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life.

Secondly, we can make friends by traveling. For most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. If you check the internet, you will find that some people will call others to join them for travel. Through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle.

Thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. Before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. You can find lots of things you don’t know when you make a plan, such as, the origin of a certain area, the customs of different areas, local food and so on.

In conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.

英语作文格式150句范文 第2篇

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone

With the rapid economic development,the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to communicate with each other.


This phenomenon gives rise to this question:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone?


It is widely believed that it greatly facilitates students’ campus life. Many instances could be found to support this type of opinion.


A graduating student in our university bought a mobile phone in the course of hunting for his job. He told me that through the mobile phone he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intends to work with and would not miss any opportunities.


However,everything has both positive and negative facets. The mobile phone also has many disadvantages.


For instance,the ringing of the mobile phone often disturbs the teacher’s teaching and other students’ learning.


Personally,the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages of it as long as we don’t interfere with others while using it.


英语作文格式150句范文 第3篇






英语作文格式150句范文 第4篇

Is English Not Important Any More?

Recently, the Ministry of Education has drafted a reform about English, it is said that English will be not the subject that take into account of the College Entrance Exam, a lot of students feel excited, because they think English will not be their burden. The reform may relieve some students who are week in English, they think they don’t need to spend so much time in learning English, because English is not important any more.

The fact is that they get the wrong idea, English still important even though it will be no more considered to be the College Entrance Exam. The trend is people learning English since they are young, parents pay special attention to the children’s second language, so most students now are good at English. What’s more, English is the most widely used language, it can enhance a student’s competition. So English is still important to learn.

英语作文格式150句范文 第5篇

Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my Festival is a folk the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called _Arbor Day_. But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.s.

With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.



英语作文格式150句范文 第6篇

Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of disforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.

A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.

Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.

吸烟可能对某些人来说是一件愉快的事情,但却为他们的伙伴带来一系列的不适。 医药科学家们表达了他们对烟民们和生活在被烟草污染的空气中的人们的健康受吸烟影




英语作文格式150句范文 第7篇

Sample1: College students Join The Army


It’s a good option for college students to join the army. Army is the important constitution in a country. Nowadays, many college students prefer to be soldiers. Why?


Firstly, there are many preferential policies for college students to join the army, such as tuition waiver, wage subsidy. What’s more, I consider join the army can strengthen our mind. In my opinion, it’s the most important reason to join the army. Whatever you are a student or others, two years’ training can build a strong body, too.


I want to join the army. My family is delighted to my decision. Because I want to be a great and strong woman and change my images in front of my friends. More importantly, I would like to experience the army life; I think it will be a colorful moment in my whole life.


英语作文格式150句范文 第8篇

Mike is a is my good is busy at the is going to read a magazine this Saturday is going to go to the zoo this Saturday is going to buy a book this Sunday is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday is going to watch TV this Sunday evening.vening.

英语作文格式150句范文 第9篇

These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all his time andmoney playing Internet games,the female student studies diligently. One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard,while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to. Theabove images encourage students to value their time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities.?While students dream of being accepted into college for years,they often become lost once admitted. Without their parents' constant support and advice,or because of limited communication with teachers,many students are unable to focus on their future goals. Such confusion leads some to forget their studies and resort to play-ing on the Internet,among other forms of recreation.

Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind,but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose,one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one's studies. Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure,while continuously studying guarantees success. Students need to appreciate thei-r time in school,and work hard in order to ensure a good future.

英语作文格式150句范文 第10篇


How to choose Friends

As the saying goes, “ A friend in need is a friend indeed “ . Friends play a very essential role in our daily life. However, how to make goods friends is a problem for most of us. As for me, I have three principles to choose friends.


In the first place, good friends should have their own principles. We should take into account the fact that people who insist on their principles have high quality. Therefore, it is worth making friends with them.


Then, I want to point out that good friends should be full of trust. This kind of person has a pure heart, so we can communicate with each other by heart.


Finally, active friends are just like beautiful sunshine. They can light up our blue mood, drive away the dark clouds and give us courage.


Friends who have above three characteristics will be great wealth for us.


英语作文格式150句范文 第11篇


Before it was proven that the earth was round, it was a well-known “ fact “ that it was flat. This “ fact “ was so widely accepted that no one dared test it, because they thought if they did sail out beyond the horizon they would fall off the edge. In other words, because they believed it couldn't be done, it wasn't done.

在地球没有被证明是圆的以前,人们普遍接受的 “ 事实 “ 是:它是扁平的。这个 “ 事实 “ 得到了广泛的认同,以至于没人敢去验证它是否正确,因为大家担心如果航行的船只一跨过地平线,就会从边界上掉下去。换句话说,因为大家都相信这件事情不能做,于是就没有人去做。

That is, until Columbus questioned common knowledge and asked “ what if? “ This question literally expanded the boundaries2)of his country, changed history, and permanently altered accepted reality forever.

这种状况一直延续到哥伦布质疑这个常识的那一刻-- “ 如果不是……会怎样? “ 这个疑问彻底拓宽了他祖国的疆域,改写了历史,并且永久性地改变了人们所接受的现实。

In spite of our tendency to think of reality as the non-negotiable basis of our experience, the definition of reality changes every time someone pushes the boundary conditions of conventional wisdom. When our perception of reality changes, our behavior changes accordingly, based on what is newly considered possible. When Columbus returned from the New World, a revised world map was drawn up and this began a new era of exploration and adventure.


Examples of the impossible being made possible can be found throughout history. When Chuck Yeager flew the X-1, he shattered the myth that there was such a thing as a sound barrier . His training and instincts, combined with the new technology of the day, not only enabled him to go beyond the speed of sound, but reinforced the fact that even alleged technological barriers can be overcome as well.

纵观整个历史, “ 不可能 “ 变成 “ 可能 “ 的例子不胜枚举。当查克?耶格尔驾驶X-1型飞机腾空而起的时候,他就颠覆了世界上存在声障的神话。他的训练和天分,加上当代的新技术,不仅帮助他超越了声速,也再次证明了即使是所谓的技术障碍也能够被克服。

People often approach me in my seminars with statements such as, “ I'll never be successful because my parents never supported me, “ “ I don't have the right education to create wealth, “ or “ I can't pursue my dreams because I have too many obligations. “ I even hear, “ I can't do what I want in my life because I don't have the money. “ These statements are clear indicators of the boundary conditions of their own thinking. They are accepting certain seeming truths proven true by their experience and coming up against the individual horizons beyond which they cannot conceive of venturing.

在我的演讲会上,经常有许多人走过来说 “ 我永远不会成功,因为我父母不支持我 “ , “ 我没有受过良好的教育,无法创造财富 “ ,或者 “ 我无法追求自己的梦想,因为我有太多的责任 “ 。我甚至听到有人说 “ 我不能做自己想做的事,因为我没有钱 “ 。这种种言辞清楚地显示出他们思维的边缘效应,他们正在接受某种由自己的经验证明的所谓 “ 真理 “ ,遇到了他们不敢逾越的个人边界。

Success follows beliefs such as, “ I have all I need to be incredibly wealthy and massively successful. “ Warren Buffett, the most successful investor of all time, was once asked, “ How have things changed for you now that you have incredible wealth? “ He responded, “ Well, I can afford anything I want... “ Then he paused before adding, ...but then again, I always could. “ Even before Buffett had actually created the wealth he enjoys today, he already had the mind-set17)of wealth-and therefore the power to create it, because he saw the world in those terms. “ The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, “ wrote Bernard Shaw, “ the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. “ When we dare to go beyond our own internal boundary conditions, we discover a whole new world of possible futures for ourselves.

其实,这样的信念才能带来成功: “ 我拥有能够带来无尽财富和巨大成功的所有一切。 “ 有史以来最成功的投资人沃伦?巴菲特曾经被问到: “ 现在你有数不尽的财富,你是怎样创造这一切的? “ 他回答说: “ 哦,我可以买下任何我想要的东西…… “ 他顿了一下补充说: “ ……不过,我一直都可以。 “ 巴菲特在创造出现有财富之前,已经把这些财富装进头脑里了。 “ 理性的人调整自己以便适应这个世界, “ 肖伯纳认为, “ 不理性的人坚持改变世界以适应自己。因此所有的进步都有赖于不理性的人。 “ 当我们超越自己内心的边界,就会发现一个全新的世界,里面有我们可能的未来。

Let's play a little game. It's called the “ What's Possible “ game. The dictionary definition of possible is something “ that can or may be, exist, happen, or be done. “ Each of the following questions I want you to answer yes or no. Has someone, somewhere on the planet today, achieved these things?

让我们玩一个小游戏,它叫 “ 什么是可能的 “ 。在字典里, “ 可能 “ 的意思是 “ 能够或者也许存在、发生或者完成的东西 “ ,请你用 “ 是 “ 或 “ 不是 “ 来回答下面每个问题。今天,在这世界上的某个地方,是否会有人取得这些成就?

Is it possible to have a million dollars in the bank?

Is it possible to have a successful business?

Is it possible to wake up excited about life?

Is it possible to have happy, loving relationships?

Is it possible to be fit and healthy?

Is it possible to find your life's work and feel passionate about your life most of the time?






You may have experienced one of the side effects of this game as you answered the questions. This is called the “ yes, buts. “ The “ yes, buts “ are responses such as “ Yes, but that won't happen to me, “ or “ Yes, but that's because they had privileges19)I don't have, “ and so forth.

在回答问题的时候,你也许会感受到这种游戏的负面效应。这种效应叫做 “ 是的,但是 “ 。 “ 是的,但是 “ 是诸如 “ 是的,但是那不会发生在我身上 “ ,或者 “ 是的,但那是因为他们有我没有的特权 “ 等等。

Ignore the “ yes, buts “ for the time being. All I want you to do right now is open your mind to the possibility that the world is made up of a countless array of experiences from the very worst to the very best. As someone once said, “ A mind is like a parachute20)-it works best when open. “ And here is my promise: If you open your mind, you will enjoy a more abundant and fulfilling life.

从现在开始忘掉 “ 是的,但是 “ 。现在你做的就是认识到这样一种可能性,即世界是由无数从最好到最坏的经历组成的。正如有人曾说过的: “ 头脑就像降落伞--在打开的时候工作得最好。 “ 我的承诺是:如果你能够广开思路,就会享受到更加丰富、更加充实的人生。

英语作文格式150句范文 第12篇

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our

home will become better and better.


英语作文格式150句范文 第13篇

I didn’t finish my work today. I didn’t write the English dairy. My mother was

very angry because she has keen me to get ahead in the career. I know that she is good for me, but I don’t know how to say now. May be I lacks confidence in myself. Now I am writing my English now. From now on I will force myself to practice English and do exercise. I hope I can be turn better tomorrow.

Today I knew a new word: practices makes perfect.

英语作文格式150句范文 第14篇

If we are in bud in junior high school, then I prefer to call it _the second before the flower blooms_ in senior high school. After saying goodbye to the place where we have lived for many years, it is not so exaggerated, just in another district of the same city, my senior high school life officially kicked off.

At this time, I have stood at the gate of the high school, looking at the plaque on the wall _XX school_, the legend of the next three years will be the fate of the three years of life, I could not help but take a deep breath, then put it on! Into the new class, there is no doubt that all are brand new faces, the first day of school is the same self-introduction, only one more item, our dream university. This stumped me, for I was a little nervous about something I had never thought of before. It was about to come to me. _What can I say...... Come on, name one, _I said inwardly. Simple class meeting after we started to today, the most important thing is that a baseline test, combined with composite scores, to adjust part of the staff, for the first time after the examination, the examination, the heart have some nervous, but fortunately, adjust the mood, feeling a test paper, also can be discontinued. _The past achievements are all in the past. Seizing the moment is the most important thing for you at this moment. There are more important things waiting for you in front of you......_ At the end of the exam, the teacher's words touched me a little, but I was still half asleep at this time. Nevertheless, I hope I can make clear my goal as soon as possible and not waste the three years.

Student when we open a new phase, first of all to meet us must be the military training, half a month, other, more afraid of is to get a suntan, but comfort, s) in the practise, this doesn't consider as what, and that half a month to oneself also is very good a spur, tell yourself to adapt to the high school life as soon as possible, I also want to take this opportunity to get rid of my residual inertia and embrace the next mysterious high school life with a new attitude. As a member of this key school, I should also be proud of it. In the next time, it is our understanding of the school, each school classes start watching documentaries, imperceptible in arm has played a goose bumps, when see past data of senior senior entrance, heart with a sense of pride, because at the moment I was xx, my heart also with small fire, Three years from now, I hope I can be one of them.

A new chapter has been opened, the inner shell has been removed, the road ahead is full of unknowns, but I am ready!

英语作文格式150句范文 第15篇

When you look around, you will find that the spring is ing. The breeze is gently brushing your face. The blue sky is above you. After raining, the flowers are blooming in the garden. The living beings start to grow. Everything is full with vigor and fragrance. The best season of this year, you cann’t miss it and you will love it.

The spring is ing, it brings green to the trees and grass, pink and yellow to the flowers. Activeness to the animals. Hopes to the human beings. The birds start to sing, the farmers begin to plant crops in the fields. In spring, everywhere is full of hope. People usually say that a good beginning is half done, while spring is the beginning of a year. So we should appreciate it and make the most use of it. Try the best to spread seeds in spring and you will get a good harvest in autumn. Then you will see how important spring is and how lovely it is.

英语作文格式150句范文 第16篇


The Meaning of Sharing

I believe when we were little babies, we were taught to learn to share with others. At first, I don’t understand. But now I can understand gradually. Share happiness will make me feel happier, while share my sadness with my friends will make me reduce sadness. When I told my friends I got the first praise in the recital contest, they all congratulated to me and said many good words, which made me happier. When I got blame from my teacher, I told my friends, which made me felt comfortable. Besides, their comfort also helped me feel better. What’s more, sharing my experience with others that help them lots can makes me feel satisfied. Anyway, sharing my emotion and things with others makes me feel awesome. You’d better try to learn to share, and then you will understand.


英语作文格式150句范文 第17篇


My View on Discipline

Almost all of the foreigner investment companies believe that company need to be discipline first, then how do they do??


Firstly, leaders should exactly do what they have said, that is the beginning of the discipline, and it will impact the reputation of the company. If every employee of the company can do what they said, the discipline teams can be built.


Secondly, the leaders of the company must be careful about the order they transmit making it, please think and think carefully, otherwise, once has given the order, but no execution, the organization’s discipline will not be exist.


Finally, the discipline is part of the company culture, how to standard the company’s discipline, is a large knowledge, since discipline is exist company’s invisible culture, is part of the organization, that require every employee be credit and said to do.


英语作文格式150句范文 第18篇

In some provinces of China people use different activities to commemorate this day for instance spring-outing swinging tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder then make it into small balls.

The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.

英语作文格式150句范文 第19篇

People's views on campus love are always different. Some people think that campus love is a bitter fruit, which may cause pain and hurt people. Those who oppose campus love think that campus love is just a waste of time and money, while others think that nothing is more beautiful than love.

As far as I'm concerned, the latter seems to be an idealist who loves for love. I don't quite agree with the above two views. Since we are college students now, we should learn to take full responsibility.

It's time to experience all kinds of growing pains including love. So maybe we should pursue it bravely, even though the sadness may happen to us. However, I don't mean that learning can be ignored more than love.

As college students, our main task is to learn in the past, now and in the future. Being an adult doesn't mean being completely independent. A man's first task is to find a way to feed himself so that others no longer need to support him.

Therefore, we must master the way to make a living in the future. Those who give up their studies for the sake of love are generally lazy, not idealists. Campus love has two sides.

Sure, you may spend some money looking for it, but if you can arrange the time, it will add color to your life and tell you how to give rather than accept without affecting your study. Follow the stars in your heart, why not try it.

英语作文格式150句范文 第20篇

There are as many interesting stories in my childhood as the stars at night, but one of them is still fresh in my memory.

That day, my mother took me to my grandmother's home to play. When I got to my grandma's house and got off the bus, I could hardly wait to run to the open space of my grandmother's house. At this moment, a strange noise was heard in the grass, and a green Mantis was seen in the grass. A thought flashed through my mind: I'm going to grab it. So I found a stick and drove it out of the grass. Then, I waved it to him with a stick, but it was so easy for me to jump over and jump over me, and I fell to the ground without notice. _You can't just give up._!_ I silently encouraged myself in the bottom of my heart, and then I got up and threw it again. It was easily escaped again. I once again fall on the ground, the two times of failure, the lesson: not storm, only to outsmart. Back to grandma's house, in the living room, I saw a jar, a stratagem comes to mind. By the way, I can catch the mantis with a jar!

Say, do, do, I hold the jar, carefully hide behind the pillar, waiting for the opportunity. Waiting for the mantis to relax his vigilance, I threw it at him, but still escaped it. In several rounds of battle, it was captured me. Then, I tied a string on its foot, ha ha, it was my pet. At this time, a man with his pet dog through grandma's house, is imposing. I think I might as well set a precedent for _praying mantis_! But it refused to go with me, but in desperation I had to drag it along and drag it along. When I realized the situation was wrong, I found that it had already broken the rope and escaped.

It's interesting to catch Mantis this time!

